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Created May 21, 2015 13:55
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Radial dial // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Radial dial</title>
<div class="arc-gauge-7" data-height="180" data-value="25">
<div class="arc-gauge-text">
<span class="value">0</span>%
<p class="small">CPU2</p>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
(function ($) {
$.fn.arcGauge = function (config) {
this.each(function () {
var gauge = {};
// set container
gauge.container = $(this);
// get size
var size = Math.max(gauge.container.outerWidth(), gauge.container.outerHeight());
// settings
gauge.settings = $.extend({}, {
class: 'arc-gauge',
width: size,
height: size,
startAngle: -120,
endAngle: +120,
thickness: 5,
value: 0,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
transition: 1000,
colors: '#08c',
bgColor: '#eee',
onchange: function(value){}
},, config);
// convert degrees to radians
gauge.degToRad = function (degree) {
return degree * Math.PI / 180;
// setup radius
gauge.settings.radius = Math.min(gauge.settings.width, gauge.settings.height) / 2;
// convenience method to map data to start/end angles
gauge.pie = d3.layout.pie()
// setup the arc
gauge.arc = d3.svg.arc()
.innerRadius(gauge.settings.radius - gauge.settings.thickness)
// get data to draw in the right format
gauge.getData = function (data) {
var value = Math.max(Math.min(data, gauge.settings.maxValue), gauge.settings.minValue);
// compute the start angle
var start = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.startAngle);
// compute the end angle
var end = start + value * (gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.endAngle) - start) / gauge.settings.maxValue;
// return data
return [{
startAngle: start,
endAngle: end,
value: value
// get the value of the gauge
gauge.get = function () {
return gauge.svg.selectAll('path.arc-value').data()[0].value;
// set a new value of the gauge
gauge.set = function (data) {
// animate chart
.attrTween('d', gauge.arcTween)
.style('fill', gauge.getColor);
// trigger change
if (gauge.settings.onchange), data);
// draw
gauge.arcTween = function (d, i) {
var isOuter = this =='path.arc-background')[0][0];
// compute the start angle
var start = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.startAngle);
// compute the end angle
var end = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.endAngle);
// interpolation
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(this.previous || gauge.getData(gauge.settings[isOuter ? 'maxValue' : 'minValue'])[0], d);
// cache value
if (!isOuter) this.previous = d;
// return
return function (t) {
return gauge.arc(interpolate(t));
// gradient color based
gauge.getColor = function (d, i) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(gauge.settings.colors))
return gauge.settings.colors;
var color = gauge.settings.bgColor, percent = d.value / gauge.settings.maxValue;
// looking for the color with the highest value in range
for (var ab in gauge.settings.colors) {
if (percent < parseFloat(ab)) break;
color = gauge.settings.colors[ab];
return color;
// initialization
gauge.init = function () {
// create the svg
gauge.svg =[0])
.attr('class', gauge.settings.class)
.attr('width', gauge.settings.width)
.attr('height', gauge.settings.height)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + gauge.settings.width / 2 + ',' + gauge.settings.height / 2 + ')');
// append the outer arc
.attr('class', 'arc-background')
.attr('fill', gauge.settings.bgColor)
.attrTween('d', gauge.arcTween);
// append the inner arc
.attr('class', 'arc-value')
.attr('fill', gauge.settings.bgColor);
// set first value
// export get function
gauge.container[0].get = gauge.get;
// export set function
gauge.container[0].set = gauge.set;
// start
// return
return this;
colors: {
0: '#003366', // 0%
0.25: '#33cc00', // 25%
0.5: '#ffff66', // 50%
0.75: '#ff9966', // 75%
0.9: '#ff3333' // 90%
onchange: function (value) {
$('.arc-gauge-text .value').text(value);
setInterval(function () {
var gauge = $('.arc-gauge-7')[0];
// get current value + 25
var value = gauge.get() + 25;
// overflow check
if (value > 100) value = 0;
// set the value
}, 2000);
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">(function ($) {
$.fn.arcGauge = function (config) {
this.each(function () {
var gauge = {};
// set container
gauge.container = $(this);
// get size
var size = Math.max(gauge.container.outerWidth(), gauge.container.outerHeight());
// settings
gauge.settings = $.extend({}, {
class: 'arc-gauge',
width: size,
height: size,
startAngle: -120,
endAngle: +120,
thickness: 5,
value: 0,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
transition: 1000,
colors: '#08c',
bgColor: '#eee',
onchange: function(value){}
},, config);
// convert degrees to radians
gauge.degToRad = function (degree) {
return degree * Math.PI / 180;
// setup radius
gauge.settings.radius = Math.min(gauge.settings.width, gauge.settings.height) / 2;
// convenience method to map data to start/end angles
gauge.pie = d3.layout.pie()
// setup the arc
gauge.arc = d3.svg.arc()
.innerRadius(gauge.settings.radius - gauge.settings.thickness)
// get data to draw in the right format
gauge.getData = function (data) {
var value = Math.max(Math.min(data, gauge.settings.maxValue), gauge.settings.minValue);
// compute the start angle
var start = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.startAngle);
// compute the end angle
var end = start + value * (gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.endAngle) - start) / gauge.settings.maxValue;
// return data
return [{
startAngle: start,
endAngle: end,
value: value
// get the value of the gauge
gauge.get = function () {
return gauge.svg.selectAll('path.arc-value').data()[0].value;
// set a new value of the gauge
gauge.set = function (data) {
// animate chart
.attrTween('d', gauge.arcTween)
.style('fill', gauge.getColor);
// trigger change
if (gauge.settings.onchange), data);
// draw
