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Created November 19, 2017 06:03
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let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
type ('l, 'r) either =
| L of 'l
| R of 'r
type ('a, 'b) cpl = T of 'a * 'b
module Eq =
type (_, _) refl = Refl : ('a, 'a) refl
let symm
: type m n. (m, n) refl -> (n, m) refl
= fun Refl -> Refl
let trans
: type m n p. (m, n) refl -> (n, p) refl -> (m, p) refl
= fun Refl Refl -> Refl
module Lift (T : sig type 'a t end) =
let lift
: type a b. (a, b) refl -> (a T.t, b T.t) refl =
fun Refl -> Refl
let cast
: type a b. (a, b) refl -> a -> b
= fun Refl x -> x
let arrow
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> (a -> c, b -> d) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
let cpl
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> ((a, c) cpl, (b, d) cpl) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
let star
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> (a * c, b * d) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
let either
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> ((a, c) either, (b, d) either) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
module A =
type var =
| Z
| S of var
let rec int_of_var = function
| Z -> 1
| S n -> 1 + (int_of_var n)
type typ =
| Int
| Bool
| String
| Lambda of typ * typ
| Tuple of typ * typ
let rec pp_typ ppf = function
| Int -> Fmt.string ppf "int"
| Bool -> Fmt.string ppf "bool"
| String -> Fmt.string ppf "string"
| Lambda (a, b) -> ppf "(%a -> %a)" pp_typ a pp_typ b
| Tuple (a, b) -> ppf "(%a * %a)" pp_typ a pp_typ b
type const =
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
| String of string
and binop =
| Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Cpl | Eq
and unop =
| Fst | Snd | L of typ | R of typ
and exp =
| Con of const
| Var of var
| Abs of typ * exp
| App of exp * exp
| Bin of binop * exp * exp
| Uno of unop * exp
| Let of typ * exp * exp
| Swt of { l : typ
; r : typ
; t : typ
; a : exp
; b : exp
; s : exp }
| Rec of typ * typ * exp * exp
| If of exp * exp * exp
let pp_const ppf = function
| Int n -> ppf "%d" n
| Bool b -> ppf "%b" b
| String s -> ppf "%s" s
let rec pp ppf = function
| Con c -> ppf "%a" pp_const c
| Var n -> ppf "$%d" (int_of_var n)
| Abs (t, e) -> ppf "(\\%a %a)" pp_typ t pp e
| App (f, a) -> ppf "%a %a" pp f pp a
| Bin (Add, a, b) -> ppf "(%a + %a)" pp a pp b
| Bin (Sub, a, b) -> ppf "(%a - %a)" pp a pp b
| Bin (Mul, a, b) -> ppf "(%a * %a)" pp a pp b
| Bin (Div, a, b) -> ppf "(%a / %a)" pp a pp b
| Bin (Eq, a, b) -> ppf "(%a = %a)" pp a pp b
| Bin (Cpl, a, b) -> ppf "(%a, %a)" pp a pp b
| Uno (Fst, a) -> ppf "(fst %a)" pp a
| Uno (Snd, a) -> ppf "(snd %a)" pp a
| Uno (L _, a) -> ppf "(L %a)" pp a
| Uno (R _, a) -> ppf "(R %a)" pp a
| Let (t, v, f) -> ppf "let $1 : %a = %a in %a" pp_typ t pp v pp f
| Swt { l; r; t; a; b; s } -> ppf "(match %a with L $1 : %a -> %a | R $1 : %a -> %a)"
pp s pp_typ l pp a pp_typ r pp b
| Rec (t, u, z, s) -> ppf "(\\%a fix z:%a s:%a)" pp_typ t pp z pp s
| If (t, a, b) -> ppf "(if %a then %a else %a)"
pp t pp a pp b
module B =
type ('e, 'a) var =
| Z : ('e * 'a, 'a) var
| S : ('e, 'a) var -> ('e * 'b, 'a) var
let rec int_of_var : type e a. (e, a) var -> int = function
| Z -> 1
| S n -> 1 + (int_of_var n)
module V =
let o = Z
let x = ()
let ( $ ) x () = S x
(* let v = o$x$x$x$x$x = 5 (church style) *)
type 'a typ =
| Int : int typ
| Bool : bool typ
| String : string typ
| Lambda : 'a typ * 'b typ -> ('a -> 'b) typ
| Tuple : 'a typ * 'b typ -> (('a, 'b) cpl) typ
