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Created January 21, 2021 15:13
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type 'a t
val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val both : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
module Make (IO : IO) = struct
let run =
print_endline "Hello World!" ;
IO.return ()
module type STREAM = sig
type 'a t
type 'a io
val create : unit -> ('a -> unit) * 'a t
val get : 'a t -> 'a option io
module Make1 (IO : IO) (Stream : STREAM with type 'a io = 'a IO.t) = struct
let ( >>= ) = IO.bind
let run stream =
Stream.get stream >>= function
| Some str -> print_endline str ; IO.return ()
| None -> IO.return ()
➜ abstract cat functor.mli
module type IO = sig
type 'a t
val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
val both : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
module type STREAM = sig
type 'a t
type 'a io
val create : unit -> ('a -> unit) * 'a t
val get : 'a t -> 'a option io
module Make1 (IO : IO) (Stream : STREAM with type 'a io = 'a IO.t) : sig
type 'a io = 'a IO.t
type 'a stream = 'a Stream.t
val run : string stream -> unit io
module type S = sig
type t
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
type 'a t = (module S with type t = 'a)
module Imp = Implicit.Make(struct type nonrec 'a t = 'a t end)
type 'a witness = Imp.witness
let register : type a. of_string:(string -> a) -> to_string:(a -> string) -> a witness
= fun of_string to_string ->
let module X = struct
type t = a
let of_string = of_string
let to_string = to_string
end in
Imp.inj (module X)
type value = Imp.t = ..
let to_string (value : value) =
let Imp.Value (v, (module X))= Imp.prj value in
X.to_string v
let value : type a. a witness -> a -> value =
fun (module Witness) v -> Witness.T v
(* / *)
let int = register ~of_string:int_of_string ~to_string:string_of_int
module Int = struct
type value += T of int
let value = value int 42
let float = register ~of_string:float_of_string ~to_string:string_of_float
module Float = struct
type value += T of float
let pattern : value -> = function
| Int.T x ->
| _ -> None
let run (value : value) =
Format.printf ">>> %s" (to_string value)
let () = run (value int 42) ; run (value float 42.)
type ('a, 's) io
(* 'a Lwt.t -> ('a, lwt) io *)
type 's scheduler =
{ bind : 'a 'b. ('a, 's) io -> ('a -> ('b, 's) io) -> ('b, 's) io
; return : 'a. 'a -> ('a, 's) io }
module Make (T : sig type 'a t end) = struct
type t
type 'a s = 'a T.t
external inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) io = "%identity"
external prj : ('a, t) io -> 'a s = "%identity"
module Lwt_scheduler = Make(Lwt)
type lwt = Lwt_scheduler.t
module Unix_scheduler = Make(struct type 'a t = 'a end)
type unix = Unix_scheduler.t
(* Unix_scheduler.t <> Lwt_scheduler.t *)
val run : 's scheduler -> (unit, 's) io
let () =
let fiber0 : (unit, lwt (* <> unix *)) io = run lwt_scheduler in
Lwt_scheduler.prj fiber0 : unit Lwt.t
(* Unix_scheduler.prj fiber0 *)
type 's both = { f : 'a 'b. ('a, 's) io -> ('b, 's) io -> ('a * 'b, 's) io }
let run_ : type s. s scheduler -> (unit, s) io =
fun { return; _ } ->
print_endline "Hello World!" ;
return ()
let run : type s. s scheduler -> s both -> (unit, s) io = fun { bind; return; } { f= both } -> ...
module Make1 (IO : IO) = struct
module Scheduler = Make(IO)
let scheduler =
let open IO in
let open Scheduler in
{ bind= (fun x f -> inj (bind (prj x) (fun x -> prj (f x)))
; return= (fun x -> inj (return x)) }
let run : 'a IO.t = run_ scheduler |> Scheduler.prj
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