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Created January 1, 2018 21:02
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(* (c) Romain Calascibetta *)
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type ('l, 'r) either =
| L of 'l
| R of 'r
type ('a, 'b) cpl = T of 'a * 'b
module Eq =
type (_, _) refl = Refl : ('a, 'a) refl
let symm
: type m n. (m, n) refl -> (n, m) refl
= fun Refl -> Refl
let trans
: type m n p. (m, n) refl -> (n, p) refl -> (m, p) refl
= fun Refl Refl -> Refl
module Lift (T : sig type 'a t end) =
let lift
: type a b. (a, b) refl -> (a T.t, b T.t) refl =
fun Refl -> Refl
let cast
: type a b. (a, b) refl -> a -> b
= fun Refl x -> x
let arrow
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> (a -> c, b -> d) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
let cpl
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> ((a, c) cpl, (b, d) cpl) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
let star
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> (a * c, b * d) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
let either
: type a b c d. (a, b) refl -> (c, d) refl option -> ((a, c) either, (b, d) either) refl option
= fun Refl -> function
| Some Refl -> Some Refl
| None -> None
module A =
type var =
| Z
| S of var
let rec int_of_var = function
| Z -> 1
| S n -> 1 + (int_of_var n)
let rec var_of_int n =
if n <= 0
then invalid_arg "A.var_of_int: invalid number (must be upper than 0)"
else match n with
| 1 -> Z
| n -> S (var_of_int (n - 1))
let pp_var ppf v = ppf "@[$%d@]" (int_of_var v)
module V =
let v = var_of_int
type typ =
| Int
| Bool
| String
| Lambda of typ * typ
| Tuple of typ * typ
| Either of typ * typ
module Type =
let int = Int
let bool = Bool
let string = String
let lambda a b = Lambda (a, b)
let tuple a b = Tuple (a, b)
let either a b = Either (a, b)
let ( @-> ) = lambda
let ( * ) = tuple
let ( or ) = either
let pp_infix ~infix pp_a pp_b ppf (a, b) = ppf "@[<1>(@[%a@]@ %s @[%a@])@]" pp_a a infix pp_b b
let rec pp_typ ppf = function
| Int -> Fmt.string ppf "int"
| Bool -> Fmt.string ppf "bool"
| String -> Fmt.string ppf "string"
| Lambda (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"->" pp_typ pp_typ) (a, b)
| Tuple (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"*" pp_typ pp_typ) (a, b)
| Either (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"or" pp_typ pp_typ) (a, b)
type arithmetic = [ `Add | `Sub | `Mul | `Div ]
type primitive =
{ name : string
; typ : typ list * typ
; exp : const list -> const }
and const =
| VInt of int
| VBool of bool
| VString of string
| VTuple of const * const
| VEither of typ * (const, const) either
| VLambda of { typ: typ * typ
; exp: (const -> const) }
and binop =
[ arithmetic | `Tuple | `Eq ]
and unop =
| Fst | Snd | L of typ | R of typ
and exp =
| Con of const
| Prm of primitive
| Var of var
| Abs of typ * exp
| App of exp * exp
| Bin of binop * exp * exp
| Uno of unop * exp
| Let of typ * exp * exp
| Swt of { a : exp
; b : exp
; s : exp }
| Rec of typ * exp * exp
| If of exp * exp * exp
let rec pp_const ppf = function
| VInt n -> ppf "%d" n
| VBool b -> ppf "%b" b
| VString s -> ppf "%s" s
| VTuple (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (Fmt.Dump.pair pp_const pp_const) (a, b)
| VEither (_, L x) -> ppf "@[<1>(L@ %a)@]" pp_const x
