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Created November 22, 2023 16:27
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type bigstring =
(char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
let length x = Bigarray.Array1.dim x [@@inline]
let to_int32 :
bigstring ->
(int32, Bigarray.int32_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t =
fun ba ->
let len = length ba in
let pad = len mod 4 in
let buf = Bigarray.Array1.sub ba 0 (len - pad) in
Obj.magic buf
let to_int16 :
bigstring ->
(int, Bigarray.int16_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t =
fun ba ->
let len = length ba in
let pad = len mod 2 in
let buf = Bigarray.Array1.sub ba 0 (len - pad) in
Obj.magic buf
external unsafe_get_uint8 : bigstring -> int -> int = "%caml_ba_ref_1"
external unsafe_get_uint16 : bigstring -> int -> int = "%caml_bigstring_get16"
let checksum_16 ?(off = 0) ~len:top buf =
let buf16 = to_int16 buf in
let len = ref top in
let sum = ref 0 in
let i = ref 0 in
while !len >= 2 do
sum := !sum + buf16.{off + !i};
if !sum > 0xffff then incr sum;
sum := !sum land 0xffff;
incr i;
len := !len - 2
if !len = 1 then sum := !sum + unsafe_get_uint8 buf (off + top - 1);
if !sum > 0xffff then incr sum;
lnot !sum land 0xffff
let checksum_32 ?(off = 0) ~len:top buf =
let buf32 = to_int32 buf in
let len = ref top in
let sum = ref 0 in
let i = ref 0 in
while !len >= 4 do
let[@warning "-8"] (Some v) = Int32.unsigned_to_int buf32.{off + !i} in
sum := !sum + v;
incr i;
len := !len - 4
if !len >= 2 then (
sum := !sum + unsafe_get_uint16 buf (off + (!i * 4));
len := !len - 2);
if !len = 1 then sum := !sum + unsafe_get_uint8 buf (off + top - 1);
while !sum lsr 16 <> 0 do
sum := (!sum land 0xffff) + (!sum lsr 16)
lnot !sum land 0xffff
let checksum ?(off = 0) ?len buf =
let len = match len with Some len -> len | None -> length buf - off in
match Sys.word_size with
| 32 -> checksum_16 ~off ~len buf
| _ -> checksum_32 ~off ~len buf
let () =
let ln = 1000000000 in
let ba = Bigarray.(Array1.create char c_layout ln) in
Bigarray.Array1.fill ba '\xff';
assert (checksum_16 ~len:ln ba = checksum_32 ~len:ln ba)
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