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Created January 13, 2023 07:45
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  • Save diplfranzhoepfinger/e40db2debd7ea5443e0a6a0def04891a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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--- idf_monitor on /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)
Waiting for the device to reconnectEM
D (523) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fc98e88 - 0x3fca0000
V (529) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fca0000 - 0x3fcb0000
D (536) memory_layout: Avaiable memory region 0x3fca0000 - 0x3fcb0000
V (543) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcb0000 - 0x3fcc0000
D (549) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcb0000 - x3fcc0000
V (556) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcc0000 - 0x3fcd0000
D (562) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcc0000 - 0x3fcd0000
V (569) memory_lyout: Examining memory region 0x3fcd0000 - 0x3fce0000
D (576) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcd0000 - 0x3fce0000
V (582) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fce0000 - 0x3fce9710
D (589) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fce0000 - 0x3fce9710
V (595) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fcf0000
V (602) memory_layout: End of region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fcf0000 overlaps reserved 0x3fceee34 - 0x3fcf0000
D (611) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fce9710 - 0x3fceee34
V (618) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x3fcf0000 - 0x3fcf8000
D (624) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x3fcf0000 - 0x3fcf8000
V (631) memory_layout: Examining memory region 0x600fe000 - 0x60100000
V (638) memory_layout: Start of region 0x600fe000 - 0x60100000 overlaps reserved 0x600fe000 - 0x600fe010
D (647) memory_layout: Available memory region 0x600fe010 - 0x60100000
I (654) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
D (661) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fc98e88
I (666) heap_init: At 3FC98E88 len 00050888 (322 KiB): D/IRAM
I (673) heap_init: At 3FCE9710 len 00005724 (21 KiB): STACK/DRAM
D (679) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fcf0000
I (684) heap_init: At 3FCF0000 len 00008000 (32 KiB): DRAM
D (691) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x600fe010
I (696) heap_init: At 600FE010 len 00001FF0 (7 KiB): RTCRAM
V (702) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (708) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (717) intr_alloc: Connected src 39 to int 2 (cpu 0)
V (722) memspi: raw_chip_id: 1840C8
V (725) memspi: chip_id: C84018
V (729) memspi: raw_chip_id: 1840C8
V (732) memspi: chip_id: C84018
D (736) spi_flash: trying chip: issi
D (739) spi_flash: trying chip: gd
I (743) spi_flash: detected chip: gd
I (747) spi_flash: flash io: dio
W (751) spi_flash: Detected size(16384k) larger than the size in the binary image header(8192k). Using the size in the binary image header.
D (764) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4207cc34
0x4207cc34: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZNSt12ctype_bynameIwEC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEj at
D (769) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42078960
0x42078960: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZNSt12ctype_bynameIcEC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEj at
D (774) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42070868
0x42070868: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZNSt12ctype_bynameIwEC2ERKSsj at
D (779) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42069760
0x42069760: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZNSt12ctype_bynameIcEC2ERKSsj at
D (784) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x420619c0
0x420619c0: _GLOBAL__sub_I___cxa_get_globals_fast at
D (789) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x420617e8
0x420617e8: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN9__gnu_cxx9__freeresEv at
D (794) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42039160
0x42039160: esp_ds_conn_lock at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/mbedtls/port/esp_ds/esp_rsa_sign_alt.c:47
D (799) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42020edc
0x42020edc: esp_ipc_init at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_system/esp_ipc.c:115
D (804) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x420110bc
0x420110bc: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3idf5event21PLATFORM_MAX_DELAY_MSE at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/examples/cxx/experimental/experimental_cpp_component/esp_event_cxx.cpp:224
V (809) pthread: pthread_once: call init_routine 0x3fc93694
V (814) pthread: pthread_once: call init_routine 0x3fc9368c
D (821) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x420101c8
0x420101c8: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN3idf5event18ESPEventAPIDefaultC2Ev at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/examples/cxx/experimental/experimental_cpp_component/esp_event_api.cpp:113
D (825) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4200c960
0x4200c960: _GLOBAL__sub_I__ZN10MqttClientC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/simple_cmux_client/simple_mqtt_client.cpp:105
D (830) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x4200b4e0
0x4200b4e0: _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z19set_mode_and_reportRSt10unique_ptrIN9esp_modem3DCEESt14default_deleteIS1_EENS0_10modem_modeE at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/simple_cmux_client/simple_cmux_client_main.cpp:374
D (835) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42003e50
0x42003e50: esp_reset_reason_init at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_system/port/soc/esp32s3/reset_reason.c:67
D (839) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42002d70
0x42002d70: esp_init_app_elf_sha256 at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_app_format/esp_app_desc.c:69
D (844) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x420085a4 on core: 0
0x420085a4: __esp_system_init_fn_esp_timer_startup_init at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_timer/src/esp_timer.c:464
V (850) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (857) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xC02
D (865) intr_alloc: Connected src 59 to int 3 (cpu 0)
D (870) cpu_start: calling init function: 0x42003ae0 on core: 0
0x42003ae0: __esp_system_init_fn_init_components0 at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_system/startup.c:477
D (876) cpu_start: Setting C++ exception workarounds.
