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Last active May 12, 2022 18:42
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\caption{\label{alg.backbone} The backbone protocol}
\Let{\tilde\chain}{\mathsf{maxvalid}_{\mathcal{G},\delta(\cdot)}( \chain, \mbox{any chain $\chain'$ received from the network}) }
% \If{$\textsc{Input}()\mbox{ contains }\textsc{Read}$}
% \State{ {\bf write} $R(\chain)$ to \textsc{Output}()}
% \EndIf
\If{$\tilde\chain \neq \chain$}
\Let{B}{\Call{\sc pow}{x, \tilde\chain}}
\If{$B \neq \bot$}
\Let{C}{C \concat B}
\For{$B \in C$}
\Let{x}{x \concat C.x}
\caption{\label{alg.validate} The validate algorithm}
\If{$C[0] \neq \mathcal{G}$}
\Let{st}{st_0}\Comment{Genesis state}
\Let{st}{\delta^*(st, C[0].x)}
\For{$B \in C[1{:}]$}
\Let{(s, x, ctr)}{B}
\If{$H(B) > T \lor s \neq h$}
\Let{st}{\delta^*(st, B.x)}
\If{$st = \bot$}
\State\Return$\false$\Comment{Invalid state transition}
\caption{\label{alg.maxvalid} The maxvalid algorithm}
\For{$C \in \overline{C}$}
\If{$\textsf{validate}_{\mathcal{G},\delta(\cdot)}(C) \land |C| > |C_\textsf{max}|$}
\caption{\label{alg.pow} The Proof-of-Work discovery algorithm}
\Function{$\textsf{pow}_{H,T,q}$}{$x, s$}
\State{$ctr \getsrandomly \{0,1\}^\kappa$}
\For{$i \gets 1 \text{ to } q$}
\Let{B}{s \concat x \concat ctr}
\If{$H(B) \leq T$}
\Let{ctr}{ctr + 1}
\caption{\label{alg.environment} The environment and network model running
for a polynomial number of rounds $\textsf{poly}(\kappa)$.}
\If{$x \not\in \mathcal{T}$}
\If{$Q = 0$}
\Let{Q}{Q - 1}
\State$\mathcal{T}[x] \getsrandomly \{0, 1\}^\kappa$
\State{$\mathcal{G} \getsrandomly \{0, 1\}^\kappa$}
\Comment{Genesis block}
\For{$i \gets 1 \text{ to } n - t$}
\Comment{Boot honest parties}
\Let{P_i}{\textsf{new } \Pi^{H_{\kappa,i}}(\mathcal{G})}
\Let{A}{\textsf{new } \mathcal{A}^{H_{\kappa,0}}(\mathcal{G}, n, t)}
\Comment{Boot adversarial parties}
\For{$i \gets 1 \text{ to } n - t$}
\While{$r < \textsf{poly}(\kappa)$}
\Let{r}{r + 1}
\For{$i \gets 1 \text{ to } n - t$}
\Let{M}{M \cup \{P_i.\textsf{execute}(\overline{M}[i])\}}
\Comment{Execute honest party $i$ for round $r$}
\Comment{Execute rushing adversary for round $r$}
\For{$m \in M$}\Comment{Ensure all parties will receive message $m$}
\For{$i \gets 1 \text{ to } n - t$}
\State{$\textsf{assert}(m \in \overline{M}[i])$}\Comment{Non-eclipsing assumption}
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