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Last active September 16, 2022 05:35
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JavaScript Cheat Seet contains useful code examples on a single page. Not just a PDF!. Find code for JS loops, variables, objects, data types, strings it includes most of part of JS
// alert('hello JS')
// confirm('Are you Ready ?') // true/false
// prompt('what is your best strenth ?') // input
// document.write('DOC EDITED BY JS')
////-------- SomeDefinations
// Loops – Most programming languages allow to work with loops, which help in executing one or more statements up to a desired number of times. Find the "for" and "while" loop syntax in this section.
// If - Else statements – Conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
// Variables – Use variables (numbers, strings, arrays etc.) and learn the operators.
// Data types – You can declare many types of variables and declare your own objects in JavaScript.
// Strings – Learn how to work with JS strings and find the most common functions to work with this data type.
// Events – Use JavaScript event listeners to trigger functions.
// Numbers and math – Work with JS numbers, predefined constants and perform math functions.
// Dates – Get or modify current time and date.
// Arrays – Learn how to organize your vairables in vectors and how to use them.
// Global functions – Predefined functions that are built in every browser that supports JS.
// Regular expressions – Use RegEx to define a search pattern.
// Errors – JS error handling.
// JSON – JavaScript Object Notation is syntax used for storing and exchanging data.
// Promises – The Promise object is used for asynchronous computation. See our example on how to declare one.
////-------- DataType (yes Right)
let iAMVariable; // undefined
let numbers = {
'18': 18,
'3.14': 3.14,
'0b101010': 0b101010, // Binary Value
'0xf6': 0xf6, //
'NaN': NaN
}; // Object
// console.log('js Numbers:\n', numbers)
let special_dataType = {
'undefined': undefined,
'null': null,
'infiity': 'infiity'
// console.log('Special DataTypes:\n',special_dataType);
////--------Arithmetic (Wow!)
let obj = {
name: 'Arithmetic'
let a = 1, b = 2, c;
let arithmetic = {
'typeof 12': typeof 12,
'typeof obj': typeof obj,
'2 * (2 + 4)': 2 * (2 + 4),
'':, // Obj Member
'obj[name]': obj['name'], // Obj Member
'a || b)': a || b, // logical A or B
'c || b)': c || b, // logical C or B
'a && b)': a || b, // logical a And b
'c && b)': c || b, // logical c And b
'!(a == b)': a == b, // logical NOT
'a == b': a == b, // Equal
'a != b': a != b, // Not Equal
'a = b': a = b, // assignment
'a === b': a === b, // strict Equal (type & value)
// console.log('Arithmetic:\n', arithmetic);
////--------Sorthands (Roking)
let x1 = {}; // new object
let x2 = ""; // new primitive string
let x3 = 100; // new primitive number
let x4 = true; // new primitive boolean
let x5 = []; // new array object
let x6 = /[a-b]/; // new RegExp object
let x7 = function () {
}; // new function object
x7 = () => {
}; // new function object arrove fun
////--------Arithmetic Some Rules (Have fun)
// console.log(5 + 7) // 12, typeof x is a number
// console.log(5 + "7") // 57, typeof x is a string
// console.log("5" + 7) // 57, typeof x is a string
// console.log(5 - 7) // -2, typeof x is a number
// console.log(5 - "7") // -2, typeof x is a number
// console.log("5" - 7) // -2, typeof x is a number
// console.log(5 - "x") // NaN, typeof x is a number
// console.log(0 == "") // true
// console.log(1 == "1") // true
// console.log(1 == true) // true
// console.log(0 === "") // false
