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Created May 4, 2011 19:48
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Online Users using PHP and Redis
include 'predis/predis.phar';
class OnlineUsers {
/* time to consider user online */
private $minutes = 5 ;
function online() {
/* current hour and minute */
$now = time();
$min = date("i",$now);
$hor = date("G",$now);
/* redis keys to union, based on last $minutes */
$keys = array();
for($i = $min ; $i >= $min - $this->minutes; $i--) {
$keys[] = "online:".$hor.":".$i; // define the key
$redis = new Predis\Client(); // connect to redis at localhost
$scmd = $redis->createCommand("sunion",$keys); // create the union with desired keys
$online = $redis->executeCommand($scmd); // issue the sunion and grab the result
return $online ; // array of online usernames
function ping($user) {
/* current hour:minute to make up the redis key */
$now = time();
$min = date("G:i",$now);
$key = "online:".$min;
$redis = new Predis\Client(); // connect to redis at localhost
$redis->sadd($key,$user); // add the user to the set
$ttl = $redis->ttl($key) ; // check if key has an expire
if($ttl == -1) { // if it do not have, set it to $minutes + 1
$redis->expire($key, ($minutes + 1) * 60);
return $this ;
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sreenadh commented Apr 5, 2015

@NodexTech +1.
Use "expireat" .

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