| Either : 'a typ * 'b typ -> (('a, 'b) either) typ
module Type =
let int = Int
let bool = Bool
let string = String
let lambda a b = Lambda (a, b)
let tuple a b = Tuple (a, b)
let either a b = Either (a, b)
let ( > ) = lambda
let ( * ) = tuple
let ( or ) = either
type ('l, 'r, 'v) binop =
| Add : (int, int, int) binop
| Mul : (int, int, int) binop
| Sub : (int, int, int) binop
| Div : (int, int, int) binop
| Cpl : ('a, 'b, ('a, 'b) cpl) binop
| Eq : ('a, 'a, bool) binop
type ('u, 'v) unop =
| Fst : (('a, 'b) cpl, 'a) unop
| Snd : (('a, 'b) cpl, 'b) unop
| L : ('a, ('a, 'b) either) unop
| R : ('b, ('a, 'b) either) unop
type ('e, 'a) exp =
| Con : 'a -> ('e, 'a) exp
| Uno : ('a, 'res) unop * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'res) exp
| Bin : ('a, 'b, 'res) binop * ('e, 'a) exp * ('e, 'b) exp -> ('e, 'res) exp
| Var : ('e, 'a) var -> ('e, 'a) exp
| Abs : 'a typ * ('e * 'a, 'b) exp -> ('e, 'a -> 'b) exp
| App : ('e, 'a -> 'b) exp * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'b) exp
| Let : 'a typ * ('e, 'a -> 'b) exp * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'b) exp
| Rec : { z : ('e, 'a) exp
; s : ('e * 'a, ('a, 'r) either) exp } -> ('e, 'r) exp
| Swt : { s : ('e, ('l, 'r) either) exp
; a : ('e * 'l, 'l -> 'a) exp
; b : ('e * 'r, 'r -> 'a) exp } -> ('e, 'a) exp
| If : ('e, bool) exp * ('e, 'a) exp * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'a) exp
type 'e env =
| [] : unit env
| (::) : 'a typ * 'e env -> ('e * 'a) env
let rec get
: type e a. (e, a) var -> e -> a
= fun v e -> match v, e with
| Z, (_, x) -> x
| S n, (r, _) -> get n r
let rec run
: type e a. (e, a) exp -> e -> a
= fun x e -> match x with
| Con i -> i
| Uno (L, x) -> L (run x e)
| Uno (R, x) -> R (run x e)
| Uno (Fst, x) -> let T (a, _) = run x e in a
| Uno (Snd, x) -> let T (_, b) = run x e in b
| Var x -> get x e
| Abs (_, r) -> (fun v -> run r (e, v))
| App (f, a) ->
(run f e) (run a e)
| Bin (Add, l, r) -> (run l e) + (run r e)
| Bin (Sub, l, r) -> (run l e) - (run r e)
| Bin (Mul, l, r) -> (run l e) * (run r e)
| Bin (Div, l, r) -> (run l e) / (run r e)
| Bin (Cpl, l, r) -> T (run l e, run r e)
| Bin (Eq, l, r) -> (run l e) = (run r e)
| Let (_, f, a) ->
(run f e) (run a e)
| Swt { s; a; b; } ->
(match run s e with
| L l -> (run a (e, l)) l
| R r -> (run b (e, r)) r)
| Rec { z; s; } ->
let z' = run z e in
let rec loop a = match run s (e, a) with
| L a -> loop a
| R r -> r
loop z'
| If (t, a, b) ->
(match run t e with
| true -> run a e
| false -> run b e)
let int (x:int) = Con x
let string (x:string) = Con x
let tuple (a, b) = Bin (Cpl, a, b)
let lambda t e = Abs (t, e)
let apply f a = App (f, a)
let fix ~z ~s = Rec { z; s; }
let var x = Var x
let ( = ) a b = Bin (Eq, a, b)
let ( + ) a b = Bin (Add, a, b)
let ( * ) a b = Bin (Mul, a, b)
let ( - ) a b = Bin (Sub, a, b)
let si t a b = If (t, a, b)
let left e = Uno (L, e)
let right e = Uno (R, e)
let fst e = Uno (Fst, e)
let snd e = Uno (Snd, e)
let option_bind
: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a option -> 'b option
= fun f -> function Some x -> f x | None -> None
let ( >>= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> (a -> c, b -> d) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> Eq.arrow x (f x)
| None -> None
let ( >&= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> ((a, c) cpl, (b, d) cpl) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> Eq.cpl x (f x)
| None -> None
let ( >*= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> (a * c, b * d) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> x (f x)