| VEither (_, R x) -> ppf "@[<1>(R@ %a)@]" pp_const x
| VLambda { typ = (ta, tb); _ } -> ppf "@[<hov>#lambda:%a@]"
pp_typ (Lambda (ta, tb))
let rec pp ppf = function
| Con c -> ppf "%a" pp_const c
| Var n -> ppf "$%d" (int_of_var n)
| Prm { name; typ = (a, r); _ } -> ppf "(@[<1>#%s@ @[%a@]@])"
pp_typ (List.fold_right (fun x a -> Lambda (x, a)) a r)
| Abs (t, e) -> ppf "@[<2>(\\@[%a@]@ @[<2>%a@])@]" pp_typ t pp e
| App (f, a) -> ppf "@[@[%a@]@ @[%a@]@]" pp f pp a
| Bin (`Add, a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"+" pp pp) (a, b)
| Bin (`Sub, a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"-" pp pp) (a, b)
| Bin (`Mul, a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"*" pp pp) (a, b)
| Bin (`Div, a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"/" pp pp) (a, b)
| Bin (`Eq, a, b) -> ppf "%a" (pp_infix ~infix:"=" pp pp) (a, b)
| Bin (`Tuple, a, b) -> ppf "%a" (Fmt.Dump.pair pp pp) (a, b)
| Uno (Fst, a) -> ppf "@[<2>(fst@ @[%a@])@]" pp a
| Uno (Snd, a) -> ppf "@[<2>(snd@ @[%a@])@]" pp a
| Uno (L _, a) -> ppf "@[<2>(L@ @[%a@])@]" pp a
| Uno (R _, a) -> ppf "@[<2>(R@ @[%a@])@]" pp a
| Let (t, v, f) -> ppf "@[<2>let @[$1 : %a@] =@ @[%a@] in@ @[%a@]@]" (Fmt.hvbox pp_typ) t (Fmt.hvbox pp) v (Fmt.hvbox pp) f
| Swt { a; b; s; } -> ppf "@[<2>@[match %a with@\n| @[<2>@[L $1@] ->@ @[%a@]@]@\n| @[<2>@[R $1@] ->@ @[%a@]@]@]@]"
pp s pp a pp b
| Rec (_, z, s) -> ppf "@[<2>fix@\n@[z:%a@]@\n@[s:%a@]@]" pp z pp s
| If (t, a, b) -> ppf "@[if %a@\nthen @[%a@]@\nelse @[%a@]@]"
pp t pp a pp b
let int n = Con (VInt n)
let string s = Con (VString s)
let tuple (a, b) = Bin (`Tuple, a, b)
let lambda t f = Abs (t, f)
let apply f a = App (f, a)
let fix ~typ ~init s = Rec (typ, init, s)
let var n = Var V.(v n)
let ( = ) a b = Bin (`Eq, a, b)
let ( + ) a b = Bin (`Add, a, b)
let ( * ) a b = Bin (`Mul, a, b)
let ( - ) a b = Bin (`Sub, a, b)
let si t a b = If (t, a, b)
let left ~rtyp x = Uno (L rtyp, x)
let right ~ltyp x = Uno (R ltyp, x)
let fst x = Uno (Fst, x)
let snd x = Uno (Snd, x)
module B =
type ('e, 'a) var =
| Z : ('e * 'a, 'a) var
| S : ('e, 'a) var -> ('e * 'b, 'a) var
let rec int_of_var : type e a. (e, a) var -> int = function
| Z -> 1
| S n -> 1 + (int_of_var n)
module V =
let o = Z
let x = ()
let ( $ ) x () = S x
(* let v = o$x$x$x$x$x = 5 (church style) *)
type 'a typ =
| Int : int typ
| Bool : bool typ
| String : string typ
| Lambda : 'a typ * 'b typ -> ('a -> 'b) typ
| Tuple : 'a typ * 'b typ -> (('a, 'b) cpl) typ
| Either : 'a typ * 'b typ -> (('a, 'b) either) typ
let rec pp_typ : type a. a typ Fmt.t = fun ppf -> function
| Int -> ppf "int"
| Bool -> ppf "bool"
| String -> ppf "string"
| Lambda (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (A.pp_infix ~infix:"->" pp_typ pp_typ) (a, b)
| Tuple (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (A.pp_infix ~infix:"*" pp_typ pp_typ) (a, b)
| Either (a, b) -> ppf "%a" (A.pp_infix ~infix:"or" pp_typ pp_typ) (a, b)
module Type =
let int = Int
let bool = Bool
let string = String
let lambda a b = Lambda (a, b)
let tuple a b = Tuple (a, b)
let either a b = Either (a, b)
let ( @-> ) = lambda
let ( * ) = tuple
let ( or ) = either
type ('l, 'r, 'v) binop =
| Add : (int, int, int) binop
| Mul : (int, int, int) binop
| Sub : (int, int, int) binop
