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Created December 10, 2010 02:52
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A sass cutdown of the css framework mixins
// compass/_support ***************************************
// Usually compass hacks apply to both ie6 & 7 -- set this to false to disable support for both.
$legacy-support-for-ie: true !default
// Setting this to false will result in smaller output, but no support for ie6
$legacy-support-for-ie6: $legacy-support-for-ie !default
// Setting this to false will result in smaller output, but no support for ie7
$legacy-support-for-ie7: $legacy-support-for-ie !default
// @private
// The user can simply set $legacy-support-for-ie and 6 & 7 will be set accordingly,
// But in case the user set either of those explicitly, we need to sync the value of
// this combined variable.
$legacy-support-for-ie: $legacy-support-for-ie6 or $legacy-support-for-ie7
// Support for mozilla in experimental css3 properties.
$experimental-support-for-mozilla : true !default
// Support for webkit in experimental css3 properties.
$experimental-support-for-webkit : true !default
// Support for opera in experimental css3 properties.
$experimental-support-for-opera : true !default
// Support for microsoft in experimental css3 properties.
$experimental-support-for-microsoft : true !default
// Support for khtml in experimental css3 properties.
$experimental-support-for-khtml : true !default
// compass/css3/_shared ***********************************
=experimental($property, $value, $moz:$experimental-support-for-mozilla, $webkit:$experimental-support-for-webkit, $o:$experimental-support-for-opera, $ms:$experimental-support-for-microsoft, $khtml:$experimental-support-for-khtml,$official:true)
@if $moz and $experimental-support-for-mozilla
-moz-#{$property}: $value
@if $webkit and $experimental-support-for-webkit
-webkit-#{$property}: $value
@if $o and $experimental-support-for-opera
-o-#{$property}: $value
@if $ms and $experimental-support-for-microsoft
-ms-#{$property}: $value
@if $khtml and $experimental-support-for-khtml
-khtml-#{$property}: $value
@if $official
#{$property}: $value
// Same as experimental(), but for cases when the property is the same and the value is vendorized
=experimental-value($property, $value, $moz:$experimental-support-for-mozilla, $webkit:$experimental-support-for-webkit, $o:$experimental-support-for-opera, $ms:$experimental-support-for-microsoft, $khtml:$experimental-support-for-khtml, $official:true)
@if $moz and $experimental-support-for-mozilla
#{$property}: -moz-#{$value}
@if $webkit and $experimental-support-for-webkit
#{$property}: -webkit-#{$value}
@if $o and $experimental-support-for-opera
#{$property}: -o-#{$value}
@if $ms and $experimental-support-for-microsoft
#{$property}: -ms-#{$value}
@if $khtml and $experimental-support-for-khtml
#{$property}: -khtml-#{$value}
@if $official
#{$property}: #{$value}
// compass/css3/_hacks ***********************************
$default-has-layout-approach: zoom !default
// This mixin causes an element matching the selector
// to gain the "hasLayout" property in internet explorer.
// More information on [hasLayout](
=has-layout($using: $default-has-layout-approach)
@if $legacy-support-for-ie
@if $using == zoom
@else if $using == block
@warn "Unknown has-layout approach: #{$using}"
@if $legacy-support-for-ie
*zoom: 1
@if $legacy-support-for-ie
// This makes ie6 get layout
display: inline-block
// and this puts it back to block
display: block
// A hack to supply IE6 (and below) with a different property value.
// [Read more](
=bang-hack($property, $value, $ie6-value)
@if $legacy-support-for-ie6
#{$property}: #{$value} !important
#{$property}: #{$ie6-value}
// compass/css3/_border-radius ***********************************
=border-radius($radius: $default-border-radius, $vertical-radius: false)
@if $vertical-radius
// Webkit doesn't understand the official shorthand syntax for specifying
// a vertical radius unless so in case there's several we only take the first.
+experimental(border-radius, first-value-of($radius) first-value-of($vertical-radius), not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official)
+experimental("border-radius", $radius unquote("/") $vertical-radius, -moz, not -webkit, -o, -ms, -khtml, official)
+experimental(border-radius, $radius)
// Round radius at position by amount.
