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Last active November 5, 2018 18:08
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import sys
import random
def parse_input():
lines = [line for line in sys.stdin]
ly, lx = int(lines[0]), int(lines[1])
board = []
for y in range(ly):
line = "".join(l for l in lines[y+2] if l in ["p", "P", " "])
board.append(('{:' + str(lx) + '}').format(line))
return tuple(board)
def best_score(s1, s2):
if s1 == 0:
return s2
if s2 == 0:
return s1
if (s1 < 0) == (s2 < 0):
return min(s1, s2)
return max(s1, s2)
def next_moves(board, white_turn):
ally, opponent, d = ("P", "p", -1) if white_turn else ("p", "P", 1)
lx, ly = len(board[0]), len(board)
pawns = []
for x in range(lx):
for y in range(ly):
if board[y][x] == ally:
pawns.append((x, y))
possible_moves = []
for pawn in pawns:
x, y = pawn
if 0 <= y+d < ly:
up_line = board[y+d]
if up_line[x] == " ":
possible_moves.append([(x, y), (x, y+d), " "])
for new_x in [x-1, x+1]:
if (0 <= new_x < lx) and (up_line[new_x] == opponent):
possible_moves.append([(x, y), (new_x, y+d), opponent])
return possible_moves
def do_move(board, move):
start, end = move[:2]
sx, sy = start
ex, ey = end
board = list(board)
board[ey] = board[ey][:ex] + board[sy][sx] + board[ey][ex+1:]
board[sy] = board[sy][:sx] + " " + board[sy][sx+1:]
return tuple(board)
def solve(board, white_turn=True, opp_best=0):
global counter
counter += 1
key = hash((board, white_turn, opp_best))
if key in solve.dp:
return solve.dp[key]
possible_moves = next_moves(board, white_turn)
# We try the "best" move first
# It also allow to keep the same order for the same board and so the same opp_best
possible_moves.sort(key = lambda move : (move[1][1], move) if white_turn else (-move[1][1], move))
wining_line = 0 if white_turn else len(board)-1
best = 0
for move in possible_moves:
if (move[1][1] == wining_line) or (best == 1): # Instant win
solve.dp[key] = 1
return 1
opp_min = (-best + 1) if best <= 0 else (-best - 1)
if best_score(opp_min, opp_best) == opp_best: # Opp_best was already better than that
solve.dp[key] = best
return best
next_board = do_move(board, move)
opp_score = solve(next_board, not white_turn, best)
score = (-opp_score + 1) if opp_score <= 0 else (-opp_score - 1)
best = best_score(best, score)
solve.dp[key] = best
return best
solve.dp = dict()
counter = 0
b = parse_input()
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