| Div : (int, int, int) binop
| Cpl : ('a, 'b, ('a, 'b) cpl) binop
| Eq : ('a, 'a, bool) binop
type ('u, 'v) unop =
| Fst : (('a, 'b) cpl, 'a) unop
| Snd : (('a, 'b) cpl, 'b) unop
| L : ('a, ('a, 'b) either) unop
| R : ('b, ('a, 'b) either) unop
type ('r, 'e) prim =
{ name : string
; exp : (env:'e -> 'r)
; env : 'e env
; typ : 'r typ }
and ('e, 'a) exp =
| Con : 'a -> ('e, 'a) exp
| Prm : ('r, 'e) prim -> ('e, 'r) exp
| Uno : ('a, 'res) unop * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'res) exp
| Bin : ('a, 'b, 'res) binop * ('e, 'a) exp * ('e, 'b) exp -> ('e, 'res) exp
| Var : ('e, 'a) var -> ('e, 'a) exp
| Abs : 'a typ * ('e * 'a, 'b) exp -> ('e, 'a -> 'b) exp
| App : ('e, 'a -> 'b) exp * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'b) exp
| Let : 'a typ * ('e, 'a) exp * ('e * 'a, 'b) exp -> ('e, 'b) exp
| Rec : { z : ('e, 'a) exp
; s : ('e * 'a, ('a, 'r) either) exp } -> ('e, 'r) exp
| Swt : { s : ('e, ('l, 'r) either) exp
; a : ('e * 'l, 'a) exp
; b : ('e * 'r, 'a) exp } -> ('e, 'a) exp
| If : ('e, bool) exp * ('e, 'a) exp * ('e, 'a) exp -> ('e, 'a) exp
and 'e env =
| [] : unit env
| (::) : 'a typ * 'e env -> ('e * 'a) env
let rec get
: type e a. (e, a) var -> e -> a
= fun v e -> match v, e with
| Z, (_, x) -> x
| S n, (r, _) -> get n r
let rec run
: type e a. (e, a) exp -> e -> a
= fun x e -> match x with
| Con i -> i
| Prm { exp; _ } -> exp ~env:e
| Uno (L, x) -> L (run x e)
| Uno (R, x) -> R (run x e)
| Uno (Fst, x) -> let T (a, _) = run x e in a
| Uno (Snd, x) -> let T (_, b) = run x e in b
| Var x -> get x e
| Abs (_, r) -> (fun v -> run r (e, v))
| App (f, a) -> (run f e) (run a e)
| Bin (Add, l, r) -> (run l e) + (run r e)
| Bin (Sub, l, r) -> (run l e) - (run r e)
| Bin (Mul, l, r) -> (run l e) * (run r e)
| Bin (Div, l, r) -> (run l e) / (run r e)
| Bin (Cpl, l, r) -> T (run l e, run r e)
| Bin (Eq, l, r) -> (run l e) = (run r e)
| Let (_, a, f) ->
run f (e, (run a e))
| Swt { s; a; b; } ->
(match run s e with
| L l -> run a (e, l)
| R r -> run b (e, r))
| Rec { z; s; } ->
let z' = run z e in
let rec loop a = match run s (e, a) with
| L a -> loop a
| R r -> r
loop z'
| If (t, a, b) ->
(match run t e with
| true -> run a e
| false -> run b e)
let int (x:int) = Con x
let string (x:string) = Con x
let tuple (a, b) = Bin (Cpl, a, b)
let lambda t e = Abs (t, e)
let apply f a = App (f, a)
let fix ~z ~s = Rec { z; s; }
let var x = Var x
let ( = ) a b = Bin (Eq, a, b)
let ( + ) a b = Bin (Add, a, b)
let ( * ) a b = Bin (Mul, a, b)
let ( - ) a b = Bin (Sub, a, b)
let si t a b = If (t, a, b)
let left e = Uno (L, e)
let right e = Uno (R, e)
let fst e = Uno (Fst, e)
let snd e = Uno (Snd, e)
let option_bind
: ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a option -> 'b option
= fun f -> function Some x -> f x | None -> None
let ( >>= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> (a -> c, b -> d) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> Eq.arrow x (f x)
| None -> None
let ( >&= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> ((a, c) cpl, (b, d) cpl) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> Eq.cpl x (f x)
| None -> None
let ( >*= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> (a * c, b * d) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> x (f x)
| None -> None
let ( >?= )
: type a b c d.