// * legal values for `$vert`: `top`, `bottom`
// * legal values for `$horz`: `left`, `right`
=border-corner-radius($vert, $horz, $radius: $default-border-radius)
// Support for mozilla's syntax for specifying a corner
+experimental("border-radius-#{$vert}#{$horz}", $radius, -moz, not -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, not official)
+experimental("border-#{$vert}-#{$horz}-radius", $radius, not -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, -khtml, official)
// Round top-left corner only
=border-top-left-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
+border-corner-radius(top, left, $radius)
// Round top-right corner only
=border-top-right-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
+border-corner-radius(top, right, $radius)
// Round bottom-left corner only
=border-bottom-left-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
+border-corner-radius(bottom, left, $radius)
// Round bottom-right corner only
=border-bottom-right-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
+border-corner-radius(bottom, right, $radius)
// Round both top corners by amount
=border-top-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
// Round both right corners by amount
=border-right-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
// Round both bottom corners by amount
=border-bottom-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
// Round both left corners by amount
=border-left-radius($radius: $default-border-radius)
// The default color for box shadows
$default-box-shadow-color: #333333 !default
// The default horizontal offset. Positive is to the right.
$default-box-shadow-h-offset: 1px !default
// The default vertical offset. Positive is down.
$default-box-shadow-v-offset: 1px !default
// The default blur length.
$default-box-shadow-blur: 5px !default
// The default spread length.
$default-box-shadow-spread : false !default
// The default shadow instet: inset or false (for standard shadow).
$default-box-shadow-inset : false !default
// Provides cross-browser CSS box shadows for Webkit, Gecko, and CSS3.
// Arguments are color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur length, spread length, and inset.
// compass/css3/_box-shadow ***********************************
=box-shadow($color: $default-box-shadow-color, $hoff: $default-box-shadow-h-offset, $voff: $default-box-shadow-v-offset, $blur: $default-box-shadow-blur, $spread: $default-box-shadow-spread, $inset: $default-box-shadow-inset)
$full: $color $hoff $voff $blur $spread
@if $inset
@if not ($inset == true or $inset == inset)
@warn "$inset expected to be true or the inset keyword. Got #{$inset} instead. The box shadow will be inset."
$full: $full inset
@if $color == none
+experimental(box-shadow, none, -moz, -webkit, -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official)
+experimental(box-shadow, $full, -moz, -webkit, -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official)
// compass/css3/_gradient ***********************************
=linear-gradient($color-stops, $start: top, $image: false)
// Firefox's gradient api is nice.
// Webkit's gradient api sucks -- hence these backflips:
$background: unquote("")
@if $image
$background : $image + unquote(", ")
$start: unquote($start)
$end: opposite-position($start)
@if $experimental-support-for-webkit
background-image: #{$background}-webkit-gradient(linear, grad-point($start), grad-point($end), grad-color-stops($color-stops))
@if $experimental-support-for-mozilla
background-image: #{$background}-moz-linear-gradient($start, $color-stops)
background-image: #{$background}linear-gradient($start, $color-stops)
// Due to limitation's of webkit, the radial gradient mixin works best if you use
// pixel-based color stops.
// Examples:
// // Defaults to a centered, 100px radius gradient
// +radial-gradient(color-stops(#c00, #00c))
// // 100px radius gradient in the top left corner
// +radial-gradient(color-stops(#c00, #00c), top left)
// // Three colors, ending at 50px and passing thru #fff at 25px
// +radial-gradient(color-stops(#c00, #fff, #00c 50px))
// // a background image on top of the gradient
// // Requires an image with an alpha-layer.
// +radial-gradient(color_stops(#c00, #fff), top left, image-url("noise.png")))
// Browsers Supported:
// - Chrome
// - Safari
// - Firefox 3.6
=radial-gradient($color-stops, $center-position: center center, $image: false)
$center-position: unquote($center-position)
$end-pos: grad-end-position($color-stops, true)
$background: unquote("")
@if $image
$background: $image + unquote(", ")
@if $experimental-support-for-webkit
background-image: #{$background}-webkit-gradient(radial, grad-point($center-position), 0, grad-point($center-position), $end-pos, grad-color-stops($color-stops))
@if $experimental-support-for-mozilla
background-image: #{$background}-moz-radial-gradient($center-position, circle, $color-stops)
background-image: #{$background}radial-gradient($center-position, circle, $color-stops)
// compass/utilities/general/_clearfix ***********************************
overflow: hidden
// This older method from Position Is Everything called
// [Easy Clearing](
// has the advantage of allowing positioned elements to hang
// outside the bounds of the container at the expense of more tricky CSS.
content : "\0020"
display : block
height : 0
clear : both
overflow : hidden
visibility : hidden
// compass/utilities/links/_link-colors ***********************************
=link-colors($normal, $hover: false, $active: false, $visited: false, $focus: false)
color: $normal
@if $visited
color: $visited
@if $focus
color: $focus
@if $hover
color: $hover
@if $active
color: $active
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