| None -> None
let ( >?= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> ((a, c) either, (b, d) either) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> Eq.either x (f x)
| None -> None
let rec eql_typ
: type a b. a B.typ -> b B.typ -> (a, b) Eq.refl option
= fun a b -> match a, b with
| B.Int, B.Int -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.Bool, B.Bool -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.String, B.String -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.Lambda (a, a'), B.Lambda (b, b') -> eql_typ a b >>= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ a' b'
| B.Either (a, a'), B.Either (b, b') -> eql_typ a b >?= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ a' b'
| B.Tuple (a, a'), B.Tuple (b, b') -> eql_typ a b >&= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ a' b'
| _, _ -> None
let rec eql_env
: type a b. a B.env -> b B.env -> (a, b) Eq.refl option
= fun a b ->
let open B in match a, b with
| [], [] -> Some Eq.Refl
| at :: a, bt :: b ->
eql_env a b >*= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ at bt
| _ -> None
type wtyp = Wtyp : 'a B.typ -> wtyp
let rec typ
: A.typ -> wtyp
= function
| A.Int -> Wtyp B.Int
| A.Bool -> Wtyp B.Bool
| A.String -> Wtyp B.String
| A.Lambda (a, b) ->
let Wtyp a = typ a in
let Wtyp b = typ b in
Wtyp (B.Lambda (a, b))
| A.Tuple (a, b) ->
let Wtyp a = typ a in
let Wtyp b = typ b in
Wtyp (B.Tuple (a, b))
type wenv = Wenv : 'a B.env -> wenv
let rec env
: A.typ list -> wenv
= function
| [] -> Wenv B.([])
| x :: r ->
let Wtyp x = typ x in
let Wenv r = env r in
Wenv B.(x :: r)
type wvar = Wvar : ('e, 'a) B.var * 'e B.env * 'a B.typ -> wvar
let rec var
: A.var -> A.typ list -> wvar
= fun v e -> match v, e with
| A.S x, t :: r ->
let Wvar (x', r', tr) = var x r in
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
Wvar (B.S x', B.(t' :: r'), tr)
| A.Z, t :: r ->
let Wtyp t = typ t in
let Wenv r = env r in
Wvar (B.Z, B.(t :: r), t)
| _, _ -> assert false
type wexp = Wexp : ('e, 'a) B.exp * 'e B.env * 'a B.typ -> wexp
type error =
| EnvMismatch of { g : wenv
; g' : wenv }
| TypMismatch of { a : wtyp
; b : wtyp }
exception Error of A.exp * A.typ list * error list
let rec exp
: A.exp -> A.typ list -> wexp
= fun e g ->
match e with
| A.Con (A.Int i) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
Wexp (B.Con i, g', B.Int)
| A.Con (A.Bool b) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
Wexp (B.Con b, g', B.Bool)
| A.Con (A.String s) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
Wexp (B.Con s, g', B.String)
| A.Uno (A.L tr, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp tr' = typ tr in
let Wexp (x', g'', tx') = exp x g in
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.L, x'), g', B.Either (tx', tr'))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.Uno (A.R tl, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp tl' = typ tl in
let Wexp (x', g'', tx') = exp x g in
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.R, x'), g', B.Either (tl', tx'))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.Uno (A.Fst, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
(match exp x g with
| Wexp (x', g'', B.Tuple (ta', tb')) ->
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.Fst, x'), g', ta')
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| _ -> assert false)
| A.Uno (A.Snd, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
(match exp x g with
| Wexp (x', g'', B.Tuple (ta', tb')) ->
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.Snd, x'), g', tb')