(a, b) Eq.refl option
-> ((a, b) Eq.refl
-> (c, d) Eq.refl option)
-> ((a, c) either, (b, d) either) Eq.refl option
= fun x f -> match x with
| Some (Eq.Refl as x) -> Eq.either x (f x)
| None -> None
let rec eql_typ
: type a b. a B.typ -> b B.typ -> (a, b) Eq.refl option
= fun a b -> match a, b with
| B.Int, B.Int -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.Bool, B.Bool -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.String, B.String -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.Lambda (a, a'), B.Lambda (b, b') -> eql_typ a b >>= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ a' b'
| B.Either (a, a'), B.Either (b, b') -> eql_typ a b >?= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ a' b'
| B.Tuple (a, a'), B.Tuple (b, b') -> eql_typ a b >&= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ a' b'
| _, _ -> None
let rec eql_env
: type a b. a B.env -> b B.env -> (a, b) Eq.refl option
= fun a b ->
match a, b with
| B.[], B.[] -> Some Eq.Refl
| B.(at :: a), B.(bt :: b) ->
eql_env a b >*= fun Eq.Refl -> eql_typ at bt
| _ -> None
type wtyp = Wtyp : 'a B.typ -> wtyp
let rec typ
: A.typ -> wtyp
= function
| A.Int -> Wtyp B.Int
| A.Bool -> Wtyp B.Bool
| A.String -> Wtyp B.String
| A.Lambda (a, b) ->
let Wtyp a = typ a in
let Wtyp b = typ b in
Wtyp (B.Lambda (a, b))
| A.Tuple (a, b) ->
let Wtyp a = typ a in
let Wtyp b = typ b in
Wtyp (B.Tuple (a, b))
| A.Either (a, b) ->
let Wtyp a = typ a in
let Wtyp b = typ b in
Wtyp (B.Either (a, b))
type wenv = Wenv : 'a B.env -> wenv
let rec env
: A.typ list -> wenv
= function
| [] -> Wenv B.([])
| x :: r ->
let Wtyp x = typ x in
let Wenv r = env r in
Wenv B.(x :: r)
type wvar = Wvar : ('e, 'a) B.var * 'e B.env * 'a B.typ -> wvar
let rec var
: A.var -> A.typ list -> wvar
= fun v e -> match v, e with
| A.S x, t :: r ->
let Wvar (x', r', tr) = var x r in
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
Wvar (B.S x', B.(t' :: r'), tr)
| A.Z, t :: r ->
let Wtyp t = typ t in
let Wenv r = env r in
Wvar (B.Z, B.(t :: r), t)
| v, g -> invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "Variable %a unbound in %a."
A.pp_var v Fmt.(Dump.list A.pp_typ) g)
type wexp = Wexp : ('e, 'a) B.exp * 'e B.env * 'a B.typ -> wexp
type error =
| EnvMismatch of { g : wenv
; g' : wenv }
| TypMismatch of { a : wtyp
; b : wtyp }
| ExpectedTuple of wexp
| ExpectedLambda of wexp
| ExpectedEither of wexp
| UnexpectedAnonymousLambda
exception Error of A.exp * A.typ list * error list
let rec unsafe_cast_const
: type a. A.const -> a B.typ -> (unit, a) B.exp
= fun v t ->
let open B in
match v, t with
| A.VInt n, B.Int -> Con n
| A.VBool b, B.Bool -> Con b
| A.VString s, B.String -> Con s
| A.VTuple (a, b), B.Tuple (ta, tb) ->
(match unsafe_cast_const a ta, unsafe_cast_const b tb with
| Con a, Con b -> Con (T (a, b))
| _, _ -> assert false)
(* XXX(dinosaure); [unsafe_cast_const] returns only a [B.Con _]. *)
| A.VEither (tr, L x), B.Either (tl, tr') ->
let Wtyp tr = typ tr in
(match unsafe_cast_const x tl, eql_typ tr tr' with
| Con x, Some Eq.Refl -> Con (L x)
| _, Some Eq.Refl -> assert false
| _, None -> invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "Unable to cast %a with type %a."
