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Last active November 19, 2020 16:30
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{{- /* Template based on */ -}}
"version": "11.0.0",
"vulnerabilities": [
{{- $t_first := true }}
{{- range . }}
{{- $target := .Target }}
{{- range .Vulnerabilities -}}
{{- if $t_first -}}
{{- $t_first = false -}}
{{ else -}}
{{- end }}
"id": "{{ .VulnerabilityID }}",
"category": "container_scanning",
"message": {{ if .Title -}}{{ .Title | printf "%q" }}{{- else -}}"{{ .Description | printf "%.50s" }}"{{- end }},
"description": {{ .Description | printf "%q" }},
{{- /* cve is a deprecated key, use id instead */}}
"cve": "{{ .VulnerabilityID }}",
"severity": {{ if eq .Severity "UNKNOWN" -}}
{{- else if eq .Severity "LOW" -}}
{{- else if eq .Severity "MEDIUM" -}}
{{- else if eq .Severity "HIGH" -}}
{{- else if eq .Severity "CRITICAL" -}}
{{- else -}}
"{{ .Severity }}"
{{- end }},
{{- /* TODO: Define confidence */}}
"confidence": "Unknown",
"solution": {{ if .FixedVersion -}}
"Upgrade {{ .PkgName }} to {{ .FixedVersion }}"
{{- else -}}
"No solution provided"
{{- end }},
"scanner": {
"id": "trivy",
"name": "trivy"
"location": {
"dependency": {
"package": {
"name": "{{ .PkgName }}"
"version": "{{ .InstalledVersion }}"
{{- /* TODO: No mapping available - */}}
"operating_system": "Unknown",
"image": "{{ $target }}"
"identifiers": [
{{- /* TODO: Type not extractable - */}}
"type": "cve",
"name": "{{ .VulnerabilityID }}",
"value": "{{ .VulnerabilityID }}",
"url": ""
"links": [
{{- $l_first := true -}}
{{- range .References -}}
{{- if $l_first -}}
{{- $l_first = false }}
{{- else -}}
{{- end -}}
"url": "{{ . }}"
{{- end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
"remediations": []
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