V (881) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (887) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (895) intr_alloc: Connected src 79 to int 9 (cpu 0)
I (900) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
V (906) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (906) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x402
D (906) intr_alloc: Connected src 57 to int 12 (cpu 0)
V (906) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): checking args
V (916) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x40E
D (916) intr_alloc: Connected src 80 to int 2 (cpu 1)
I (926) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
V (926) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): checking args
V (936) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 1): Args okay. Resulting flags 0x402
D (946) intr_alloc: Connected src 58 to int 3 (cpu 1)
D (946) heap_init: New heap initialised at 0x3fce9710
V (956) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (966) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE
D (966) intr_alloc: Connected src 52 to int 13 (cpu 0)
I (976) gpio: GPIO[11]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (986) gpio: GPIO[10]| InputEn: 0| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:0
I (2996) modem_pwkey: status = 0
I (3096) modem_pwkey: POWER ON
I (4096) modem_pwkey: POWER ON OK
I (5096) modem_pwkey: status = 0
I (6096) modem_pwkey: status = 0
I (7096) modem_pwkey: status = 0
I (8096) modem_pwkey: status = 1
D (8096) event: running task for loop 0x3fce9f34
D (8096) event: created task for loop 0x3fce9f34
D (8096) event: created event loop 0x3fce9f34
D (8096) esp_netif_lwip: LwIP stack has been initialized
D (8106) esp_netif_lwip: esp-netif has been successfully initialized
I (8106) uart: queue free spaces: 30
V (8116) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): checking args
V (8116) intr_alloc: esp_intr_alloc_intrstatus (cpu 0): Args okay. Resulting flags 0xE
D (8126) intr_alloc: Connected src 28 to int 17 (cpu 0)
D (8136) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_add_to_list 0x3fcee2a0
D (8136) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_add_to_list netif added successfully (total netifs: 1)
D (8146) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: esp_netif_new_ppp: PPP connection created: 0x3fc99614
D (8156) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Dead
V (8156) command_lib: sync
V (8166) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (8166) command_lib: generic_command
D (8166) command_lib: generic_command command AT
W (8676) cmux_example: sync no Success after 0 try
V (8676) command_lib: sync
V (8676) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (8676) command_lib: generic_command
D (8676) command_lib: generic_command command AT
W (9236) cmux_example: sync no Success after 1 try
V (9236) command_lib: sync
V (9236) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (9236) command_lib: generic_command
D (9236) command_lib: generic_command command AT
W (9836) cmux_example: sync no Success after 2 try
V (9836) command_lib: sync
V (9836) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (9836) command_lib: generic_command
D (9836) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (10416) command_lib: Response:
W (10436) cmux_example: sync no Success after 3 try
V (10436) command_lib: sync
V (10436) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (10436) command_lib: generic_command
D (10436) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (10516) command_lib: Response:
I (10516) cmux_example: sync Success after 4 try
V (10516) command_lib: set_flow_control
V (10516) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (10526) command_lib: generic_command
D (10526) command_lib: generic_command command AT+IFC=2,2
D (10616) command_lib: Response: AT+IFC=2,2
I (10616) cmux_example: set_flow_control OK
V (10616) command_lib: sync
V (10626) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (10626) command_lib: generic_command
D (10626) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (10716) command_lib: Response: AT
I (10716) cmux_example: sync Success after 0 try
V (10716) command_lib: get_imsi
V (10716) command_lib: generic_get_string
V (10716) command_lib: generic_get_string
V (10896) command_lib: Token: {AT+CIMI}
V (10896) command_lib: Token: {SMS DONE}
V (11366) command_lib: Token: {AT+CIMI}
V (11366) command_lib: Token: {SMS DONE}
} (11366) command_lib: Token: {
V (11366) command_lib: Token: {901288005681926}
} (11376) command_lib: Token: {
V (11376) command_lib: Token: {OK}
Modem IMSI number:901288005681926
V (13386) command_lib: sync
V (13386) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (13386) command_lib: generic_command
D (13386) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (13396) command_lib: Response: AT
V (22496) command_lib: sync
V (22496) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (22496) command_lib: generic_command
D (22496) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (22496) command_lib: Response: AT
V (24496) command_lib: sync
V (24496) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (24496) command_lib: generic_command
D (24496) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (24506) command_lib: Response: AT
V (26506) command_lib: sync
V (26506) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (26506) command_lib: generic_command
D (26506) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (26516) command_lib: Response: AT
V (28516) command_lib: sync
V (28516) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (28516) command_lib: generic_command
D (28516) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (28526) command_lib: Response: AT
V (30526) command_lib: sync