A.pp_const v B.pp_typ t))
| A.VEither (tl, R x), B.Either (tl', tr) ->
let Wtyp tl = typ tl in
(match unsafe_cast_const x tr, eql_typ tl tl' with
| Con x, Some Eq.Refl -> Con (R x)
| _, Some Eq.Refl -> assert false
| _, None -> invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "Unable to cast %a with type %a."
A.pp_const v B.pp_typ t))
| A.VLambda { typ = (uta, utr); exp; }, B.Lambda (ta, tr) ->
let Wtyp ta' = typ uta in
let Wtyp tr' = typ utr in
let exp = fun a ->
let ua = safe_cast_const ta a in
let ur = exp ua in
match unsafe_cast_const ur tr, eql_typ ta ta', eql_typ tr tr' with
| Con r, Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl -> r
| _, None, _ | _, _, None ->
invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "Unable to cast %a with type %a."
A.pp_const v B.pp_typ t)
| _ -> assert false
in Con exp
| v, t ->
invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "Unable to cast %a with type %a."
A.pp_const v B.pp_typ t)
and safe_cast_typ
: type a. a B.typ -> A.typ
= function
| B.Int -> A.Int
| B.Bool -> A.Bool
| B.String -> A.String
| B.Tuple (a, b) -> A.Tuple (safe_cast_typ a, safe_cast_typ b)
| B.Either (a, b) -> A.Either (safe_cast_typ a, safe_cast_typ b)
| B.Lambda (a, b) -> A.Lambda (safe_cast_typ a, safe_cast_typ b)
and safe_cast_const
: type a. a B.typ -> a -> A.const
= fun t v -> match t, v with
| B.Int, n -> A.VInt n
| B.Bool, b -> A.VBool b
| B.String, s -> A.VString s
| B.Tuple (ta, tb), T (a, b) -> A.VTuple (safe_cast_const ta a, safe_cast_const tb b)
| B.Either (tl, tr), L l -> A.VEither (safe_cast_typ tr, L (safe_cast_const tl l))
| B.Either (tl, tr), R r -> A.VEither (safe_cast_typ tl, R (safe_cast_const tr r))
| B.Lambda (ta, tr), f ->
let exp = (fun ua ->
match unsafe_cast_const ua ta with
| B.Con a -> safe_cast_const tr (f a)
| _ -> assert false)
(* XXX(dinosaure); [unsafe_cast_const] returns only a [B.Con _]. *)
A.VLambda { typ = (safe_cast_typ ta, safe_cast_typ tr)
; exp }
let to_index =
let rec go acc index = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| _ :: rest -> go (index :: acc) (index + 1) rest
in go [] 1
let env_from_args args =
(fun (Wenv e) t ->
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
Wenv B.(t' :: e))
(Wenv B.[]) args
let uncurry args =
let open B in
(fun t -> function
| Wexp (a, ta :: e, tr) ->
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
(match eql_typ ta t' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (Abs (t', a), e, Lambda (t', tr))
| None ->
invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "Type mismatch: %a <> %a."
