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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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<!--Checking iOS version-->
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Check android and iphone user agents<br>
<a href="calshow://"><button>iOS open callendar </button></a>
<a href=""><button>Android open application on </button></a>
<a href="market://details?id=cordproject.cord"><button>Android open directly through play store</button></a>
//Get android version
function getAndroidVersion(ua) {
ua = (ua || navigator.userAgent).toLowerCase();
var matchAndroid = ua.match(/android/);
if(matchAndroid){//yes this is an android device
//check Android version number greater than 4.4.4
matchAndroid = ua.match(/android\s([0-9\.]*)/);
if(matchAndroid[1] >= "4.4.1"){
var test = navigator.userAgent;
getAndroidVersion(test); //"4.2.1"
//parseInt(getAndroidVersion()); //4
//parseFloat(getAndroidVersion()); //4.2
//Check iphone
var iOS = ( navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) ? true : false );
if(iOS){//yes this is an iPhone/iPod/iPad device
alert("This is an iphone ipad or ipod");
var v = (navigator.appVersion).match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/);
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The start to a script to check iphone, ipad, ipod or android and what version is running then launch an app like callendar for iOS.

My current thinking is that an intent filter name is required in the link and on the app to be able to launch android apps.

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