V (30526) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (30526) command_lib: generic_command
D (30526) command_lib: generic_command command AT
D (30536) command_lib: Response: AT
V (30536) command_lib: set_cmux
V (30536) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (30536) command_lib: generic_command
D (30546) command_lib: generic_command command AT+CMUX=0
D (30636) command_lib: Response: AT+CMUX=0
V (30736) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 03 73 01 d7 f9 |..s...|
D (30736) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:00 type:73 payload:0 available:2
V (30746) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 07 73 01 15 f9 |..s...|
D (30746) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:73 payload:0 available:2
V (30756) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 0b 73 01 92 f9 |..s...|
D (30766) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:73 payload:0 available:2
Modem has correctly entered mode CMUX_MANUAL_MODE
V (30776) command_lib: set_echo
V (30776) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (30776) command_lib: generic_command
D (30786) command_lib: generic_command command ATE0
V (30786) Send: 0x3fcf4d84 f9 05 ef 0b |....|
V (30796) Send: 0x3fcf5028 41 54 45 30 0d |ATE0.|
V (30806) Send: 0x3fcf4d88 bb f9 |..|
V (30796) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 0b 41 54 45 30 0d bb f9 f9 05 ef 0d 0d |....ATE0........|
V (30826) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 0a 4f 4b 0d 0a 5f f9 |.OK.._.|
D (30826) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:5 available:19
D (30836) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:6 available:8
D (30846) command_lib: Response:
V (30846) command_lib: set_pdp_context
V (30846) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (30856) command_lib: generic_command
D (30856) command_lib: generic_command command AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
V (30866) Send: 0x3fcf4d04 f9 05 ef 53 |...S|
V (30876) Send: 0x3fcee8dc 41 54 2b 43 47 44 43 4f 4e 54 3d 31 2c 22 49 50 |AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP|
V (30886) Send: 0x3fcee8ec 22 2c 22 6e 62 69 6f 74 2e 67 6c 6f 62 61 6c 2d |","|
V (30876) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 0d 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d 0a 5f f9 |......OK.._.|
D (30906) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:6 available:8
D (30906) command_lib: Response:
V (30906) Send: 0x3fcee8fc 6d 32 6d 2e 6e 65 74 22 0d |".|
V (30916) Send: 0x3fcf4d08 d9 f9 |..|
V (30926) command_lib: set_data_mode
V (30936) command_lib: generic_command
D (30936) command_lib: generic_command command ATD*99##
V (30936) Send: 0x3fcf4db4 f9 05 ef 13 |....|
V (30946) Send: 0x3fcf5038 41 54 44 2a 39 39 23 23 0d |ATD*99##.|
V (30956) Send: 0x3fcf4db8 a9 f9 |..|
V (30986) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 17 0d 0a 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 0d 0a ae |......CONNECT...|
V (30986) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 f9 |.|
D (30996) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:11 available:13
D (30996) command_lib: Response:
D (31006) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action has started with netif0x3fcee2a0 from event_id=0
D (31016) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: esp_netif_start_ppp: Starting PPP connection: 0x3fc99614
D (31016) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Start
D (31026) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Establish
D (31026) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x3fcee2a0 fn=0x42023d3c
0x42023d3c: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:272
D (31036) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcee2a0
V (31046) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcee2a0
D (31046) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
Modem has correctly entered mode CMUX_MANUAL_DATA
V (31056) command_lib: get_operator_name
V (31066) command_lib: generic_get_string
V (31066) Send: 0x3fcf4f04 f9 09 ef 13 |....|
V (31076) Send: 0x3fcf50e4 41 54 2b 43 4f 50 53 3f 0d |AT+COPS?.|
V (31086) Send: 0x3fcf4f08 2e f9 |..|
V (31076) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 09 ef 13 41 54 2b 43 4f 50 53 3f 0d 2e f9 f9 |....AT+COPS?....|
V (31096) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 09 ef 31 0d 0a 2b 43 4f 50 53 3a 20 30 2c 32 2c |..1..+COPS: 0,2,|
V (31106) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 22 32 36 32 30 32 22 2c 37 0d 0a f5 f9 f9 09 ef |"26202",7.......|
V (31116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 0d 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d 0a d8 f9 |...OK....|
D (31126) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:9 available:53
D (31136) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:24 available:38
} (31136) command_lib: Token: {
V (31146) command_lib: Token: {+COPS: 0,2,"26202",7}
D (31146) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:6 available:8
} (31156) command_lib: Token: {
V (31156) command_lib: Token: {OK}
Operator name:26202
V (37026) Send: 0x3fcebfc4 f9 05 ef 5d |...]|
V (37026) Send: 0x3fc9a8ac 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 21 7d 21 7d 20 7d 34 7d 22 |~.}#.!}!}!} }4}"|
V (37026) Send: 0x3fc9a8bc 7d 26 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 25 7d 26 66 7d |}&} } } } }%}&f}|
V (37036) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 69 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 21 7d 21 7d 20 |...i~.}#.!}!}!} |
V (37036) Send: 0x3fc9a8cc 29 af 22 7d 27 7d 22 7d 28 7d 22 f4 55 7e |)."}'}"}(}".U~|
V (37056) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 7d 38 7d 22 7d 26 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 23 |}8}"}&} } } } }#|
V (37056) Send: 0x3fcebfc8 33 f9 |3.|
