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Last active December 4, 2021 19:27
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Drill down picker for Caseiterable & RawRepresentable collections
// Created by Andrew Cowley on 01/12/2021.
import SwiftUI
enum Priority: String, Pickable {
case none, low, medium, high // any raw type can be used
struct ContentView: View {
@State var priority: Priority = .none
let link = Image(systemName: "chevron.right")
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section {
// Custom picker:
InsetPicker("Priority", selection: $priority)
// Compare with Apple picker code:
Picker("Priority", selection: $priority) {
ForEach(Priority.allCases) { p in
} .navigationTitle("Details")
/// Drill down picker with a grouped list style
struct InsetPicker<T: Pickable>: View where T.AllCases: RandomAccessCollection {
/* Argument */
@Binding var selectedValue: T
let title: String
/* Configuration */
@State private var showPicker = false
var body: some View {
// Add .padding to create space for the chevron overlayed by navlink
.padding(.trailing, 20)
.overlay {
NavigationLink("", isActive: $showPicker ) {
/// The row on the calling view that will be clicked to trigger the picker
var formText: some View {
HStack {
/// Picker styled on an insetGrouped List
var listPicker: some View {
List {
ForEach(T.allCases) { t in
HStack {
checkmark(for: t)
// Overlay an invisible button across each row
.overlay(selectionButton(t: t))
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) {
func selectionButton(t: T) -> some View {
Button(" ") {
// Replicate slightly annoying feature where the current row cannot
// be selected to dismiss the picker
guard selectedValue != t else { return }
selectedValue = t
showPicker = false
/// Return a checkmark if the supplied value matches the selectedValue
func checkmark(for t: T) -> some View {
Group {
if t == selectedValue {
Text(Image(systemName: "checkmark"))
} else {
init(_ title: String, selection v: Binding<T>) {
self.title = title
self._selectedValue = v
self.showPicker = true
protocol Pickable: Identifiable, Equatable, CaseIterable, RawRepresentable {
var description: String {get}
extension Pickable {
var id: String { "\(self.rawValue)" }
var description: String { "\(self.rawValue)".capitalized }
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