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Created September 1, 2016 08:48
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Using LC_TIME with strftime
* The manualpage of strftime notes:
* "The environment variables TZ and LC_TIME are used."
* What it does not say is that in order to get the locale
* to actually work in your program is that 2 things are
* needed in the code:
* #include <locale.h>
* and
* setlocale(LC_TIME, "");
* The first thing includes the locale library, the second
* line tells the program to use the locale that has been
* set in the environment.
* Compile:
* gcc -Wall strftime.c
* Running:
* $ ./a.out
* day is "Thursday", month is "September"
* Running with locale set to Dutch
* $ LC_TIME="nl_NL.utf8" ./a.out
* day is "donderdag", month is "september"
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>
int main() {
char outstr[200];
time_t t;
struct tm *tmp;
Setting the locale
setlocale(LC_TIME, "");
t = time(NULL);
tmp = localtime(&t);
if ( tmp == NULL ) {
if (strftime(outstr, sizeof(outstr), "day is \"%A\", month is \"%B\"", tmp) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "strftime returned 0");
printf("%s\n", outstr);
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