V (37066) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 7d 24 c0 23 7d 25 7d 26 7d 35 59 e6 80 7d 27 7d |}$.#}%}&}5Y..}'}|
V (37086) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 22 7d 28 7d 22 8b d4 7e 10 f9 f9 05 ef 5f 7e ff |"}(}"..~....._~.|
D (37096) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:52 available:60
V (37096) Send: 0x3fcebf24 f9 05 ef 2f |.../|
D (37106) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:47 available:2
V (37106) Send: 0x3fc9b4ac 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 24 7d 21 7d 20 7d 28 7d 23 |~.}#.!}$}!} }(}#|
V (37116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0a0 7d 23 c0 21 7d 22 7d 21 7d 20 7d 34 7d 22 7d 26 |}#.!}"}!} }4}"}&|
V (37126) Send: 0x3fc9b4bc 7d 24 c0 23 2c d4 7e |}$.#,.~|
V (37136) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0b0 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 25 7d 26 66 7d 29 af |} } } } }%}&f}).|
V (37136) Send: 0x3fcebf28 84 f9 |..|
V (37156) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0c0 22 7d 27 7d 22 7d 28 7d 22 7d 3f 3c 7e d0 f9 |"}'}"}(}"}?<~..|
D (37166) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:45 available:47
V (37176) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 5d 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 21 7d 22 7d 20 |...]~.}#.!}!}"} |
V (37186) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 7d 34 7d 22 7d 26 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 25 |}4}"}&} } } } }%|
V (37196) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 7d 26 58 72 7d 2e 9b 7d 27 7d 22 7d 28 7d 22 7c |}&Xr}..}'}"}(}"||
V (37206) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 d9 7e 33 f9 |.~3.|
D (37206) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:46 available:48
V (37216) Send: 0x3fcebf24 f9 05 ef 5d |...]|
V (37226) Send: 0x3fc9b4ac 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 22 7d 22 7d 20 7d 34 7d 22 |~.}#.!}"}"} }4}"|
V (37236) Send: 0x3fc9b4bc 7d 26 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 20 7d 25 7d 26 58 72 |}&} } } } }%}&Xr|
V (37246) Send: 0x3fc9b4cc 7d 2e 9b 7d 27 7d 22 7d 28 7d 22 97 b0 7e |}..}'}"}(}"..~|
V (37246) Send: 0x3fcebf28 33 f9 |3.|
D (37256) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Authenticate
D (37266) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Network
V (37266) Send: 0x3fcebe44 f9 05 ef 49 |...I|
V (37276) Send: 0x3fc9b4ac 7e ff 03 80 21 01 01 00 1c 02 06 00 2d 0f 01 03 |~...!.......-...|
V (37276) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 15 7e 80 21 01 00 00 04 67 c3 7e 4d f9 |....~.!....g.~M.|
V (37286) Send: 0x3fc9b4bc 06 00 00 00 00 81 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 |................|
V (37296) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 f9 05 ef 21 7e 80 21 04 01 00 0a 02 06 00 2d 0f |...!~.!.......-.|
V (37306) Send: 0x3fc9b4cc 00 55 15 7e |.U.~|
V (37316) Send: 0x3fcebe48 28 f9 |(.|
V (37326) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 01 f8 30 7e 6e f9 |..0~n.|
D (37336) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:10 available:34
V (37346) Send: 0x3fcebf24 f9 05 ef 25 |...%|
D (37346) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:16 available:18
V (37346) Send: 0x3fc9b4ac 7e ff 03 80 21 03 00 00 0a 03 06 00 00 00 00 a0 |~...!...........|
V (37366) Send: 0x3fc9b4bc 3d 7e |=~|
V (37376) Send: 0x3fcebf28 69 f9 |i.|
V (37386) Send: 0x3fcebf34 f9 05 ef 3d |...=|
V (37386) Send: 0x3fc9aeac 7e ff 03 80 21 01 02 00 16 03 06 00 00 00 00 81 |~...!...........|
V (37396) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 15 7e 80 21 01 01 00 04 bb 99 7e 4d f9 |....~.!......~M.|
V (37396) Send: 0x3fc9aebc 06 00 00 00 00 83 06 00 00 00 00 da 82 7e |.............~|
V (37416) Send: 0x3fcebf38 7b f9 |{.|
V (37416) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 f9 05 ef 39 7e 80 21 03 02 00 16 03 06 64 52 4f |...9~.!......dRO|
V (37436) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 62 81 06 d9 0e a0 82 83 06 d9 0e a4 23 e4 ac 7e |b...........#..~|
V (37446) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 7c f9 ||.|
D (37456) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:10 available:46
V (37456) Send: 0x3fcebf24 f9 05 ef 19 |....|
D (37466) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:28 available:30
V (37466) Send: 0x3fc9b4ac 7e ff 03 80 21 02 01 00 04 cd 92 7e |~...!......~|
V (37476) Send: 0x3fcebf28 44 f9 |D.|
V (37486) Send: 0x3fcebf34 f9 05 ef 3d |...=|
V (37496) Send: 0x3fc9aeac 7e ff 03 80 21 01 03 00 16 03 06 64 52 4f 62 81 |~...!......dROb.|
V (37496) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 39 7e 80 21 02 03 00 16 03 06 64 52 4f |...9~.!......dRO|
V (37506) Send: 0x3fc9aebc 06 d9 0e a0 82 83 06 d9 0e a4 23 43 51 7e |..........#CQ~|
V (37526) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 62 81 06 d9 0e a0 82 83 06 d9 0e a4 23 d5 32 7e |b...........#.2~|
V (37526) Send: 0x3fcebf38 7b f9 |{.|
V (37536) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 7c f9 ||.|
D (37546) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:28 available:30
D (37556) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_internal_dhcpc_cb lwip-netif:0x3fcee324
D (37566) esp_netif_lwip: if0x3fcee2a0 ip changed=1
D (37566) event: running post IP_EVENT:6 with handler 0x420224fc and context 0x3fcee700 on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x420224fc: esp_netif_action_connected at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_netif/esp_netif_handlers.c:36
I (37566) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Connected
D (37576) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action connected with netif0x3fcee2a0 from event_id=6
D (37586) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Running
D (37586) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x3fcee2a0 fn=0x420234e4