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| _ -> assert false)
| A.Bin (A.Cpl, a, b) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wexp (a', g'', ta') = exp a g in
let Wexp (b', g''', tb') = exp b g in
(match eql_env g' g'', eql_env g'' g''' with
| Some (Eq.Refl as g1), Some (Eq.Refl as g2) ->
(match Eq.trans g1 g2 with Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Bin (B.Cpl, a', b'), g', B.Tuple (ta', tb')))
| _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g''; g' = Wenv g''' } ])))
| A.Var x ->
let Wvar (x', g', t') = var x g in
Wexp (B.Var x', g', t')
| A.Abs (t, e) ->
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
let Wenv g' = env g in
(let open B in match exp e (t :: g) with
| Wexp (e', t'' :: g', tr) ->
(match eql_typ t' t'' with
| Some Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Abs (t', e'), g', B.Lambda (t', tr))
| None -> raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t'; b = Wtyp t'' } ])))
| Wexp (_, g'', _) -> raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv B.(t' :: g''); g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.App (f, a) ->
(match exp f g, exp a g with
| Wexp (f', g', (B.Lambda (t', u'))),
Wexp (a', g'', t'') ->
(match eql_env g' g'', eql_typ t' t'' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.App (f', a'), g', u')
| _, _ -> raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t'; b = Wtyp t'' } ])))
| Wexp (_, _, t'), Wexp (_, _, a') ->
(* XXX(dinosaure): [b] type could be wrong of what the user
expect. *)
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t'; b = Wtyp (B.Lambda (a', t')) } ])))
| A.Bin ((A.Add | A.Sub | A.Mul | A.Div) as binop, l, r) ->
let binop = match binop with
| A.Add -> B.Add
| A.Sub -> B.Sub
| A.Mul -> B.Mul
| A.Div -> B.Div
| _ -> assert false (* see pattern-matching (polymorphic variant?). *)
(match exp l g, exp r g with
| Wexp (l', g', B.Int),
Wexp (r', g'', B.Int) ->
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Bin (binop, l', r'), g', B.Int)
| None -> assert false)
| _, _ -> assert false)
| A.Let (t, a, b) ->
(match typ t, exp a g, exp b g with
| Wtyp t', Wexp (f', g', (B.Lambda (t'', u'))), Wexp (a', g'', t''') ->
(match eql_typ t' t'' , eql_typ t'' t''', eql_env g' g'' with
| Some (Eq.Refl as at), Some (Eq.Refl as bt), Some Eq.Refl ->
(match Eq.trans at bt with Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Let (t''', f', a'), g', u'))
| _, _, _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false)
| A.If (t, a, b) ->
(match exp t g, exp a g, exp b g with
| Wexp (t', g', B.Bool),
Wexp (a', g'', u'),
Wexp (b', g''', v') ->
(match eql_typ u' v', eql_env g' g'', eql_env g'' g''' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some (Eq.Refl as ae), Some (Eq.Refl as be) ->
(match Eq.trans ae be with Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.If (t', a', b'), g', u'))
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false)
| A.Bin (A.Eq, a, b) ->
let Wexp (a', g', ta') = exp a g in
let Wexp (b', g'', tb') = exp b g in
(match eql_typ ta' tb', eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Bin (B.Eq, a', b'), g', B.Bool)
| _, _ -> assert false)
| A.Swt { l; r; t; a; b; s; } ->
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
let Wtyp l' = typ l in
let Wtyp r' = typ r in
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wexp (s', g'', t'') = exp s g in
(match eql_typ t'' (B.Either (l', r')) with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
(let open B in match exp a (l :: g), exp b (r :: g) with
| Wexp (a', l'' :: ag'', B.Lambda (l''', ar)),