B.pp_typ ta B.pp_typ t'))
| Wexp _ -> invalid_arg "Impossible to uncurry, \
environment mismatch")
let var_of_int
: A.typ list -> int -> wvar
= fun e n ->
let v = A.var_of_int n in
var v e
let env_to_list
: type e. e B.env -> e -> A.const list
= fun g e ->
let rec go
: type e. A.const list -> e B.env -> e -> A.const list
= fun a g e -> match g, e with
| B.(t :: tr), (vr, v) ->
let c = safe_cast_const t v in
go (c :: a) tr vr
| B.([]), () -> a
in go [] g e
let cast_primitive ~name g args rettype unsafe_primitive =
let rec chop n l = match n, l with
| 0, l -> l
| n, _ :: r -> chop (n - 1) r
| _, _ -> assert false in
let miss = List.length g in
let Wenv g' = env List.(rev_append args g) in
Wexp (B.Prm {
; env = g'
; typ = rettype
; exp = (fun ~env ->
let ua = env_to_list g' env in
let uc = unsafe_primitive (chop miss ua) in
match unsafe_cast_const uc rettype with
| B.Con v -> v
| _ -> assert false) },
g', rettype)
let rec exp
: A.exp -> A.typ list -> wexp
= fun e g ->
match e with
| A.Con (A.VInt i) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
Wexp (B.Con i, g', B.Int)
| A.Con (A.VBool b) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
Wexp (B.Con b, g', B.Bool)
| A.Con (A.VString s) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
Wexp (B.Con s, g', B.String)
| A.Con (A.VEither (tr, L x)) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp tr' = typ tr in
let Wexp (x', g'', tx') = exp (A.Con x) g in
(match x', eql_env g' g'' with
| B.Con x', Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Con (L x'), g', B.Either (tx', tr'))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.Con (A.VEither (tl, R x)) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp tl' = typ tl in
let Wexp (x', g'', tx') = exp (A.Con x) g in
(match x', eql_env g' g'' with
| B.Con x', Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Con (R x'), g', B.Either (tl', tx'))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.Con (A.VLambda _) ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ UnexpectedAnonymousLambda ]))
| A.Prm {; typ = (args, ret); exp; } ->
let Wtyp rettype = typ ret in
(match cast_primitive ~name g args rettype exp with
| Wexp (B.Prm _, _, _) as wexp ->
uncurry args wexp
| _ -> assert false)
(* XXX(dinosaure): [p] returns only a [B.Prm _]. *)
| A.Uno (A.L tr, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp tr' = typ tr in
let Wexp (x', g'', tx') = exp x g in
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.L, x'), g', B.Either (tx', tr'))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.Uno (A.R tl, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp tl' = typ tl in
let Wexp (x', g'', tx') = exp x g in
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.R, x'), g', B.Either (tl', tx'))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.Uno (A.Fst, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
(match exp x g with
| Wexp (x', g'', B.Tuple (ta', _)) ->
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.Fst, x'), g', ta')
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| wexp -> raise (Error (e, g, [ ExpectedTuple wexp ])))
| A.Uno (A.Snd, x) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
(match exp x g with
| Wexp (x', g'', B.Tuple (_, tb')) ->
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Uno (B.Snd, x'), g', tb')
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| wexp -> raise (Error (e, g, [ ExpectedTuple wexp ])))
| A.Con (A.VTuple (a, b)) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wexp (a', g'', ta') = exp (A.Con a) g in
let Wexp (b', g''', tb') = exp (A.Con b) g in
(match a', b', eql_env g' g'', eql_env g'' g''' with
| B.Con a', B.Con b', Some (Eq.Refl as g1), Some (Eq.Refl as g2) ->
(match Eq.trans g1 g2 with Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Con (T (a', b')), g', B.Tuple (ta', tb')))
| _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g''; g' = Wenv g''' } ])))
| A.Bin (`Tuple, a, b) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wexp (a', g'', ta') = exp a g in
let Wexp (b', g''', tb') = exp b g in
(match eql_env g' g'', eql_env g'' g''' with
| Some (Eq.Refl as g1), Some (Eq.Refl as g2) ->