0x420234e4: esp_netif_up_api at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:1458
D (37596) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_up_api esp_netif:0x3fcee2a0
D (37606) esp_netif_lwip: check: local, if=0x3fcee2a0 fn=0x42023d3c
0x42023d3c: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:272
D (37616) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcee2a0
V (37616) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcee2a0
D (37626) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
D (37636) event: running post IP_EVENT:6 with handler 0x4209b534 and context 0x3fcee764 on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x4209b534: idf::event::ESPEventReg::event_handler_hook(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/examples/cxx/experimental/experimental_cpp_component/esp_event_cxx.cpp:56
D (37636) event: running post NETIF_PPP_STATUS:0 with handler 0x42012678 and context 0x3fcee6bc on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x42012678: esp_modem::Netif::on_ppp_changed(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/esp_modem/src/esp_modem_netif.cpp:22
I (37656) cmux_example: IP :
I (37656) cmux_example: Netmask :
I (37666) cmux_example: Gateway :
Got IP address
I (37666) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (37676) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
D (37676) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (37686) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA1_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (37696) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 24 bit
D (37706) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 16 bit
D (37706) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 8 bit
D (37716) efuse: In EFUSE_BLK1__DATA0_REG is used 8 bits starting with 0 bit
D (37726) mqtt_client: MQTT client_id=ESP32_fe2E70
D (37726) event: created event loop 0x3fceec78
D (37736) mqtt_client: Core selection disabled
D (37736) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:7 with handler 0x4200c7d0 and context 0x3fceedb0 on loop 0x3fceec78
0x4200c7d0: MqttClientHandle::mqtt_event_handler(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/simple_cmux_client/simple_mqtt_client.cpp:44
D (37746) event: no handlers have been registered for event MQTT_EVENTS:7 posted to loop 0x3fce9f34
D (37746) esp-tls: strlen 18
V (37766) Send: 0x3fcebe24 f9 05 ef 8b |....|
V (37766) Send: 0x3fc9c3d0 7e 21 45 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 ff 11 8e 67 64 52 |~!E..@.......gdR|
V (37776) Send: 0x3fc9c3e0 4f 62 d9 0e a0 82 6f a8 00 35 00 2c 83 d1 ef 78 |Ob....o..5.,...x|
V (37786) Send: 0x3fc9c3f0 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 74 65 73 74 09 |...........test.|
V (37796) Send: 0x3fc9c400 6d 6f 73 71 75 69 74 74 6f 03 6f 72 67 00 00 01 ||
V (37806) Send: 0x3fc9c410 00 01 bb 32 7e |...2~|
V (37816) Send: 0x3fcebe28 5b f9 |[.|
V (37956) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef ab 7e 21 45 00 00 50 5f 96 40 00 39 11 |....~!E..P_.@.9.|
V (37956) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 b4 c1 d9 0e a0 82 64 52 4f 62 00 35 6f a8 00 3c |......dROb.5o..<|
V (37966) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 89 19 ef 78 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 04 74 |...x...........t|
V (37976) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 65 73 74 09 6d 6f 73 71 75 69 74 74 6f 03 6f 72 |est.mosquitto.or|
D (37986) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:85 available:60
V (37996) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0a0 67 00 00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 00 01 2c |g..............,|
V (38006) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0b0 00 04 5b 79 5d 5e c5 73 7e 63 f9 |..[y]^.s~c.|
D (38016) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:25 available:27
D (38016) esp-tls: [sock=54] Resolved IPv4 address:
D (38026) esp-tls: [sock=54] Connecting to server. HOST:, Port: 1883
V (38036) Send: 0x3fcebeb4 f9 05 ef 63 |...c|
V (38046) Send: 0x3fc9c500 7e 21 45 00 00 2c 00 01 00 00 ff 06 4f 3f 64 52 |~!E..,......O?dR|
V (38046) Send: 0x3fc9c510 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd 8e 00 00 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (38056) Send: 0x3fc9c520 00 00 60 02 16 70 0b a7 00 00 02 04 05 a0 c7 49 |..`..p.........I|
V (38066) Send: 0x3fc9c530 7e |~|
V (38076) Send: 0x3fcebeb8 fd f9 |..|
V (38116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 63 7e 21 45 00 00 2c 00 00 40 00 2d 06 |...c~!E..,..@.-.|
V (38116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 e1 40 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |.@[y]^dROb.[.d..|
V (38126) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 48 54 49 cd 8f 60 12 fa f0 36 c6 00 00 02 04 |.HTI..`...6.....|
V (38136) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 05 00 8b 17 7e fd f9 |....~..|
D (38146) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:49 available:51
V (38146) Send: 0x3fcebe24 f9 05 ef 5b |...[|
V (38156) Send: 0x3fc9d19c 7e 21 45 00 00 28 00 02 00 00 ff 06 4f 42 64 52 |~!E..(......OBdR|
V (38166) Send: 0x3fc9d1ac 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd 8f 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (38176) Send: 0x3fc9d1bc f0 49 50 10 16 70 32 50 00 00 e3 13 7e |.IP..p2P....~|
V (38186) Send: 0x3fcebe28 d7 f9 |..|
D (38196) mqtt_client: Transport connected to mqtt://
D (38196) mqtt_client: Sending MQTT CONNECT message, type: 1, id: 0000
V (38206) Send: 0x3fcebec4 f9 05 ef 8f |....|
V (38216) Send: 0x3fc9ca60 7e 21 45 00 00 42 00 03 00 00 ff 06 4f 27 64 52 |~!E..B......O'dR|