// console.log(1 === "1") // false
// console.log(1 === true) // false
// typeof null // Returns object
// typeof NaN // Returns number
// typeof function () {} // Returns function
// typeof myCar // Returns undefined (if myCar is not declared)
// typeof "John" // Returns string
// typeof 3.14 // Returns number
// typeof false // Returns boolean
// typeof [1, 2, 3, 4] // Returns object
// typeof {name:'John', age:34} // Returns object
// typeof new Date() // Returns object
// -------------------------------------------
// The data type of NaN is number
// The data type of an array is object
// The data type of a date is object
// The data type of null is object
// The data type of an undefined variable is undefined
////--------Math (Lets Rock)
let math = {
'Math.PI': Math.PI,
'Math.round(.99)': Math.round(.99), // rounded to its nearest integer:
'Math.pow(10,3)': Math.pow(10, 3), // 10 Power of 3 || (10*10*10)
'Math.sqrt(16)': Math.sqrt(16), // square root of 16 == (4*4)
'Math.abs(-12)': Math.abs(-12), // absolute (positive) value of -12
'Math.ceil(4.1)': Math.ceil(4.1), // rounded up to its nearest integer
'Math.floor(4.9)': Math.floor(4.9), // rounded down to its nearest integer
'Math.random()': Math.random(),
'Math.max(0,3,6,8,2,5)': Math.max(0, 3, 6, 8, 2, 5), // highest value in a list
'Math.min(10,3,6,8,4,5)': Math.min(10, 3, 6, 8, 4, 5), // highest value in a list
// console.log('Math:\n', math)
// abs(x) Returns the absolute value of x
// ceil(x) Returns the value of x rounded up to its nearest integer
// cos(x) Returns the cosine of x (x is in radians)
// floor(x) Returns the value of x rounded down to its nearest integer
// log(x) Returns the natural logarithm (base E) of x
// max(x, y, z, ..., n) Returns the number with the highest value
// min(x, y, z, ..., n) Returns the number with the lowest value
// pow(x, y) Returns the value of x to the power of y
// random() Returns a random number between 0 and 1
// round(x) Returns the value of x rounded to its nearest integer
////-------- String (Great methods)
let abc = ',This is My String!';
let str = 'helLo world';
let string = {
'abc': abc,
'str': str,
'str.length': str.length, // String len
'str.toUpperCase()': str.toUpperCase(), // String len
'str.toLowerCase()': str.toLowerCase(), // String len
'str.indexOf("e")': str.indexOf("e"), // -1 if doesnt contain
'str.indexOf("ll")': str.indexOf("ll"), // first occurence (index) from left to right
'str.lastIndexOf("l")': str.lastIndexOf("l"), // first occurence (index) from right to left
'str.charAt(3)': str.charAt(3), // return char specified index
'str.charCodeAt(3)': str.charCodeAt(3), // return Unicode of specified index (a = 64)
'str.concat(abc)': str.concat(abc), // str1 + str2
'str.endsWith("rld")': str.endsWith("rld"), // true
'str.endsWith("xyx")': str.endsWith("xyx"), // false
'str.includes("wor")': str.includes("wor"), // true
'str.includes("worr")': str.includes("worr"), // false
'"abc,".repeat(3)': "abc,".repeat(3), // Retpeat String again &again as per specified times
'str.replace("elLo","hii")': str.replace("elLo", "hii"), //
'"wor")':"wor"), //
'[/d$/i])':$/i), // search is more powerfull then indexof bcz we can use RegExp inside
'str.slice(7)': str.slice(7), // string.slice(start, end = remaining_str) || Extracts a part of a string
'str.slice(1, 5)': str.slice(1, 5), // string.slice(start, end) || part of a string from start to str_length
'str.slice(1, -1)': str.slice(1, -1), // string.slice(start, end) || neg vals starts from end of string (reverce)
'str.substr(2,3)': str.substr(2, 3), // string.substr(startIdx, length) return sub part of string @deprecated.
