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Last active October 10, 2016 10:50
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from xml.etree.ElementTree import XMLParser, TreeBuilder
import struct
import base64
import re
class VTKTreeBuilder(TreeBuilder):
Sublass of TreeBuilder that decodes ASCII or base64-encoded VTK DataArrays.
When the end-tag of a base64-encoded DataArray is encountered, the XML string
is decoded and unpacked according to its data type and the VTK specification.
Only strips whitespace for ASCII-encoded VTK.
VTK specification found at
# Buffer codes from
buffers = {"Int8": "b", "UInt8": "B", "Int16": "h", "UInt16": "H",
"Int32": "i", "UInt32": "I", "Int64": "q", "UInt64": "Q",
"Float32": "f", "Float64": "d"}
byteorders = {"LittleEndian": "<", "BigEndian": ">"}
def start(self,tag,attrib):
self.elem = super(VTKTreeBuilder,self).start(tag,attrib)
self.array_data = ""
if tag == "VTKFile":
self.split_header = attrib["version"] == "0.1"
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Missing version attribute in VTKFile tag")
self.byteorder = self.byteorders[attrib["byte_order"]]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Unknown byteorder {}".format(attrib["byte_order"]))
self.header_type = self.buffers[attrib["header_type"]]
except KeyError: # default header in older VTK versions is UInt32
self.header_type = "I"
elif tag == "DataArray":
if not attrib["format"] in ("binary","ascii"):
raise ValueError("VTK data format must be ascii or binary (base64). Got: {}".format(attrib["format"]))
return self.elem
def data(self, data):
Just record the data instead of writing it immediately. All data in VTK
files is contained in DataArray tags, so no need to record anything if
we are not currently in a DataArray.
if self.elem.tag == "DataArray":
self.array_data += data
def end(self,tag):
Detect the end-tag of a DataArray.
if tag != "DataArray":
return super(VTKTreeBuilder,self).end(tag)
# remove trailing whitespace
self.array_data = re.sub(r"\s+"," ","".join(self.array_data).strip())
if self.elem.attrib["format"] == "binary":
cbuf = self.buffers[self.elem.attrib["type"]]
data = "".join(self.array_data)
# binary encoded VTK files start with an integer giving the number of bytes to follow
data_len = struct.unpack_from(self.byteorder + self.header_type, base64.b64decode(data))[0]
if self.split_header: # vtk version 0.1, encoding header and content separately
header_size = len(base64.b64encode(struct.pack(self.byteorder+self.header_type,0)))
data_content = base64.b64decode(data[header_size:])
byte_string = self.byteorder + cbuf * int(data_len / struct.calcsize(cbuf))
data_unpacked = struct.unpack(byte_string, data_content)
else: # vtk version 1.0, encoding header and content together
data_content = base64.b64decode(data)
byte_string = self.byteorder + self.header_type + cbuf * int(data_len / struct.calcsize(cbuf))
data_unpacked = struct.unpack(byte_string, data_content)[1:]
assert data_len == len(data_unpacked) * struct.calcsize(cbuf)
self.array_data = " ".join([str(v) for v in data_unpacked]).strip()
# write data to element
return super(VTKTreeBuilder,self).end(tag)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Test if two given VTK files (one binary, one ASCII) contain the same values.
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
parser1 = ET.parse(sys.argv[1],parser=XMLParser(target=VTKTreeBuilder()))
parser2 = ET.parse(sys.argv[2],parser=XMLParser(target=VTKTreeBuilder()))
for child1, child2 in zip(parser1.iter(),parser2.iter()):
if not child1.text:
arr1 = child1.text.split()
arr2 = child2.text.split()
if arr1 == arr2:
print("DataArray {} matches".format(child1.attrib["Name"]))
if len(arr1) != len(arr2):
print("DataArray {} does not match in size. Got: {}, {}".format(child1.attrib["Name"],len(arr1),len(arr2)))
maxerr = max([float(v1) - float(v2) for v1, v2 in zip(arr1, arr2)])
print("DataArray {} does not match in value. Maximum error: {:.1e}".format(child1.attrib["Name"],maxerr))
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