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Created September 23, 2014 16:54
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; random - programa que imprime uma letra e um digito aleatório em Linux/x86
; para compilar:
; nasm -f elf -g -F dwarf -l random.lst random.asm32
; ld -o random random.o
; syscalls
%define sys_exit 1
%define sys_read 3
%define sys_write 4
%define sys_open 5
; ksyscall(): calls the kernel syscall in eax
%macro ksyscall 0
int 0x80 ; chama syscall em linux i386
; print(*string, strlen): Will print strlen caracters of string
%macro print 2
%define stdout 1
mov ecx, %1
mov edx, %2
mov ebx, stdout
mov eax, sys_write
; exit(): Exits returning success
%macro exit 0
mov eax, sys_exit
mov ebx, 0 ; 0 => shell success
; open_r(*filename): opens file in read mode returning a fd. Returns negative in case of an error
%macro open_r 1
%define O_RDONLY 00000000 ; definido em fcntl.h
mov ebx, %1
mov eax, sys_open
mov ecx, O_RDONLY
; read(fd, *buff, count): reads up to count bytes in buff from open fd
%macro read 3
mov ebx, %1
mov ecx, %2
mov edx, %3
mov eax, sys_read
;byte_div(dividend, divisor): divide two bytes. quotient will be in AL and remainder in AH
%macro byte_div 2
mov al, %1; [urand_buffer] ; al = urand_buffer[0]
mov cl, %2
mov edx, 0 ; para divisao de byte deve-se zerar edx e ah
mov ah, 0
div cl
section .data
urand_path db '/dev/urandom',0 ; interface do kernel para leitura de dados pseudo-aleatorios
outbuffer db ` \n` ; char[2] usado para imprimir um character + quebra de linha
section .bss
urand_buffer resw 1 ; define uma word (2 bytes) para para leitura
%define urand_buffer_size 2
section .text
global _start
_start: ;linker entry point
open_r urand_path ; abre /dev/random. fd fica em eax
read eax, urand_buffer, urand_buffer_size ; le 2 bytes aleatorios em urand_buffer
byte_div [urand_buffer], 10 ; ah = urand_buffer[0] % 10
add ah, 48 ; ah += 48 -> converte numero de 0-9 para o ascii '0'-'9'
mov [outbuffer], ah ; outbuffer[0] = ah
print outbuffer, 2 ; imprime
byte_div [urand_buffer+1], 26 ; ah = urand_buffer[1] % 26
add ah, 97 ; ah += 97 -> converte numero de 0-25 para o ascii 'a'-'z'
mov [outbuffer], ah ; outbuffer[0] = ah
print outbuffer, 2 ; imprime
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