'str.split(" ")': str.split(" "), // make array from string,elements split by specified vals
// // 'str.substring(1,7)': str.substring(1,7), //
'str.trim()': str.trim(), // Removes spaces from both ends
'str.valueOf()': str.valueOf(), // Returns primitive val
// console.log('String:\n', string)
var myString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var esc = 'I don\'t \n know'; // \n new line
var len = abc.length; // string length
let string2 = {
'myString.indexOf("lmno")': myString.indexOf("lmno"), // find substring, -1 if doesn't contain
'myString.lastIndexOf("lmno")': myString.lastIndexOf("lmno"), // last occurance
'myString.slice(3, 6)': myString.slice(3, 6), // cuts out "def", negative values count from behind
'myString.replace("abc","123")': myString.replace("abc", "123"), // find and replace, takes regular expressions
'myString.toUpperCase()': myString.toUpperCase(), // convert to upper case
'myString.toLowerCase()': myString.toLowerCase(), // convert to lower case
'myString.concat(" ", esc)': myString.concat(" ", esc), // abc + " " + str2
'myString.charAt(2)': myString.charAt(2), // character at index: "c"
'myString.charCodeAt(2)': myString.charCodeAt(2), // character code at index: "c" -> 99
'myString.split(",")': myString.split(","), // splitting a string on commas gives an array
// 'myString.split("")': myString.split(""), // splitting on characters
'myString[2]': myString[2], // unsafe, abc[2] = "C" doesn't work
// console.log('String2:\n', string2)
////-------- in Operator (Awsomeness is Activated)
let news = ['indianTimes', 'sandes', 'economicsTimes'];
let myObj = {name: 'dipends', age: 24, lang: 'Js'};
let in_Operator = {
'"sandes" in news': "sandes" in news,
'0 in news': 0 in news, // true
'1 in news': 1 in news, // Returns false (does not exist)
'4 in news': 4 in news, // false
'length in news': 'length' in news, // false
'name in myObj': 'name' in myObj, // true
'age in myObj': 'age' in myObj, // true
'book in myObj': 'book' in myObj, // false
// CORE JS objects
'"PI" in Math': "PI" in Math, // Returns true
'"NaN" in Number': "NaN" in Number, // Returns true
'"length" in String': "length" in String, // Returns true
// console.log('in_Operator:\n', in_Operator)
////--------Array (Joy is Here, right now, right )
createdArrayFrom = Array.from('ABCDE')
let lifeArray = new Array('joy', 'love', 'happiness', 'enjoyment');
let lifeArray2 = ['BeingWise', 'Power', 'Hope'];
// console.log(lifeArray)
isArray = Array.isArray(lifeArray); // true | false
// console.log(isArray)
length_of_arr = lifeArray.length; // number of Element (len)
// console.log('Array length:', length_of_arr)
array_length_new = lifeArray.unshift("1st_element"); // add new element at index 0 || returns the new length
// console.log(array_length_new)
removed_element = lifeArray.shift(); // remove 1st element returns removed element
// console.log(removed_element)
array_length_new = lifeArray.push("Friends"); // add new element to end of arr
// console.log('after push returns arr new length:',array_length_new)
removed_element = lifeArray.pop(); // remove last element, returns that element
// console.log('Removed last Eleement by .pop():',removed_element)
lifeArray = lifeArray.concat(lifeArray2, ['Delightful', 'Peace', 'Power']); // join Two or more arrays
// console.log(lifeArray)
lifeArray.sort(); // Sort ascending
lifeArray.reverse(); // Reverse A-Z to Z-A
isIncludes_val = lifeArray.includes('love'); // true | false
// console.log('is_includes_specified_val: ', isIncludes_val); // true
indexOf_my_val = lifeArray.indexOf('Power'); // caseSensitive || if not ele not available returns -1
last_indexOf_my_val = lifeArray.lastIndexOf('Power'); // find index from end
// console.log(indexOf_my_val)
// console.log(last_indexOf_my_val)
part_of_lifeArray = lifeArray.slice(1, 4); // a.slice(start_position, end_position) returns part of array || end_position excluded
// console.log(part_of_lifeArray)
part_of_lifeArray = lifeArray.splice(1, 4); // a.slice(start_position, number_of_element) returns part of array
// console.log(part_of_lifeArray)
arrJoined_str = lifeArray.join('@,'); // Returns String
// console.log(arrJoined_str);
lifeArray = arrJoined_str.split('@,')
// console.log(lifeArray);
lifeArray_str = lifeArray.toLocaleString()
// console.log(lifeArray_str)
// for( let index_val of lifeArray.entries()){
// cl(`${index_val[0]}:${index_val[1]}`)
// }
lifeArray_keys = lifeArray.keys()
lifeArray_val = lifeArray.values()
lifeArray_elements = lifeArray.entries()
// // 1st Element of Array
// // 2nd Element of Array... and So on....