V (38226) Send: 0x3fc9ca70 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd 8f 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (38226) Send: 0x3fc9ca80 f0 49 50 18 16 70 e4 25 00 00 10 18 00 04 4d 51 |.IP..p.%......MQ|
V (38236) Send: 0x3fc9ca90 54 54 04 02 00 78 00 0c 45 53 50 33 32 5f 66 65 |TT...x..ESP32_fe|
V (38246) Send: 0x3fc9caa0 32 45 37 30 9a 00 7e |2E70..~|
V (38256) Send: 0x3fcebec8 5c f9 |\.|
V (38326) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 5b 7e 21 45 00 00 28 d9 bc 40 00 2d 06 |...[~!E..(..@.-.|
V (38326) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 07 88 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |..[y]^dROb.[.d..|
V (38336) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 49 54 49 cd a9 50 10 fa d6 4d cf 00 00 f5 a4 |.ITI..P...M.....|
V (38346) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 7e d7 f9 |~..|
D (38356) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:45 available:47
V (38366) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 63 7e 21 45 00 00 2c d9 bd 40 00 2d 06 |...c~!E..,..@.-.|
V (38366) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 07 83 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |..[y]^dROb.[.d..|
V (38376) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 49 54 49 cd a9 50 18 fa d6 2d c1 00 00 20 02 |.ITI..P...-... .|
V (38386) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 00 00 7a a8 7e fd f9 |..z.~..|
D (38396) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:49 available:51
D (38406) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: first byte: 0x20
D (38406) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: read "remaining length" byte: 0x2
D (38416) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: total message length: 4 (already read: 2)
D (38426) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: read_len=2
D (38426) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: transport_read():4 4
D (38436) mqtt_client: Connected
D (38436) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:1 with handler 0x4200c7d0 and context 0x3fceedb0 on loop 0x3fceec78
0x4200c7d0: MqttClientHandle::mqtt_event_handler(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/simple_cmux_client/simple_mqtt_client.cpp:44
D (38446) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:1 with handler 0x4209b534 and context 0x3fceee0c on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x4209b534: idf::event::ESPEventReg::event_handler_hook(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/examples/cxx/experimental/experimental_cpp_component/esp_event_cxx.cpp:56
D (38456) mqtt_client: mqtt_enqueue id: 58511, type=8 successful
D (38466) outbox: ENQUEUE msgid=58511, msg_type=8, len=23, size=23
V (38476) Send: 0x3fcebec4 f9 05 ef 89 |....|
V (38476) Send: 0x3fc9cb04 7e 21 45 00 00 3f 00 04 00 00 ff 06 4f 29 64 52 |~!E..?......O)dR|
V (38486) Send: 0x3fc9cb14 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd a9 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (38496) Send: 0x3fc9cb24 f0 4d 50 18 16 6c 1e 05 00 00 82 15 e4 8f 00 10 |.MP..l..........|
V (38506) Send: 0x3fc9cb34 2f 74 6f 70 69 63 2f 65 73 70 2d 6d 6f 64 65 6d |/topic/esp-modem|
V (38516) Send: 0x3fc9cb44 00 5e 71 7e |.^q~|
V (38526) Send: 0x3fcebec8 b8 f9 |..|
D (38526) mqtt_client: Sent subscribe topic=/topic/esp-modem, id: 58511, type=8 successful
V (38696) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 65 7e 21 45 00 00 2d d9 be 40 00 2d 06 |...e~!E..-..@.-.|
V (38696) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 07 81 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |..[y]^dROb.[.d..|
V (38706) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 4d 54 49 cd c0 50 18 fa bf d9 2a 00 00 90 03 |.MTI..P....*....|
V (38716) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 e4 8f 00 eb 86 7e 19 f9 |.....~..|
D (38726) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:50 available:52
V (38726) Send: 0x3fcebe44 f9 05 ef 99 |....|
V (38736) Send: 0x3fc9dc64 7e 21 45 00 00 47 00 05 00 00 ff 06 4f 20 64 52 |~!E..G......O dR|
V (38746) Send: 0x3fc9dc74 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd c0 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (38756) Send: 0x3fc9dc84 f0 52 50 18 16 67 f1 a6 00 00 30 1d 00 10 2f 74 |.RP..g....0.../t|
V (38766) Send: 0x3fc9dc94 6f 70 69 63 2f 65 73 70 2d 6d 6f 64 65 6d 48 65 |opic/esp-modemHe|
V (38776) Send: 0x3fc9dca4 6c 6c 6f 20 6d 6f 64 65 6d c1 60 7e |llo modem.`~|
V (38776) Send: 0x3fcebe48 a4 f9 |..|
D (38786) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: first byte: 0x90
D (38796) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: read "remaining length" byte: 0x3
D (38796) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: total message length: 5 (already read: 2)
D (38806) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: read_len=3
D (38816) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: transport_read():5 5
V (38816) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 99 7e 21 45 00 00 47 d9 bf 40 00 2d 06 |....~!E..G..@.-.|
D (38826) mqtt_client: msg_type=9, msg_id=58511
V (38836) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 07 66 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |.f[y]^dROb.[.d..|
D (38836) mqtt_client: pending_id=58511, pending_msg_count = 1
D (38846) outbox: DELETED msgid=58511, msg_type=8, remain size=0
V (38846) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 52 54 49 cd df 50 18 fa a0 0d 4e 00 00 30 1d |.RTI..P....N..0.|
D (38856) mqtt_client: deliver_suback, message_length_read=5, message_length=5
V (38866) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 00 10 2f 74 6f 70 69 63 2f 65 73 70 2d 6d 6f 64 |../topic/esp-mod|
D (38876) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:3 with handler 0x4200c7d0 and context 0x3fceedb0 on loop 0x3fceec78
