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Last active January 25, 2024 14:42
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ExpMap Javascript Port
type Tangents = Array<{ tan1: Vector3; tan2: Vector3 }>;
let cache: {
G: KDistances;
tangents: Tangents;
} = {
G: new KDistances(),
tangents: [],
export interface ExpMapParams {
graphNbrs: number;
stopDist: number;
vertex: number;
export const expMap = (g: BufferGeometry, params: ExpMapParams) => {
const hasCache = cache.tangents.length !== 0;
console.log("running expmap", hasCache);
if (!hasCache) {
// nearest neighbors from all vertices in the mesh.
cache.G = findKnn_tree(g, params.graphNbrs);
cache.tangents = getTan1Tan2(
new Float32BufferAttribute(g.attributes.normal.array, 3)
console.log("running dijkstras algorithm");
const distanceThres = 2 * params.stopDist;
// geodesic distance finding between source vertex and all other vertices.
const dist = dijkstrasMaxdist(cache.G, params.vertex, distanceThres);
const sort_dist = Object.keys(dist)
.map((k) => ({ key: Number(k), value: dist[Number(k)] }))
.sort((a, b) => a.value - b.value);
const uvs: number[] = [];
const N = g.attributes.normal.count;
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
uvs.push(NaN, NaN);
const si = sort_dist[0].key;
uvs[si * 2] = 0;
uvs[si * 2 + 1] = 0;
const normals = g.attributes.normal.array;
const points = g.attributes.position.array;
for (let i = 1; i < N; i++) {
const vtx = sort_dist[i].key;
if (dist[vtx] > params.stopDist) break;
// get all neighbors with distance greater than 0
const neighbors = cache.G.kDistances[vtx].toArray
.filter((f) => f.value !== 0)
.filter((n) => {
const u = uvs[n.index * 2];
return Number.isFinite(u);
let wtSum = 0;
let sumUV = new Vector2(0, 0);
for (let j = 0; j < neighbors.length; j++) {
const ui = neighbors[j].index;
const from = new Vector3(
points[3 * vtx],
points[3 * vtx + 1],
points[3 * vtx + 2]
const to = new Vector3(
points[3 * ui],
points[3 * ui + 1],
points[3 * ui + 2]
const weight = 1 / from.distanceToSquared(to);
const uv_jj = estimateUV(
wtSum += weight;
[uvs[2 * vtx], uvs[2 * vtx + 1]] = [sumUV.x / wtSum, sumUV.y / wtSum];
return uvs;
const estimateUV = (
i: number,
ui: number,
si: number,
points: ArrayLike<number>,
normals: ArrayLike<number>,
uv: number[],
tangents: Tangents
) => {
const ns = new Vector3(
normals[3 * si],
normals[3 * si + 1],
normals[3 * si + 2]
const t1s = tangents[si].tan1;
const nu = new Vector3(
normals[3 * ui],
normals[3 * ui + 1],
normals[3 * ui + 2]
const t1u = tangents[ui].tan1;
const t2u = tangents[ui].tan2;
const from = new Vector3(points[3 * i], points[3 * i + 1], points[3 * i + 2]);
const to = new Vector3(
points[3 * ui],
points[3 * ui + 1],
points[3 * ui + 2]
const v = from.clone().sub(to);
const len = Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z);
let localUv = new Vector2(v.clone().dot(t1u), v.clone().dot(t2u));
localUv = localUv.normalize().multiplyScalar(len);
const nrot = vAlign(ns, nu).rotmat;
const rt1s = matMul3(nrot, t1s);
let { axis, theta } = vAlign(rt1s, t1u);
if ( < 0) {
theta = -theta;
const cosA = Math.cos(theta);
const sinA = Math.sin(theta);
localUv = matMul2(
new Matrix3().fromArray([cosA, sinA, 0, -sinA, cosA, 0, 0, 0, 1]),
const currentUV = new Vector2(uv[2 * ui], uv[2 * ui + 1]);
return currentUV.add(localUv);
const matMul2 = (mat: Matrix3, vec: Vector2) => {
const [x, y] = [
mat.elements[0] * vec.x + mat.elements[1] * vec.y,
mat.elements[3] * vec.x + mat.elements[4] * vec.y,
return new Vector2(x, y);
const matMul3 = (mat: Matrix3, vec: Vector3) => {
const [x, y, z] = [
mat.elements[0] * vec.x + mat.elements[1] * vec.y + mat.elements[2] * vec.z,
mat.elements[3] * vec.x + mat.elements[4] * vec.y + mat.elements[5] * vec.z,
mat.elements[6] * vec.x + mat.elements[7] * vec.y + mat.elements[8] * vec.z,
return new Vector3(x, y, z);
const vAlign = (from: Vector3, to: Vector3) => {
const n1 = from.clone();
const n2 = to.clone();
const cosTheta = n1.clone().dot(n2) / (norm(n1) * norm(n2));
const axis = n1.clone().cross(n2);
if (norm(axis) > 0) {
const theta = Math.acos(clamp(cosTheta, -1, 1));
const rotmat = axisrot(axis, theta);
return { axis, theta, rotmat };
if (cosTheta < 0) {
const tan = tangentFrame(n1);
return {
axis: tan.tan1,
theta: Math.PI,
rotmat: axisrot(tan.tan1, Math.PI),
return {
axis: new Vector3(0, 0, 1),
theta: 0,
rotmat: new Matrix3().identity(),
const norm = (v: Vector3) => Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z);
const axisrot = (axis: Vector3, t: number) => {
const fcos = Math.cos(t);
const fsin = Math.sin(t);
const fminuscos = 1 - fcos;
const fx2 = axis.x * axis.x;
const fy2 = axis.y * axis.y;
const fz2 = axis.z * axis.z;
const fxym = axis.x * axis.y * fminuscos;
const fxzm = axis.x * axis.z * fminuscos;
const fyzm = axis.y * axis.z * fminuscos;
const fxsin = axis.x * fsin;
const fysin = axis.y * fsin;
const fzsin = axis.z * fsin;
return new Matrix3().fromArray([
fx2 * fminuscos + fcos,
fxym - fzsin,
fxzm + fysin,
fxym + fzsin,
fy2 * fminuscos + fcos,
fyzm - fxsin,
fxzm - fysin,
fyzm + fxsin,
fz2 * fminuscos + fcos,
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