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Last active August 8, 2019 21:11
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# code from
# which in turn comes in part from
# Author: Tyler Morgan-Wall

# first the R version

faster_bilinear <- function (Z, x0, y0){
  i = floor(x0)
  j = floor(y0)
  XT = (x0 - i)
  YT = (y0 - j)
  result = (1 - YT) * (1 - XT) * Z[i, j]
  nx = nrow(Z)
  ny = ncol(Z)
  if(i + 1 <= nx){
    result = result + (1-YT) * XT * Z[i + 1, j]
  if(j + 1 <= ny){
    result = result + YT * (1-XT) * Z[i, j + 1]
  if(i + 1 <= nx && j + 1 <= ny){
    result = result + YT * XT * Z[i + 1, j + 1]

bench_rays <- function() {
  volcanoshadow = matrix(1, ncol = ncol(volcano), nrow = nrow(volcano))
  volc = list(x=1:nrow(volcano), y=1:ncol(volcano), z=volcano)
  sunangle = 45 / 180*pi
  angle = -90 / 180 * pi
  diffangle = 90 / 180 * pi
  numberangles = 25
  anglebreaks = tan(seq(angle, diffangle, length.out = numberangles))
  maxdistance = floor(sqrt(ncol(volcano)^2 + nrow(volcano)^2))
  sinsun = sin(sunangle)
  cossun = cos(sunangle)
  for (i in 1:nrow(volcano)) {
    for (j in 1:ncol(volcano)) {
      vij = volcano[i, j]
      for (anglei in anglebreaks) {
        for (k in 1:maxdistance) {
          xcoord = (i + sinsun*k)
          ycoord = (j + cossun*k)
          if(xcoord > nrow(volcano) || 
             ycoord > ncol(volcano) || 
             xcoord < 0 || ycoord < 0) {
          } else {
            tanangheight = vij + anglei * k 
            if (all(c(volcano[ceiling(xcoord), ceiling(ycoord)],
                      volcano[floor(xcoord), ceiling(ycoord)],
                      volcano[ceiling(xcoord), floor(ycoord)],
                      volcano[floor(xcoord), floor(ycoord)]) < tanangheight)) next
            if (tanangheight < faster_bilinear(volcano, xcoord, ycoord)) {
              volcanoshadow[i, j] =  volcanoshadow[i, j] - 1 / length(anglebreaks)

# Let's try to compile it to C++
# We have to pass an initial matrix and the volcano matrix
# because 1) we cannot yet init matrices and 2) the volcano matrix only exists in R
# but apart from that everything can be translated with minimal changes (e.g. <- assignments and there is no `all` function)
bench_rays_cpp <- armacmp(function(volcanoshadow_init, volcano) {
  volcanoshadow <- volcanoshadow_init
  faster_bilinear <- function(Z, x0 = type_scalar_numeric(), y0 = type_scalar_numeric()) {
    i <- floor(x0)
    j <- floor(y0)
    XT <- (x0 - i)
    YT <- (y0 - j)
    result <- (1 - YT) * (1 - XT) * Z[i, j]
    nx <- nrow(Z)
    ny <- ncol(Z)
    if (i + 1 <= nx) {
      result <- result + (1 - YT) * XT * Z[i + 1, j]
    if (j + 1 <= ny) {
      result <- result + YT * (1 - XT) * Z[i, j + 1]
    if (i + 1 <= nx && j + 1 <= ny) {
      result <- result + YT * XT * Z[i + 1, j + 1]
    return(result, type = type_scalar_numeric())
  sunangle <- 45 / 180 * pi
  angle <- -90 / 180 * pi
  diffangle <- 90 / 180 * pi
  numberangles <- 25
  anglebreaks <- tan(seq(angle, diffangle, numberangles))
  maxdistance <- floor(sqrt(ncol(volcano)^2 + nrow(volcano)^2))
  sinsun <- sin(sunangle)
  cossun <- cos(sunangle)
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(volcano))) {
    for (j in seq_len(ncol(volcano))) {
      vij <- volcano[i, j]
      for (anglei in anglebreaks) {
        for (k in seq_len(maxdistance)) {
          xcoord <- (i + sinsun * k)
          ycoord <- (j + cossun * k)
          if (xcoord > nrow(volcano) ||
              ycoord > ncol(volcano) ||
              xcoord < 0 || ycoord < 0) {
          } else {
            tanangheight <- vij + anglei * k
            if (volcano[ceiling(xcoord), ceiling(ycoord)] < tanangheight &&
                volcano[floor(xcoord), ceiling(ycoord)] < tanangheight &&
                volcano[ceiling(xcoord), floor(ycoord)]< tanangheight &&
                volcano[floor(xcoord), floor(ycoord)] < tanangheight) {
            if (tanangheight < faster_bilinear(volcano, xcoord, ycoord)) {
              volcanoshadow[i, j] <- volcanoshadow[i, j] - 1 / length(anglebreaks)

  bench_rays_cpp(matrix(1, ncol = ncol(volcano), nrow = nrow(volcano)), volcano)
#> [1] TRUE

system.time(bench_rays()) # takes too long for the microbenchmark
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   5.396   0.053   5.590

  cpp = bench_rays_cpp(matrix(1, ncol = ncol(volcano), nrow = nrow(volcano)), volcano)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#>  expr      min       lq    mean   median      uq      max neval
#>   cpp 47.75983 49.21402 54.1193 51.96393 56.8586 77.99365   100

Created on 2019-08-08 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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