(match Eq.trans g1 g2 with Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Bin (B.Cpl, a', b'), g', B.Tuple (ta', tb')))
| _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g''; g' = Wenv g''' } ])))
| A.Var x ->
let Wvar (x', g', t') = var x g in
Wexp (B.Var x', g', t')
| A.Abs (t, e) ->
let Wtyp t' = typ t in
(let open B in match exp e (t :: g) with
| Wexp (e', t'' :: g', tr) ->
(match eql_typ t' t'' with
| Some Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Abs (t', e'), g', B.Lambda (t', tr))
| None -> raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t'; b = Wtyp t'' } ])))
| Wexp (_, g'', _) -> raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv B.(t' :: g''); g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| A.App (f, a) ->
(match exp f g, exp a g with
| Wexp (f', g', (B.Lambda (t', u'))),
Wexp (a', g'', t'') ->
(match eql_env g' g'', eql_typ t' t'' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.App (f', a'), g', u')
| _, _ -> raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t'; b = Wtyp t'' } ])))
| wexp, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ ExpectedLambda wexp ])))
| A.Bin (#A.arithmetic as binop, l, r) ->
let binop = match binop with
| `Add -> B.Add
| `Sub -> B.Sub
| `Mul -> B.Mul
| `Div -> B.Div
(match exp l g, exp r g with
| Wexp (l', g', B.Int),
Wexp (r', g'', B.Int) ->
(match eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Bin (binop, l', r'), g', B.Int)
| None -> raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' } ])))
| Wexp (_, _, ta), Wexp (_, _, tb) ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp B.Int; b = Wtyp ta }
; TypMismatch { a = Wtyp B.Int; b = Wtyp tb } ])))
| A.Let (t, a, f) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
(match typ t, exp a g, exp f g with
| Wtyp t', Wexp (a', g'', t''), Wexp (f', g''', r') ->
(match eql_typ t' t'' , eql_env g' g'', eql_env B.(t'' :: g'') g''' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Let (t', a', f'), g', r')
| _, _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t'; b = Wtyp t'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv B.(t'' :: g''); g' = Wenv g''' } ]))))
| A.If (t, a, b) ->
(match exp t g, exp a g, exp b g with
| Wexp (t', g', B.Bool),
Wexp (a', g'', u'),
Wexp (b', g''', v') ->
(match eql_typ u' v', eql_env g' g'', eql_env g'' g''' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some (Eq.Refl as ae), Some (Eq.Refl as be) ->
(match Eq.trans ae be with Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.If (t', a', b'), g', u'))
| _, _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp u'; b = Wtyp v' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv g'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g''; g' = Wenv g''' } ])))
| Wexp (_, _, t'), _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp B.Bool; b = Wtyp t' } ])))
| A.Bin (`Eq, a, b) ->
let Wexp (a', g', ta') = exp a g in
let Wexp (b', g'', tb') = exp b g in
(match eql_typ ta' tb', eql_env g' g'' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Bin (B.Eq, a', b'), g', B.Bool)
| _, _ -> assert false)
| A.Swt { a; b; s; } ->
(match exp s g with
| Wexp (s', g'', B.Either (l', r')) ->
let l = safe_cast_typ l' in
let r = safe_cast_typ r' in
(let open B in match exp a (l :: g), exp b (r :: g) with
| Wexp (a', l'' :: ag'', ar),
Wexp (b', r'' :: bg'', br) ->
(match eql_typ l' l'', eql_typ r' r'',
eql_env ag'' g'', eql_env bg'' g'',
eql_typ ar br with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl,
Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl,
Some Eq.Refl ->
Wexp (B.Swt { s = s'; a = a'; b = b'; }, g'', ar)
| _, _, _, _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp l'; b = Wtyp l'' }
; TypMismatch { a = Wtyp r'; b = Wtyp r'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv ag''; g' = Wenv g'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv bg''; g' = Wenv g'' }
; TypMismatch { a = Wtyp ar; b = Wtyp br } ])))
| Wexp (_, ag'', _),
Wexp (_, bg'', _) ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv ag''; g' = Wenv B.(l' :: ag'') }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv bg''; g' = Wenv B.(r' :: bg'') } ])))
