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Created November 15, 2014 18:35
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body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #000000;
<script src=""></script>
<!-- // <script src=""></script> -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
var w = 600
var h = 380
var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x66FF99);
var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(w, h);
var n = 12; // CHANGE THIS
var at = 64; // tile width
var ad = 0.01; // gap between tiles
var ar = 1; // rotation of 1 gives you 45 Degrees
var ai = 2; // 2 gives you isometric view
var as = 1.0; // scale
var ox = (n * 2 + 1) * at * as // w / 2; // offset
var oy = ((n * 2 + 1) * at - at) * as / ai // ox/ai // (h - at) / 2;
// var borderX = 0 //at*as*n / 2
// var borderY = borderX
var borderL = -ox * 2 + w
var borderR = 0
var borderD = -(oy + at * as / ai) * 2 + h
var borderU = 0
var tooRight = true
var tooLeft = true
var tooHigh = true
var tooLow = true
var velx = 0
var vely = 0
var delx = 0
var dely = 0
var dragMode = 0 // 0: drag, 1: paint
var dragging = false
var count2 = 0
var background = new PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer();
var myContainer = null
var mt1 = new PIXI.Text(" ", {
font: "12px Arial"
mt1.position.x = 10;
mt1.position.y = 20;
var mt2 = new PIXI.Text(" ", {
font: "12px Arial"
mt2.position.x = 10;
mt2.position.y = 40;
mt3 = new PIXI.Text(" ", {
font: "12px Arial"
mt3.position.x = 10;
mt3.position.y = 60;
// function clearStage()
// {
// for (var i = stage.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// stage.removeChild(stage.children[i]);
// };
// }
function initScene() {
// clearStage()
// Math.seedrandom('abc')
for (var i = -n; i <= n; i++) {
for (var j = -n; j <= n; j++) {
initTile(i, j);
// var c = Math.floor(Math.random('abc')*16777215).toString(16)
c = '009900'
if (j < -7) c = '990000'
if (i < -7) c = '990000'
if (j > 7) c = '990000'
if (i > 7) c = '990000'
if (i == -5) c = '000099'
setTile(i, j, c);
var d = background.getBounds()
// render the tilemap to a render texture
var texture = new PIXI.RenderTexture(ox * 2, (oy + at * as / ai) * 2)
// create a single background sprite with the texture
// var myContainer = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
myContainer = new PIXI.Sprite(texture);
myContainer.x = -400
myContainer.y = -400
myContainer.interactive = true;
myContainer.mousedown = myContainer.touchstart = function (data) {
dragging = true;
mt1.setText('yay.') = data.getLocalPosition(myContainer).x * myContainer.scale.x; = data.getLocalPosition(myContainer).y * myContainer.scale.y;
delx = dely = 0
velx = vely = 0
myContainer.mouseup = myContainer.touchend = function (data) {
dragging = false;
mt1.setText('no dragging yet. ')
if (delx == 0) {
setGraphicTileColor(isoToIndex(,, '0xFF0000')
} else {
velx = Math.floor(this.position.x - delx)
vely = Math.floor(this.position.y - dely)
delx = dely = 0
console.log('drag -->', this.position.x, this.position.y, delx, dely, velx, vely)
myContainer.mousemove = myContainer.touchmove = function (data) {
var newPosition = data.getLocalPosition(myContainer);
var c = isoToIndex(newPosition.x, newPosition.y)
var i = c[0]
var j = c[1]
delNow = new Date().getMilliseconds()
if (dragging) {
var newPosition = data.getLocalPosition(this.parent);
delx = this.position.x
dely = this.position.y
// }
this.position.x = newPosition.x -;
this.position.y = newPosition.y -;
} else {
mt2.setText((delx - this.position.x) + "xy/ij: " + newPosition.x + ', ' + newPosition.y + ' / ' + c);
function setGraphicTileColor(ij, c) {
var i = ij[0];
var j = ij[1];
var num = (i + n) * (2 * n + 1) + j + n
var gr = background.getChildAt(num)
// mt1.setText('yay: ' + num )
gr.c = c
gr.moveTo(gr.c1[0], gr.c1[1])
gr.lineTo(gr.c2[0], gr.c2[1])
gr.lineTo(gr.c3[0], gr.c3[1])
gr.lineTo(gr.c4[0], gr.c4[1])
// }
function initTile(i, j) {
var gr = new PIXI.Graphics();
gr.i = i
gr.j = j
gr.c = 0
gr.c1 = indexToIso(i + 1 - ad, j + ad)
gr.c2 = indexToIso(i + 1 - ad, j + 1 - ad)
gr.c3 = indexToIso(i + ad, j + 1 - ad)
gr.c4 = indexToIso(i + ad, j + ad)
gr.hitArea = new PIXI.Polygon([
new PIXI.Point(gr.c1[0], gr.c1[1]),
new PIXI.Point(gr.c2[0], gr.c2[1]),
new PIXI.Point(gr.c3[0], gr.c3[1]),
new PIXI.Point(gr.c4[0], gr.c4[1])]);
function setTile(i, j, c) {
var num = (i + n) * (2 * n + 1) + j + n
var gr = background.getChildAt(num)
gr.c1 = indexToIso(i + 1 - ad, j + ad)
gr.c2 = indexToIso(i + 1 - ad, j + 1 - ad)
gr.c3 = indexToIso(i + ad, j + 1 - ad)
gr.c4 = indexToIso(i + ad, j + ad)
if (c) setGraphicTileColor([i, j], '0x' + c);
function indexToIso(i, j) {
var x = ox + (i - j * ar) * as * at;
var y = oy + (j + i * ar) * as * at / ai;
// console.log('i2iso: '+i,j,x,y)
return [x, y]
function isoToIndex(x, y) {
var b = as * at
var s = x - ox
var t = y - oy
var j = (t - s * ar / ai) / (1 + ar * ar) * ai / b
var i = (s + j * b * ar) / b
i = Math.floor(i)
j = Math.floor(j)
// console.log( 'isoToIndex: ' + x,y,i,j)
return [i, j]
var winmode = ''
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth) {
winmode = 'portrait'
} else {
winmode = 'landscape'
}, 500)
function animate() {
// console.log(window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth )
// if(window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth){
// console.log("portrait");
// }
if (dragging) {
count2 += 1
} else count2 = 0
if (velx > 0) {
myContainer.position.x += velx;
velx -= 1
// console.log(velx)
if (velx < 0) {
myContainer.position.x += velx;
velx += 1
if (vely > 0) {
myContainer.position.y += vely;
vely -= 1
if (vely < 0) {
myContainer.position.y += vely;
vely += 1
if (myContainer.position.x < borderL) myContainer.position.x = borderL;
if (myContainer.position.x > borderR) myContainer.position.x = borderR;
if (myContainer.position.y < borderD) myContainer.position.y = borderD;
if (myContainer.position.y > borderU) myContainer.position.y = borderU;
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