Wexp (b', r'' :: bg'', B.Lambda (r''', br)) ->
(match eql_typ l' l'', eql_typ r' r'',
eql_env ag'' g'', eql_env bg'' g'',
eql_typ l'' l''', eql_typ r'' r''',
eql_typ ar br with
| Some (Eq.Refl as ta), Some (Eq.Refl as tb),
Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl,
Some (Eq.Refl as ta'), Some (Eq.Refl as tb'),
Some Eq.Refl ->
(match Eq.trans ta ta', Eq.trans tb tb' with
| Eq.Refl, Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Swt { s = s'; a = a'; b = b'; }, g'', ar))
| _ ->
assert false)
| _, _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false)
| A.Rec (t, u, z, s) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
let Wtyp u' = typ u in
let gz = g in
let gs = (u :: g) in
let Wenv gz' = env gz in
let Wenv gs' = env gs in
let Wexp (z', gz'', tz') = exp z gz in
let Wexp (s', gs'', ts') = exp s gs in
(match eql_env g' gz',
eql_env B.(tz' :: g') gs' with
| Some (Eq.Refl as f1), Some (Eq.Refl as e1)->
(match eql_typ tz' u',
eql_typ ts' (B.Either (tz', tz')),
eql_env gz' gz'',
eql_env gs' gs'' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl, Some (Eq.Refl as f2), Some (Eq.Refl as e2) ->
(match Eq.trans f1 f2, Eq.trans e1 e2 with
| Eq.Refl, Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Rec { z = z'; s = s'; }, g', u'))
| _, _, _, _ -> assert false)
| Some Eq.Refl, None -> assert false
| None, Some Eq.Refl -> assert false
| None, None -> assert false)
let run
: type a. A.exp -> a B.typ -> a
= fun m t ->
let open B in match exp m [] with
| Wexp (m', [], t') ->
let v = m' () in
(match eql_typ t t' with Some Eq.Refl -> v | None -> raise (Error (m, [], [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t; b = Wtyp t' } ])))
| Wexp (_, g', _) ->
raise (Error (m, [], [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv []; g' = Wenv g' } ]))
let () = assert (run (A.If (A.Con (A.Bool true), A.Con (A.Int 42), A.Con (A.Int 21))) B.Int = 42)
let switch_example =
{ l = A.String
; r = A.Int
; t = A.String
; a = A.Abs (A.String, A.Var A.Z)
; b = A.Abs (A.Int, A.Con (A.String "<int>"))
; s = A.Uno (A.L A.Int, A.Con (A.String "Hello World!")) }
let k =
((A.Abs (A.Int,
A.Abs (A.Int, A.Var A.(S Z)))),
(A.Con (A.Int 42)))),
(A.Con (A.Int 21)))
let () = assert (run switch_example B.String = "Hello World!")
let () = assert (run k B.Int = 42)
let fix_example =
let open B in
~z:(var V.o)
~s:(si (int 123 = var V.o)
(left (var V.o + var V.o))
(right (var V.o)))
let fact_example =
let code =
let rec fact ((k, x) as v) =
if 0 = (snd v)
then (fst v, 0)
else fact ((fun x -> (fst v) x * (snd v)), (snd v) - 1)
let init x = ((fun x -> 1), x) in
fun x -> (fst ((fun x -> fact (init x)) x)) 0
assert (code 5 = 120);
let open B in
let main =
~z:(tuple (lambda (int 1), var V.o))
~s:(si (int 0 = (snd (var V.o)))
(right (tuple (fst (var V.o), int 0)))
(left (tuple (lambda ((apply (fst (var V.(o$x))) (var V.o)) * (snd (var V.(o$x)))),
((snd (var V.o)) - int 1)))))
lambda (apply (fst (apply (lambda main) (var V.o))) (int 0))
let unsafe_fact =
let open A in
let t = Tuple (Lambda (Int, Int), Int) in
let main =
Rec (Int, t,
Bin (Cpl, Abs (Int, Con (Int 1)), Var Z),
If (Bin (Eq, Con (Int 0), Uno (Snd, Var Z)),
Uno (R t, Bin (Cpl, Uno (Fst, Var Z), Con (Int 0))),
Uno (L t, Bin (Cpl, Abs (Int, Bin (Mul, App (Uno (Fst, Var (S Z)), Var Z), (Uno (Snd, Var (S Z))))),
Bin (Sub, (Uno (Snd, Var Z)), Con (Int 1))))))
Abs (Int, App (Uno (Fst, App (Abs (Int, main), Var Z)), Con (Int 0)))
let () = assert (run unsafe_fact B.Type.(int > int) 5 = fact_example () 5)
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