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Last active February 8, 2020 14:58
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Save diogocatossi/255d0c2ab5a563585d6f54385751c617 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Performs the 802.1x machine cert enrollment to the targeted domain.
Port from BATCH script version adding more robust code with resiliency and active monitoring for the workstation cert enrollment.
[N/A] No parameter required as issuing CA is per forest.
1) AD Replication must have been completed to the certificate server (hence 1 min retry loop for 30 min)
2) The certificate template name is hard coded
3) Dependency from external tool NTRights.exe that grants logon rights to 'Network Service'. Needs to be replaced by PowerShell equivalent.
- Name: CertEnroll
- Author: Diogo Catossi
- Version: 1.0
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
#Set-PSDebug -Debug $true -Trace 2
###### Global Variables ######
$sScriptName = "CertEnroll"
$sScriptVersion = "1.0"
$scriptDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$iEnrollAttempts = 20
$waitTime = 1 #minutes
[ADSI]$EnrollSvcs = ""
#### Log #####
$Date = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd-hhmm
$sLogPath = (Get-Location).Path
$sLogFileName = "$sScriptName-$Date.log"
$sLogFile = Join-Path -path $slogpath -childpath $sLogFileName
$sHeader = ""
$iLogFileSize = 1024000 #1 MB
$sComputerName = $env:computername
###### Setting Error State Variables ######
$ErrorState = 0
# Begin Functions
Function Write-Log()
Writes A Given Message To The Specified Log File
Writes a message to the specified log file
Return: What was written to the log
Message to write to the log file
Number of tabs to indent text
Name of the log file
[-sLogPath] <String> Path of the log file to write
[-sLogFileName] <String> Filename of log to write
[-sMessage] <String> Content to write to the log file
[-iTabs] <Int32> Number of tabs to append at the beginning of the line
<String> What was written to the log
Write-Log -sLogPath "C:\" -sLogFileName "test_task2.log" -sMessage "The message is ....." -iTabs 0
Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Log Path")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Log File Name")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Log Text")]
[Alias("LogText", "LogMessage")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Tabs at left")]
[Int]$iTabs = 0
#Function's main 'Try'
#Loop through tabs provided to see If text should be indented within file
$sTabs = ""
For ($a = 1; $a -le $iTabs; $a++) { $sTabs = $sTabs + "`t" }
#Populated content with tabs and message
$sContent = $sTabs + $sMessage
#Define $sLogFile with the full file name
$sLogFile = Join-Path -Path $sLogPath -Childpath $sLogFileName
#Write contect to the file and If debug is on, to the console for troubleshooting
$sContent | Out-File $sLogFile -Append
$sContent = "ERROR: Log File '$sLogFile' could NOT be appended."
#Write to host when $global:bDebug is $true
If ($global:bDebug) { Write-host $sContent }
Catch { throw "Major failure. Error`: $($Error[0].Exception)" }
} #End Of Write-Log
# Begin Main
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "##########################################################################" -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " Begin of $sScriptName`: $(Get-Date)" -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "##########################################################################" -iTabs 0
$Action = "Defining Template"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " " -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "#### Action: $Action" -iTabs 0
#ATENTION: CertTemplate should have no spaces"
[string]$sCertTemplate = ""
$domain = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
#Validates Production domain(s)/Forest(s)
if ($domain.ToUpper().Contains("MYFOREST.COM"))
$sCertTemplate = "MYCERTTEMPLATE"
[ADSI]$EnrollSvcs = "LDAP://CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MYFOREST,DC=com"
#Validates LAB domain(s)/Forest(s)
elseif ($domain.ToUpper().Contains("MYLABFOREST.COM"))
[ADSI]$EnrollSvcs = "LDAP://CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MYLABFOREST,DC=com"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Error in action: $Action. Computer is not member of a valid forest. Exiting" -iTabs 2
$ErrorState = 3
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Domain: $env:MachDomain" -iTabs 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Cert Template: $sCertTemplate" -iTabs 1
$Action = "Getting network information"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " " -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "#### Action: $Action" -iTabs 0
Get-NetIPConfiguration -Detailed | Out-File $sLogFile -Append
$Action = "'NT Authority\Network Service' logon permission"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " " -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "#### Action: $Action" -iTabs 0
#Adds Network service authority rights to logon locally and perform certificate enrollment during OSD build.
#TODO: troubleshoot group not found error using powershell method.
#$return = Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Remote Support" -Member "NT Authority\Network Service" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Full command: $scriptDir\ntrights.exe +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u `"NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE`" 2>&1" -iTabs 0
$result = & $scriptDir\ntrights.exe +r SeNetworkLogonRight -u "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" 2>&1 #OLD METHOD
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "$result" -iTabs 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Error code: $LASTEXITCODE, Message: $result" -iTabs
throw $result
<#catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberExistsException]
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "NT Authority\Network Service is already member of Remote Support local group." -iTabs 1
$message = "Could not add NT Authority\Network Service network logon rights. Aborting. Exception: $($Error[0].ToString())"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage $message -iTabs 2
throw $message
:EnrollLoop for ($i = 0; $i -lt $iEnrollAttempts; $i++)
$Action = "Test AD"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " " -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "#### Action: $Action connectivity" -iTabs 0
if ($EnrollSvcs.Children) #Checks if ADSI instance is reachable
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Enrollment services are reachable" -iTabs 1
#Parse enrollment services from AD Forest for available CAs
$Action = "Parse EnrollSvcs"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " " -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "#### Action: $Action for published CAs that contain required template." -iTabs 0
foreach ($child in $EnrollSvcs.Children)
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Validating: $($child.displayName)" -iTabs 1
#Verifies if the CA has equivalent cert template published
if ($child.certificateTemplates.Contains($sCertTemplate))
$Action = "Enrollment"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " " -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "#### Action: Start $Action" -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "CA: $($child.displayName)" -iTabs 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "DN: $($child.distinguishedName)" -iTabs 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Templates: $($child.certificateTemplates)" -iTabs 1
#Verifies if the CA is available.
if (Test-Connection $child.dNSHostName)
#Performs the enrollment
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Requesting certificate..." -iTabs 1
$result = Get-Certificate -Template $sCertTemplate -Url "ldap:///$($child.distinguishedName)" -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\"
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Enrollment Status: $($result.Status)" -iTabs 1
$ErrorState = 0
break EnrollLoop
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Critical failure enrolling to Workstation certificate: $($Error[0].toString())" -iTabs 2
$ErrorState = 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "CA $($ca.Server) unavailable." -iTabs 3
$ErrorState = 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Could not reach current AD forest." -iTabs 3
$ErrorState = 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Retrying in $waitTime minute(s)." -iTabs 1
Start-Sleep (60 * $waitTime)
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Certificate enrollment ERROR in action $Action`: $($Error[0].toString())" -iTabs 3
#[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Certificate enrollment ERROR: $($Error[0].toString())")
$ErrorState = 1
return $ErrorState
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "Certificate enrollment ERROR in action $Action`: $($Error[0].toString())" -iTabs 3
#[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Certificate enrollment ERROR: $($Error[0].toString())")
return 1
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "##########################################################################" -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage " End of $sScriptName`: $(Get-Date)" -iTabs 0
Write-Log -sLogPath $sLogPath -sLogFileName $sLogFileName -sMessage "##########################################################################" -iTabs 0
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