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Last active October 4, 2023 09:28
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import { z } from 'zod';
type Innput<TShape extends z.Schema> = {
innput: TShape;
config: any;
type Fnn<TShape extends z.Schema> = (input: z.infer<TShape>) => void;
const fn: <TShape extends z.Schema, TFn extends Fnn<TShape>>(
innput: Innput<TShape>,
fnc: TFn
) => { fn: TFn; inn: Innput<TShape> } = (inn, fn) => ({ inn, fn });
// const router: <T>(inq: T) => T = (i) => i
const inngest = { fn };
const buildClientHelper: <TRouter extends Record<string, ReturnType<typeof fn>>, TKey extends keyof TRouter>(
router: TRouter
) => (event: TKey, input: z.infer<TRouter[TKey]['inn']['innput']>) => void = (router) => {
return (key, innput) => {
// const buildClient = <TRouter extends Record<string, Innput<any>>>(
// router: TRouter
// ) => buildClientHelper<TRouter, keyof TRouter>(router);
const inngestRouter = {
'some/func': inngest.fn(
innput: z.object({
name2: z.string(),
name3: z.object({
c: z.number().nullable(),
config: null,
(input) => {
return 1;
export const sendInngestEvent = buildClientHelper(inngestRouter);
const a = sendInngestEvent('some/func', { name2: 'hii', name3: { c: null } });
import { z } from 'zod';
type JsonZod = z.ZodString | z.ZodNumber;
type SafeZodObject = z.ZodObject<Record<string, JsonZod>>;
type Innput<TShape extends SafeZodObject> = {
innput: TShape;
config: any;
const fn: <TShape extends SafeZodObject>(
innput: Innput<TShape>,
fnc: (innput: z.infer<TShape>) => void
) => Innput<TShape> = (i) => i;
const router: <T>(inq: T) => T = (i) => i;
const inngest = { fn, router };
const buildClientHelper: <TRouter extends Record<string, Innput<any>>, TKey extends keyof TRouter>(
router: TRouter
) => (event: TKey, input: z.infer<TRouter[TKey]['innput']>) => null = () => () => null;
const buildClient = <TRouter extends Record<string, Innput<any>>>(router: TRouter) =>
buildClientHelper<TRouter, keyof TRouter>(router);
const inngestRouter = inngest.router({
'some/func': inngest.fn(
innput: z.object({
name: z.string(),
config: null,
(input) => {
return 1;
export const sendInngestEvent = buildClient(inngestRouter);
const a = sendInngestEvent('some/func', { name: 'hii' });
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