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Created September 5, 2020 06:33
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RISC-V SV39 page table walking code
/* I wrote a RISC-V SV39 page walker algorithm with PMP checker
* in Rust to turn supervisor virtual addresses into machine physical
* addresses when trapping illegal insgtructions and emulating them.
* The fault address is an S-mode address that needs translating
* to fetch and decode the illegal instruction, hence this page walk
* But turns out, I don't need that as I can use MPRV in mstatus to
* perform a fetch as the previous mode (S-Mode in this case).
* Rather than throw away the code, I've saved it here.
* (c) Chris Williams, 2020.
* See for usage and copying.
const PAGE_SIZE: u64 = 4 * 1024; /* system uses 4KiB pages */
const PAGE_OFFSET_MASK: u64 = PAGE_SIZE - 1;
const RV32_SATP_PPN_MASK: u64 = (1 << 22) - 1;
const RV64_SATP_PPN_MASK: u64 = (1 << 44) - 1;
const RV32_SATP_MODE_BIT_SHIFT: u64 = 31;
const RV32_SATP_MODE_BIT_MASK: u64 = 1;
const RV64_SATP_MODE_BIT_SHIFT: u64 = 60;
const RV64_SATP_MODE_BIT_MASK: u64 = 0b1111;
const RV64_SATP_MODE_SV39: u64 = 8;
const RV64_SATP_MODE_SV48: u64 = 9;
const SV39_VADDR_MASK: u64 = (1 << 39) - 1;
const SV39_VPN_BASE_SHIFT: u64 = 12;
const SV39_VPN_SHIFT: u64 = 9;
const SV39_VPN_COUNT: u64 = 3;
const SV39_VPN_MASK: u64 = (1 << 10) - 1;
const SV39_TABLE_ENTRIES: usize = 512;
const SV39_PTE_PPN_BASE_SHIFT: u64 = 10;
const SV39_PTE_PPN_SHIFT: u64 = 9;
const SV39_PTE_PPN_MASK: u64 = (1 << 10) - 1;
const SV39_PTE_PPN_FULL_MASK: u64 = (1 << 44) - 1;
const SV39_PHYS_PPN_BASE_SHIFT: u64 = 12;
const SV39_PHYS_PPN_SHIFT: u64 = 9;
const PAGE_BITS_VALID: u8 = 1 << 0;
const PAGE_BITS_READ: u8 = 1 << 1;
const PAGE_BITS_WRITE: u8 = 1 << 2;
const PAGE_BITS_EXEC: u8 = 1 << 3;
type SV39PageTable = [u64; SV39_TABLE_ENTRIES];
/* convert supervisor address saddr to a physical address we can use as
a hypervisor. this derives the address from the current running
supervisor. Returns translated physical address within the bounds
of the supervisor environment, or None if a valid address cannot
be derived.
security note: this function deals entirely with guest-supplied
data structures, so validate all addresses before using them.
we check agaimst this core's PMP configutation. this won't
change during this function as long as it is not interrupted. */
pub fn supervisor_addr_to_phys(saddr: u64) -> Option<u64>
let satp = read_csr!(satp) as u64;
if cfg!(target_arch = "riscv32")
/* no MMU active, return the 1:1 physical address mapping */
return validate_pmp_phys_addr(saddr);
/* parse the SV32 page table structure */
let root_table = (satp & RV32_SATP_PPN_MASK) * PAGE_SIZE;
return sv32_to_phys(root_table, saddr);
else if cfg!(target_arch = "riscv64")
let mode = (satp >> RV64_SATP_MODE_BIT_SHIFT) & RV64_SATP_MODE_BIT_MASK;
if mode == 0
/* no MMU active, return the 1:1 physical address mapping */
return validate_pmp_phys_addr(saddr);
/* parse the correct page table structure */
let root_table = (satp & RV64_SATP_PPN_MASK) * PAGE_SIZE;
match mode
RV64_SATP_MODE_SV39 => return sv39_to_phys(root_table, saddr),
RV64_SATP_MODE_SV48 => return sv48_to_phys(root_table, saddr),
_ => return None
/* page table walking code -- note: we are processing guest-supplied information.
validate physical addresses before use to ensure a guest doesn't try to use out
of bounds data as a page table. trap faults as errors in the supervisor.
PMP configuration can't change on this core while we're running so validation
checks should hold, provided this code isn't interrupted */
/* translate virtual address vaddr to a physical address using the page tables starting from
root_table_addr. Returns physical address, or None if not possible. */
fn sv32_to_phys(_root_table_addr: u64, _vaddr: u64) -> Option<u64>
/* translate virtual address vaddr to a physical address using the page tables starting from
table_addr. Returns physical address if vaddr resolves to a readable/executable page,
or None if not possible. */
fn sv39_to_phys(mut table_addr: u64, vaddr: u64) -> Option<u64>
let vaddr = vaddr & SV39_VADDR_MASK;
let page_offset = vaddr & PAGE_OFFSET_MASK;
/* count from vpn2 to vpn0 in vaddr */
for vpn in (0..SV39_VPN_COUNT).rev()
/* validate the page table addressses */
if validate_pmp_phys_addr(table_addr).is_none() == true ||
validate_pmp_phys_addr(table_addr + PAGE_SIZE - 1).is_none() == true
return None;
let table: SV39PageTable = unsafe { *(table_addr as *const SV39PageTable) };
/* decode vaddr into virtual page numbers */
let shift = SV39_VPN_BASE_SHIFT + (vpn * SV39_VPN_SHIFT);
let entry_index = (vaddr >> shift) & SV39_VPN_MASK;
/* get read-write-execute access bits for this page table entry */
let entry = table[entry_index as usize];
let entry_rwx = entry as u8 & PAGE_RWX_MASK;
/* bail out if we run into an invalid page */
/* if RWX is zero then this is an entry to another table */
if entry_rwx == 0
table_addr = ((entry >> SV39_PTE_PPN_BASE_SHIFT) & SV39_PTE_PPN_FULL_MASK as u64) as u64;
table_addr = table_addr * PAGE_SIZE;
/* access bits are defined so this is a leaf node.
