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Created July 12, 2012 00:55
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Quick and dirty tabwc per Clojure Class assignment
;; project.clj
(defproject tabwc "0.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "A Clojure Class Assignment! CLI util to validate a TAB file, or do a wc."
:main tabwc.core
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]])
;; core.clj
(ns tabwc.core
(:require [ :as io])
(defn count-words [s]
(count (re-seq #"\w+" s)))
(defn wc [file]
(count-words (slurp file)))
(defn tab-count [line]
(count (re-seq #"\t" line)))
(defn tab-loop [[line & more-lines] header-cnt]
(if (nil? line)
(if (= (tab-count line) header-cnt)
(recur more-lines header-cnt)
(str "This line is not valid:\n" line " (tab count: " (tab-count line) ")"))))
(defn tab-validate [file]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader file)]
(let [lines (line-seq rdr)]
(if-let [fline (first lines)]
(let [header-cnt (tab-count fline)]
(println "Header tab count:" header-cnt)
(tab-loop (rest lines) header-cnt))
(println "File appears empty")))))
(def USAGE
lein run [FILE] [SWITCH]
SWTICH should be either of:
--wc runs a word count on file
--validate determines whether file is a valid TAB file
Example usage:
lein run myfile.txt --validate")
(defn -main [file & [switch]]
(condp = switch
"--wc" (wc file)
"--validate" (tab-validate file)
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