// ----------------
// ----- Or you can try direct loop insted of next()..
for (let keys of lifeArray.keys()) {
for (let values of lifeArray.values()) {
for (let [key, val] of lifeArray.entries()) {
Iam_hope = lifeArray.find(val => {
if (val == 'Hope') {
return true
lifeArray_has_atleast_something = lifeArray.some(val => {
if (val == 'Hope') {
return true
lifeArray_mustHave = lifeArray.some(val => {
if (val.includes('')) {
return true
lifeArrayModified_every_element =, index, array) => '_' + value)
// array.splice(index, number of elements to be removed, newEle, newEle2);
// // example
// let array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
// let newArray = array.splice(1, 3, 'a', 'b')
// console.log({array, newArray}) // array: [ 10, 'a', 'b', 50, 60 ], newArray: [ 20, 30, 40 ]
//////// MAP (let's see)
let users = new Map()
users.set('dipen', { name: 'dipends', age: 24 })
users.set('hitesh', { name: 'iHites', age: 25 })
users.set('janvi', { name: 'iJanu', age: 22 })
let total_users = users.size // 3
let isDipen_userExisted = users.has('dipen') // true
let janviFrom_users = users.get('janvi') // return janvi instance (pass key)
let janviAge = janviFrom_users.age // 22
console.log(janviFrom_users); // {name: "iJanu", age: 22}
let notFound = users.get('notInThere') // undefined
let isUser_deleted = users.delete('janvi') // returns true (true|false)
let isUser_exist = users.has('janvi') // false, janvi has been removed
let userKeys = users.keys()
for (const userKey of userKeys) {
console.log(userKey); // dipen, hitesh, janvi
for (const user of users.values()) {
console.log( + ':', user); // dipends: {name: "dipends", age: 24}
for (const [key, value] of users.entries()) {
console.log(key); // dipen, hitesh, janvi
console.log(value); // users Object
// users.forEach((v, k) => console.log(k, v)); // hitesh {name: "iHites", age: 25}
let numArr = [['one', { name: 'ONE!', num: 1 }], ['two', 2], ['three', 3]]
let numMap = new Map(numArr)
let two = numMap.get('two')
console.log(two); // 2
console.log(numMap.get('one').name); // ONE!
let first = new Map([[1, 'one'], [2, 'two'], [3, 'three']])
let second = new Map([[1, 'one.0'], [4, 'four']])
// merge Two maps
let concated_maps = new Map([...first, ...second])
////// SET
/// Set same as map the only Diff is Set stors only unique values
// intersect can be simulated via
// var intersection = new Set([...set1].filter(x => set2.has(x)));
// difference can be simulated via
// var difference = new Set([...set1].filter(x => !set2.has(x)));
///Implementing basic set operations
function isSuperset(set, subset) {
for (var elem of subset) {
if (!set.has(elem)) {
return false
return true
function union(setA, setB) {
var _union = new Set(setA)
for (var elem of setB) {
return _union
function intersection(setA, setB) {
var _intersection = new Set()
for (var elem of setB) {
if (setA.has(elem)) {
return _intersection
function difference(setA, setB) {
var _difference = new Set(setA)
for (var elem of setB) {
return _difference
var setA = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]),
setB = new Set([2, 3]),
setC = new Set([3, 4, 5, 6])
// isSuperset(setA, setB) // => true
// union(setA, setC) // => Set [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
// intersection(setA, setC) // => Set [3, 4]
// difference(setA, setC) // => Set [1, 2]
/// null || undefined
typeof null // "object" (not "null" for legacy reasons)
typeof undefined // "undefined"
null === undefined // false
null == undefined // true
null === null // true
null == null // true
!null // true
isNaN(1 + null) // false
isNaN(1 + undefined) // true
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