0x4200c7d0: MqttClientHandle::mqtt_event_handler(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/simple_cmux_client/simple_mqtt_client.cpp:44
D (38886) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:76 available:60
D (38896) event: no handlers have been registered for event MQTT_EVENTS:3 posted to loop 0x3fce9f34
V (38906) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0a0 65 6d 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 6d 6f 64 65 6d 06 21 7e |emHello modem.!~|
V (38916) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee0b0 a4 f9 |..|
D (38926) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:16 available:18
D (38936) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: first byte: 0x30
D (38936) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: read "remaining length" byte: 0x1d
D (38946) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: total message length: 31 (already read: 2)
D (38956) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: read_len=29
D (38956) mqtt_client: mqtt_message_receive: transport_read():31 31
D (38966) mqtt_client: msg_type=3, msg_id=0
D (38966) mqtt_client: deliver_publish, message_length_read=31, message_length=31
D (38976) mqtt_client: deliver_publish: msg_topic_len=16
D (38986) mqtt_client: Get data len= 11, topic len=16, total_data: 11 offset: 0
D (38986) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:6 with handler 0x4200c7d0 and context 0x3fceedb0 on loop 0x3fceec78
0x4200c7d0: MqttClientHandle::mqtt_event_handler(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/simple_cmux_client/simple_mqtt_client.cpp:44
D (38996) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:6 with handler 0x4209b534 and context 0x3fcf3404 on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x4209b534: idf::event::ESPEventReg::event_handler_hook(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/examples/cxx/experimental/experimental_cpp_component/esp_event_cxx.cpp:56
D (39006) event: running post MQTT_EVENTS:6 with handler 0x4209b534 and context 0x3fcf7e94 on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x4209b534: idf::event::ESPEventReg::event_handler_hook(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/examples/cxx/experimental/experimental_cpp_component/esp_event_cxx.cpp:56
DATA:Hello modem
Data received
V (39026) Send: 0x3fcebec4 f9 05 ef 5f |..._|
V (39036) Send: 0x3fc9cadc 7e 21 45 00 00 2a 00 06 00 00 ff 06 4f 3c 64 52 |~!E..*......O<dR|
V (39036) Send: 0x3fc9caec 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd df 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (39046) Send: 0x3fc9cafc f0 71 50 18 16 48 51 f5 00 00 e0 00 4c 40 7e |.qP..HQ.....L@~|
V (39056) Send: 0x3fcebec8 d0 f9 |..|
V (39116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 5b 7e 21 45 00 00 28 d9 c0 40 00 2d 06 |...[~!E..(..@.-.|
V (39116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 07 84 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |..[y]^dROb.[.d..|
V (39116) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 71 54 49 cd e1 50 11 fa 9e 4d a6 00 00 36 18 |.qTI..P...M...6.|
V (39126) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 7e d7 f9 |~..|
D (39136) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:45 available:47
V (39146) Send: 0x3fcebe24 f9 05 ef 5b |...[|
V (39156) Send: 0x3fc9d6dc 7e 21 45 00 00 28 00 07 00 00 ff 06 4f 3d 64 52 |~!E..(......O=dR|
V (39166) Send: 0x3fc9d6ec 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd e1 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (39166) Send: 0x3fc9d6fc f0 72 50 10 16 47 31 fe 00 00 c0 3e 7e |.rP..G1....>~|
V (39176) Send: 0x3fcebe28 d7 f9 |..|
V (39186) Send: 0x3fcebe44 f9 05 ef 5b |...[|
V (39196) Send: 0x3fc9c4d4 7e 21 45 00 00 28 00 08 00 00 ff 06 4f 3c 64 52 |~!E..(......O<dR|
V (39206) Send: 0x3fc9c4e4 4f 62 5b 79 5d 5e e0 64 07 5b 54 49 cd e1 00 a6 |Ob[y]^.d.[TI....|
V (39216) Send: 0x3fc9c4f4 f0 72 50 11 16 47 31 fd 00 00 27 fd 7e |.rP..G1...'.~|
V (39216) Send: 0x3fcebe48 d7 f9 |..|
D (39226) event: deleted loop 0x3fceec78
V (39236) command_lib: get_imsi
V (39236) command_lib: generic_get_string
V (39236) command_lib: generic_get_string
V (39246) Send: 0x3fcf4f54 f9 09 ef 11 |....|
V (39256) Send: 0x3fcf5108 41 54 2b 43 49 4d 49 0d |AT+CIMI.|
V (39256) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 09 ef 11 41 54 2b 43 49 4d 49 0d cd f9 f9 09 |....AT+CIMI.....|
V (39266) Send: 0x3fcf4f58 cd f9 |..|
V (39276) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 ef 27 0d 0a 39 30 31 32 38 38 30 30 35 36 38 31 |.'..901288005681|
V (39286) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 39 32 36 0d 0a 0d f9 f9 09 ef 0d 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d |926..........OK.|
V (39296) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 0a d8 f9 |...|
D (39306) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:8 available:47
D (39316) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:19 available:33
} (39316) command_lib: Token: {
V (39316) command_lib: Token: {901288005681926}
D (39326) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:6 available:8
} (39336) command_lib: Token: {
V (39336) command_lib: Token: {OK}
V (39336) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 5b 7e 21 45 00 00 28 00 00 40 00 2d 06 |...[~!E..(..@.-.|
V (39346) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 e1 44 5b 79 5d 5e 64 52 4f 62 07 5b e0 64 00 a6 |.D[y]^dROb.[.d..|
V (39356) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 f0 72 54 49 cd e2 50 10 fa 9e 4d a5 00 00 52 53 |.rTI..P...M...RS|
V (39366) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 7e d7 f9 |~..|
D (39376) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:45 available:47
Modem IMSI number:]^dROb[�d��rT
V (39386) Send: 0x3fcf5014 f9 09 ef 19 |....|
V (39396) Send: 0x3fcf51ec 41 54 2b 43 47 4e 53 53 49 4e 46 4f |AT+CGNSSINFO|
