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Created November 2, 2016 21:45
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# There can only be a single job definition per file. This job is named
# "example" so it will create a job with the ID and Name "example".
job "example" {
# Run the job in the global region, which is the default.
# region = "global"
# Specify the datacenters within the region this job can run in.
datacenters = ["dc1"]
# Service type jobs optimize for long-lived services. This is
# the default but we can change to batch for short-lived tasks.
# type = "service"
# Priority controls our access to resources and scheduling priority.
# This can be 1 to 100, inclusively, and defaults to 50.
# priority = 50
# Restrict our job to only linux. We can specify multiple constraints
# as needed.
constraint {
attribute = "${}"
value = "darwin"
# Configure the job to do rolling updates
update {
# Stagger updates every 10 seconds
stagger = "10s"
# Update a single task at a time
max_parallel = 1
# Create a 'cache' group. Each task in the group will be scheduled
# onto the same machine.
group "cache" {
# Control the number of instances of this group. Defaults to 1.
# count = 1
# Configure the restart policy for the task group. If not provided, a
# default is used based on the job type.
restart {
# The number of attempts to run the job within the specified interval.
attempts = 10
interval = "5m"
# A delay between a task failing and a restart occurring.
delay = "25s"
# Mode controls what happens when a task has restarted "attempts"
# times within the interval. "delay" mode delays the next restart
# till the next interval. "fail" mode does not restart the task if
# "attempts" has been hit within the interval.
mode = "delay"
# Define a task to run
task "redis" {
# Use Docker to run the task.
driver = "raw_exec"
# Configure Docker driver with the image
config {
command = "/usr/bin/nc"
args = ["-l", "", "6379"]
# We must specify the resources required for this task to ensure
# it runs on a machine with enough capacity.
resources {
cpu = 500 # 500 MHz
memory = 256 # 256MB
network {
mbits = 10
port "db" {}
# The artifact block can be specified one or more times to download
# artifacts prior to the task being started. This is convenient for
# shipping configs or data needed by the task.
# artifact {
# source = ""
# options {
# checksum = "md5:c4aa853ad2215426eb7d70a21922e794"
# }
# }
# Specify configuration related to log rotation
# logs {
# max_files = 10
# max_file_size = 15
# }
# Controls the timeout between signalling a task it will be killed
# and killing the task. If not set a default is used.
# kill_timeout = "20s"
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