| wexp -> raise (Error (e, g, [ ExpectedEither wexp ])))
| A.Rec (u, z, s) ->
let Wenv g' = env g in
let Wtyp u' = typ u in
let gz = g in
let gs = (u :: g) in
let Wenv gz' = env gz in
let Wenv gs' = env gs in
let Wexp (z', gz'', tz') = exp z gz in
let Wexp (s', gs'', ts') = exp s gs in
(match eql_env g' gz',
eql_env B.(tz' :: g') gs' with
| Some (Eq.Refl as f1), Some (Eq.Refl as e1)->
(match eql_typ tz' u',
eql_typ ts' (B.Either (tz', tz')),
eql_env gz' gz'',
eql_env gs' gs'' with
| Some Eq.Refl, Some Eq.Refl, Some (Eq.Refl as f2), Some (Eq.Refl as e2) ->
(match Eq.trans f1 f2, Eq.trans e1 e2 with
| Eq.Refl, Eq.Refl -> Wexp (B.Rec { z = z'; s = s'; }, g', u'))
| _, _, _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp tz'; b = Wtyp u' }
; TypMismatch { a = Wtyp ts'; b = Wtyp (B.Either (tz', tz')) }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv gz'; g' = Wenv gz'' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv gs'; g' = Wenv gs'' } ])))
| _, _ ->
raise (Error (e, g, [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv g'; g' = Wenv gz' }
; EnvMismatch { g = Wenv B.(tz' :: g'); g' = Wenv gs' } ])))
(* RUN **********************************************************************************)
let run
: type a. A.exp -> a B.typ -> a
= fun m t ->
let open B in match exp m [] with
| Wexp (m', [], t') ->
let v = m' () in
(match eql_typ t t' with Some Eq.Refl -> v | None -> raise (Error (m, [], [ TypMismatch { a = Wtyp t; b = Wtyp t' } ])))
| Wexp (_, g', _) ->
raise (Error (m, [], [ EnvMismatch { g = Wenv []; g' = Wenv g' } ]))
(* EXAMPLE ******************************************************************************)
let () = assert (run (A.If (A.Con (A.VBool true), A.Con (A.VInt 42), A.Con (A.VInt 21))) B.Int = 42)
let switch_example =
{ a = A.Var A.Z
; b = A.Con (A.VString "<int>")
; s = A.Uno (A.L A.Int, A.Con (A.VString "Hello World!")) }
let k =
((A.Abs (A.Int,
A.Abs (A.Int, A.Var A.(S Z)))),
(A.Con (A.VInt 42)))),
(A.Con (A.VInt 21)))
let () = assert (run switch_example B.String = "Hello World!")
let () = assert (run k B.Int = 42)
let fix_example =
let open B in
~z:(var V.o)
~s:(si (int 123 = var V.o)
(left (var V.o + var V.o))
(right (var V.o)))
let fact_example =
let code =
let rec fact v =
if 0 = (snd v)
then (fst v, 0)
else fact ((fun x -> (fst v) x * (snd v)), (snd v) - 1)
let init x = ((fun _ -> 1), x) in
fun x -> (fst ((fun x -> fact (init x)) x)) 0
assert (code 5 = 120);
let open B in
let main =
~z:(tuple (lambda (int 1), var V.o))
~s:(si (int 0 = (snd (var V.o)))
(right (tuple (fst (var V.o), int 0)))
(left (tuple (lambda ((apply (fst (var V.(o$x))) (var V.o)) * (snd (var V.(o$x)))),
((snd (var V.o)) - int 1)))))
lambda (apply (fst (apply (lambda main) (var V.o))) (int 0))
let unsafe_fact =
let open A in
let main =
let typ = Type.(tuple (int @-> int) int) in
~init:(tuple (lambda (int 1), var 1))
(snd (var 1) = (int 0))
(tuple (fst (var 1), int 0)))
(lambda ((apply (fst (var 2)) (var 1)) * (snd (var 2))),
((snd (var 1)) - (int 1))))))
lambda (apply (fst (apply (lambda main) (var 1))) (int 0))
let () = assert (run unsafe_fact B.Type.(int @-> int) 5 = fact_example () 5)
let padd =
{ = "%add"
; typ = ([A.Int; A.Int], A.Int)
; exp = (function
| A.VInt a :: A.VInt b :: [] -> A.VInt (a + b)
| args ->
invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "%%add: receive %a."
Fmt.(Dump.list A.pp_const) args)) }
|> fun p -> A.Prm p
let padebool =
{ = "%add-bool"
; typ = ([A.Int; A.Bool], A.Int)
; exp = (function
| A.VInt a :: A.VBool true :: [] -> A.VInt (a + 1)
| A.VInt a :: A.VBool false :: [] -> A.VInt a
| args ->
invalid_arg (Fmt.strf "%%add-bool: receive %a."
Fmt.(Dump.list A.pp_const) args)) }
|> fun p -> A.Prm p
let () = assert (run padd B.Type.(int @-> int @-> int) 21 21 = 42)
let () = assert (run padebool B.Type.(int @-> bool @-> int) 0 true = 1)
let env_and_prim =
let open A in
(lambda Type.string (apply (apply padd (int 21)) (int 21)))
let () = assert (run env_and_prim B.Type.(string @-> int) "Hello World!" = 42)
let () = assert (run A.(lambda env_and_prim) B.Type.(int @-> string @-> int) 0 "Hello World!" = 42)
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