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Last active June 19, 2020 19:03
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Fitting of Gaussian mixture models using the EM in R.
## Example code for clustering on a three-component mixture model using the EM-algorithm.
### First we load some libraries and define some useful functions
# Create a 'true' data set (an easy one) <- function(n)
l <- list()
l[[1]] <- list(component=1,
cov=matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2, byrow=T))
l[[2]] <- list(mixing.weight=0.3,
cov=matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), ncol=2, byrow=T))
l[[3]] <- list(mixing.weight=0.2,
cov=matrix(c(1,0.75,0.75,1), ncol=2, byrow=T))"rbind",sapply(l, function(e) {
dat <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(e$mixing.weight * n, e$means, e$cov)
# Function for covariance update
.cov <- function(n, r, dat, m, N.k)
(t(r * (dat[,2:3] -m)) %*% (( dat[,2:3]-m))) / N.k
# Generate starting values for means/covs/mixing weights
.init <- function()
l <- list()
l[[1]] <- list(mixing.weight=0.1,
means=c(-2, -2),
cov=matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2, byrow=T))
l[[2]] <- list(mixing.weight=0.1,
means=c(10, 0),
cov=matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2, byrow=T))
l[[3]] <- list(mixing.weight=0.8,
means=c(0, 10),
cov=matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2, byrow=T))
# Plot the 2D contours of the estimated Gaussian components
.contour <- function(means, cov, l)
X <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1000, means, cov)
z <- MASS::kde2d(X[,1], X[,2], n=50)
contour(z, drawlabels=FALSE, add=TRUE, lty=l, lwd=1.5)
# Do a scatter plot
.scatter <- function(dat, clusters)
plot(dat[,2], dat[,3],
xlab="X", ylab="Y", main="Three component Gaussian mixture model",
col=c("blue", "red", "orange", "black")[clusters],
col <- c("blue", "red", "orange")
pch <- 1:3
legend <- paste("Cluster", 1:3)
if (clusters == 4) {
col <- "black"
pch <- 4
legend = "No clusters"
legend("topleft", col=col, pch=pch, legend=legend)
n <- 10000
# create data with n samples
dat <-
# set initial parameters
l <- .init()
# plot initial data
.scatter(dat, 4)
invisible(lapply(1:3, function(e) .contour(l[[e]]$means, l[[e]]$cov, 1)))
# Usually we would do a convergence criterion, e.g. compare difference of likelihoods
# but this will suffice for the hands on
for (i in seq(50))
### E step
# Compute the sum of all responsibilities (for normalization)
r <- sapply(l, function(r)
r$mixing.weight * mvtnorm::dmvnorm(dat[,2:3], r$means, r$cov)
r <- apply(r, 1, sum)
# Compute the responsibilities for each sample
rs <- sapply(l, function(e)
e$mixing.weight * mvtnorm::dmvnorm(dat[,2:3], e$means, e$cov) / r
# Compute number of points per cluster
N.k <- apply(rs, 2, sum)
### M step
# Compute the new means
m <- lapply(1:3, function(e)
apply(rs[,e] * dat[,2:3], 2, sum) / N.k[e]
# Compute the new covariances
c <- lapply(1:3, function(e)
.cov(n, rs[,e], dat, m[[e]], N.k[e])
# Compute the new mixing weights
mi <- N.k / n
# Update the old parameters
l <- lapply(1:3, function(e)
list(mixing.weight = mi[e], means=m[[e]], cov=c[[e]])
# Plot a 2D density (contour) to show the estimated means and covariances
if (i %% 5 == 0)
.scatter(dat, apply(rs, 1, which.max))
invisible(lapply(1:3, function(e) .contour(l[[e]]$means, l[[e]]$cov, e + 1)))
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