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Created February 8, 2012 19:23
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(ns datastore-api-server.conf
"Configuration utility."
(:use [ :only (info debug error)])
(:use [fs.core :only (exists?)]))
(def DEFAULT-CONF-FILES ["server-conf.clj" "resources/server-conf.clj"])
(defn load-when
"If path exists, returns the data structure represented in the
file at path. Otherwise returns nil."
(if (exists? path)
(info "conf.load-when: loading conf from" path)
(read-string (slurp path)))
(info "conf.load-when: no file at" path "; skipping")))
(defn default-conf
(apply merge (map load-when DEFAULT-CONF-FILES)))
(def ^:dynamic *conf* (default-conf))
(defn add-file!
"Merges the configuration in path into current *conf*. In the case of
identical keys, the configuration in path will take precedence."
(def *conf* (merge *conf* (load-when path))))
; This is the primary function the application is expected to use to
; obtain final configuration data.
(defn conf [] *conf*)
(defn show
"Convenience fn to print conf to stdout"
(info " conf:" (conf)))
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