V (39386) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 09 ef 19 41 54 2b 43 47 4e 53 53 49 4e 46 4f |....AT+CGNSSINFO|
V (39416) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 c3 f9 |..|
D (39416) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:12 available:14
V (39416) Send: 0x3fcf5018 c3 f9 |..|
V (41936) command_lib: sync
V (41936) command_lib: generic_command_common
V (41936) command_lib: generic_command
D (41936) command_lib: generic_command command AT
V (41936) Send: 0x3fcf4e64 f9 09 ef 07 |....|
V (41946) Send: 0x3fcf5108 41 54 0d |AT.|
V (41936) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 09 ef 07 41 54 0d 35 f9 f9 09 ef 13 0d 0a 45 |....AT.5.......E|
V (41966) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 52 52 4f 52 0d 0a 2e f9 |RROR....|
D (41966) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:3 available:20
V (41966) Send: 0x3fcf4e68 35 f9 |5.|
D (41986) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:9 available:11
D (41986) command_lib: Response:
V (41996) command_lib: get_operator_name
V (41996) command_lib: generic_get_string
V (42006) Send: 0x3fcf4f04 f9 09 ef 13 |....|
V (42006) Send: 0x3fcf50e4 41 54 2b 43 4f 50 53 3f 0d |AT+COPS?.|
V (42006) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 09 ef 13 41 54 2b 43 4f 50 53 3f 0d 2e f9 f9 |....AT+COPS?....|
V (42026) Send: 0x3fcf4f08 2e f9 |..|
V (42036) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 09 ef 31 0d 0a 2b 43 4f 50 53 3a 20 30 2c 32 2c |..1..+COPS: 0,2,|
V (42046) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 22 32 36 32 30 32 22 2c 37 0d 0a f5 f9 f9 09 ef |"26202",7.......|
V (42056) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 0d 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d 0a d8 f9 |...OK....|
D (42066) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:9 available:53
D (42066) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:24 available:38
} (42076) command_lib: Token: {
V (42076) command_lib: Token: {+COPS: 0,2,"26202",7}
D (42086) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:6 available:8
} (42096) command_lib: Token: {
V (42096) command_lib: Token: {OK}
Operator name:26202
E (102096) cmux_example: Cannot get IP within specified timeout... exiting
D (102096) esp_netif_handlers: esp_netif action stopped with netif0x3fcee2a0 from event_id=0
D (102096) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: esp_netif_stop_ppp: Stopped PPP connection: 0x3fc99614
D (102106) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Terminate
D (102106) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Network
D (102116) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_internal_dhcpc_cb lwip-netif:0x3fcee324
D (102116) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_start_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3fcee2a0
D (102126) esp_netif_lwip: if0x3fcee2a0 start ip lost tmr: interval=120
D (102136) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Establish
V (102136) Send: 0x3fcebf64 f9 05 ef 3b |...;|
V (102146) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 05 ef 25 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 26 7d 22 7d 20 |...%~.}#.!}&}"} |
V (102146) Send: 0x3fc9a8ac 7e ff 7d 23 c0 21 7d 25 7d 22 7d 20 7d 30 55 73 |~.}#.!}%}"} }0Us|
V (102166) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 7d 24 94 7d 2d 7e 69 f9 |}$.}-~i.|
V (102166) Send: 0x3fc9a8bc 65 72 20 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 53 33 7e |er requestS3~|
D (102176) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:01 type:ef payload:18 available:20
V (102186) Send: 0x3fcebf68 9f f9 |..|
V (102196) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee060 f9 09 ef 2f 0d 0a 2b 50 50 50 44 3a 20 44 49 53 |.../..+PPPD: DIS|
D (102196) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Disconnect
D (102206) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: Phase Dead
I (102216) esp-netif_lwip-ppp: User interrupt
V (102216) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee070 43 4f 4e 4e 45 43 54 45 44 0d 0a 03 f9 f9 09 ef |CONNECTED.......|
D (102216) event: running post NETIF_PPP_STATUS:5 with handler 0x42012678 and context 0x3fcee6bc on loop 0x3fce9f34
0x42012678: esp_modem::Netif::on_ppp_changed(void*, char const*, long, void*) at /home/franz/git/krone/pppos_client_sample/simple_cmux_client/components/esp_modem/src/esp_modem_netif.cpp:22
V (102226) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee080 1d 0d 0a 4e 4f 20 43 41 52 52 49 45 52 0d 0a c4 |...NO CARRIER...|
I (102236) esp_modem_netif: PPP state changed event 5
V (102246) CMUX Received: 0x3fcee090 f9 |.|
D (102216) esp_netif_lwip: check: remote, if=0x3fcee2a0 fn=0x42023d3c
0x42023d3c: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip at /home/franz/esp-idf-v5.0/components/esp_netif/lwip/esp_netif_lwip.c:272
D (102266) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:23 available:45
D (102276) CMUX: Payload frame: dlci:02 type:ef payload:14 available:16
D (102286) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_update_default_netif_lwip 0x3fcee2a0
V (102286) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0x0
V (102296) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_is_netif_up esp_netif:0x3fcee2a0
V (102306) esp_netif_objects: esp_netif_next_unsafe 0x3fcee2a0
D (102306) esp_netif_lwip: call api in lwip: ret=0x0, give sem
V (102316) intr_alloc: esp_intr_free: Disabling int, killing handler
D (102316) event: deleted loop 0x3fce9f34
D (222126) esp_netif_lwip: esp_netif_ip_lost_timer esp_netif:0x3fcee2a0
D (222126) esp_netif_lwip: if0x3fcee2a0 ip lost tmr: raise ip lost event
E (222126) esp_netif_lwip: ip lost timer: failed to post lost ip event (103)
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