if read or execute aren't set, then as per the spec, fail this lookup */
if entry_rwx & PAGE_BITS_EXEC == PAGE_BITS_EXEC ||
/* build the physical address */
let mut paddr: u64 = page_offset as u64;
if vpn > 0
/* we're in a super page */
for index in (vpn..SV39_VPN_COUNT).rev()
let pte_ppn_shift = SV39_PTE_PPN_BASE_SHIFT + (SV39_PTE_PPN_SHIFT * index);
let paddr_ppn_shift = SV39_PHYS_PPN_BASE_SHIFT + (SV39_PHYS_PPN_SHIFT * index);
let pte_ppn = (entry >> pte_ppn_shift) & SV39_PTE_PPN_MASK as u64;
paddr = paddr | (pte_ppn << paddr_ppn_shift);
for index in (0..vpn).rev()
let vpn_shift = SV39_VPN_BASE_SHIFT + (SV39_VPN_SHIFT * index);
let paddr_ppn_shift = SV39_PHYS_PPN_BASE_SHIFT + (SV39_PHYS_PPN_SHIFT * index);
let pte_ppn = (vaddr as u64 >> vpn_shift) & SV39_VPN_MASK as u64;
paddr = paddr | (pte_ppn << paddr_ppn_shift);
return Some(paddr);
/* we're in a normal 4KB page */
let entry_phys_addr = (entry >> SV39_PTE_PPN_BASE_SHIFT) & SV39_PTE_PPN_FULL_MASK;
paddr = paddr | (entry_phys_addr << SV39_PHYS_PPN_BASE_SHIFT);
return Some(paddr);
return None;
return None;
/* translate virtual address vaddr to a physical address using the page tables starting from
root_table_addr. Returns physical address, or None if not possible. */
fn sv48_to_phys(_root_table_addr: u64, _vaddr: u64) -> Option<u64>
/* check the given address is within a valid PMP range as a read operation.
returns addr if valid, or None if not */
pub fn validate_pmp_phys_addr(addr: u64) -> Option<u64>
/* look up pairs of pmpcfg bytes that define PMP regions */
for pmpcfg_index in 0..8
let lo_index = pmpcfg_index * 2;
let hi_index = lo_index + 1;
let byte_lo = get_pmp_cfg_byte(lo_index) as usize;
let byte_hi = get_pmp_cfg_byte(hi_index) as usize;
if byte_hi & PHYS_PMP_READ == PHYS_PMP_READ &&
byte_lo == 0
/* this is a TOR PMP region that is readable. now check the
address is within range. shift up 2 because the region range
addresses are stored without their lowest 2 bits */
let addr_lo = (read_pmp_addr(lo_index) << 2) as u64;
let addr_hi = (read_pmp_addr(hi_index) << 2) as u64;
if addr >= addr_lo && addr < addr_hi
/* in range and readable */
return Some(addr);
#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv32")]
/* return the configuration byte pmp<index>cfg where index is 0 to 15.
pmp0cfg...pmp3cfg are in pmpcfg0, pmp4cfg...pmp7cfg are in pmpcfg1, etc */
fn get_pmp_cfg_byte(index: usize) -> u8
let register = (index >> 2) & 0b11;
let byte_index = (index & 0b11) * 8;
let word = read_pmpcfg(register);
let byte = (word >> byte_index) & 0xff;
return byte as u8;
#[cfg(target_arch = "riscv64")]
/* return the configuration byte pmp<index>cfg where index is 0 to 15.
pmp0cfg...pmp7cfg are in pmpcfg0, pmp8cfg...pmp15cfg are in pmpcfg0 */
fn get_pmp_cfg_byte(index: usize) -> u8
let register = (index >> 3) & 0b1;
let byte_index = (index & 0b111) * 8;
let word = read_pmpcfg(register * 2);
let byte = (word >> byte_index) & 0xff;
return byte as u8;
/* read value to the given PMP address register 0-15 (pmpaddr0-15). warning: silently fails */
fn read_pmp_addr(register: usize) -> usize
match register
0 => read_csr!(pmpaddr0),
1 => read_csr!(pmpaddr1),
2 => read_csr!(pmpaddr2),
3 => read_csr!(pmpaddr3),
4 => read_csr!(pmpaddr4),
5 => read_csr!(pmpaddr5),
6 => read_csr!(pmpaddr6),
7 => read_csr!(pmpaddr7),
8 => read_csr!(pmpaddr8),
9 => read_csr!(pmpaddr9),
10 => read_csr!(pmpaddr10),
11 => read_csr!(pmpaddr11),
12 => read_csr!(pmpaddr12),
13 => read_csr!(pmpaddr13),
14 => read_csr!(pmpaddr14),
15 => read_csr!(pmpaddr15),
_ => 0
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