gauge.arcTween = function (d, i) {
var isOuter = this =='path.arc-background')[0][0];
// compute the start angle
var start = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.startAngle);
// compute the end angle
var end = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.endAngle);
// interpolation
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(this.previous || gauge.getData(gauge.settings[isOuter ? 'maxValue' : 'minValue'])[0], d);
// cache value
if (!isOuter) this.previous = d;
// return
return function (t) {
return gauge.arc(interpolate(t));
// gradient color based
gauge.getColor = function (d, i) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(gauge.settings.colors))
return gauge.settings.colors;
var color = gauge.settings.bgColor, percent = d.value / gauge.settings.maxValue;
// looking for the color with the highest value in range
for (var ab in gauge.settings.colors) {
if (percent < parseFloat(ab)) break;
color = gauge.settings.colors[ab];
return color;
// initialization
gauge.init = function () {
// create the svg
gauge.svg =[0])
.attr('class', gauge.settings.class)
.attr('width', gauge.settings.width)
.attr('height', gauge.settings.height)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + gauge.settings.width / 2 + ',' + gauge.settings.height / 2 + ')');
// append the outer arc
.attr('class', 'arc-background')
.attr('fill', gauge.settings.bgColor)
.attrTween('d', gauge.arcTween);
// append the inner arc
.attr('class', 'arc-value')
.attr('fill', gauge.settings.bgColor);
// set first value
// export get function
gauge.container[0].get = gauge.get;
// export set function
gauge.container[0].set = gauge.set;
// start
// return
return this;
colors: {
0: '#003366', // 0%
0.25: '#33cc00', // 25%
0.5: '#ffff66', // 50%
0.75: '#ff9966', // 75%
0.9: '#ff3333' // 90%
onchange: function (value) {
$('.arc-gauge-text .value').text(value);
setInterval(function () {
var gauge = $('.arc-gauge-7')[0];
// get current value + 25
var value = gauge.get() + 25;
// overflow check
if (value > 100) value = 0;
// set the value
}, 2000);
(function ($) {
$.fn.arcGauge = function (config) {
this.each(function () {
var gauge = {};
// set container
gauge.container = $(this);
// get size
var size = Math.max(gauge.container.outerWidth(), gauge.container.outerHeight());
// settings
gauge.settings = $.extend({}, {
class: 'arc-gauge',
width: size,
height: size,
startAngle: -120,
endAngle: +120,
thickness: 5,
value: 0,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
transition: 1000,
colors: '#08c',
bgColor: '#eee',
onchange: function(value){}
},, config);
// convert degrees to radians
gauge.degToRad = function (degree) {
return degree * Math.PI / 180;
// setup radius
gauge.settings.radius = Math.min(gauge.settings.width, gauge.settings.height) / 2;
// convenience method to map data to start/end angles
gauge.pie = d3.layout.pie()
// setup the arc
gauge.arc = d3.svg.arc()
.innerRadius(gauge.settings.radius - gauge.settings.thickness)
// get data to draw in the right format
gauge.getData = function (data) {
var value = Math.max(Math.min(data, gauge.settings.maxValue), gauge.settings.minValue);
// compute the start angle
var start = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.startAngle);
// compute the end angle
var end = start + value * (gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.endAngle) - start) / gauge.settings.maxValue;
// return data
return [{
startAngle: start,
endAngle: end,
value: value
// get the value of the gauge
gauge.get = function () {
return gauge.svg.selectAll('path.arc-value').data()[0].value;
// set a new value of the gauge
gauge.set = function (data) {
// animate chart
.attrTween('d', gauge.arcTween)
.style('fill', gauge.getColor);
// trigger change
if (gauge.settings.onchange), data);
// draw
gauge.arcTween = function (d, i) {
var isOuter = this =='path.arc-background')[0][0];
// compute the start angle
var start = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.startAngle);
// compute the end angle
var end = gauge.degToRad(gauge.settings.endAngle);
// interpolation
var interpolate = d3.interpolate(this.previous || gauge.getData(gauge.settings[isOuter ? 'maxValue' : 'minValue'])[0], d);
// cache value
if (!isOuter) this.previous = d;
// return
return function (t) {
return gauge.arc(interpolate(t));
// gradient color based
gauge.getColor = function (d, i) {
if (!$.isPlainObject(gauge.settings.colors))
return gauge.settings.colors;
var color = gauge.settings.bgColor, percent = d.value / gauge.settings.maxValue;
// looking for the color with the highest value in range
for (var ab in gauge.settings.colors) {
if (percent < parseFloat(ab)) break;
color = gauge.settings.colors[ab];
return color;
// initialization
gauge.init = function () {
// create the svg
gauge.svg =[0])
.attr('class', gauge.settings.class)
.attr('width', gauge.settings.width)
.attr('height', gauge.settings.height)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + gauge.settings.width / 2 + ',' + gauge.settings.height / 2 + ')');
// append the outer arc
.attr('class', 'arc-background')
.attr('fill', gauge.settings.bgColor)
.attrTween('d', gauge.arcTween);
// append the inner arc
.attr('class', 'arc-value')
.attr('fill', gauge.settings.bgColor);
// set first value
// export get function
gauge.container[0].get = gauge.get;
// export set function
gauge.container[0].set = gauge.set;
// start
// return
return this;
colors: {
0: '#003366', // 0%
0.25: '#33cc00', // 25%
0.5: '#ffff66', // 50%
0.75: '#ff9966', // 75%
0.9: '#ff3333' // 90%
onchange: function (value) {
$('.arc-gauge-text .value').text(value);
setInterval(function () {
var gauge = $('.arc-gauge-7')[0];
// get current value + 25
var value = gauge.get() + 25;
// overflow check
if (value > 100) value = 0;
// set the value
}, 2000);
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The gitane.js is a plugin from indrimuska

The code which handles the updating of the radial dial is from line 139-160

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