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Created July 29, 2016 11:51
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"Multiple dispatch in Python with configurable dispatch resolution"
_AUTHOR=["David Mertz (",]
"Tim Hochberg (",
"Samuele Pedroni (",
This file is released to the public domain. I (dqm) would
appreciate it if you choose to keep derived works under terms
that promote freedom, but obviously am giving up any rights
to compel such.
12/02 Initial "proof-of-concept"
01/03 Changed Dispatcher to Dispatch.
Changed 'next_meth' argument for Dispatch.add_rule() to
Added a Dispatch.next_method() method that can be called
within a dispatched function (if the Dispatch instance
is passed in).
Provided example for using positional and keyword args.
02/03 Added a Dispatch.clone() method. Added additional
#--- Constants (including Booleans if not defined in Python version)
AT_START = -1 # names for when to run other matching methods
SKIP = 0
AT_END = 1
if not globals().has_key('True'): True = 1
if not globals().has_key('False'): False = 0
#-- Sample functions linearize match tables in various ways
# 'signature' passed to each func is seq of classes in current call
# 'matches' is list of (sig,fn,nm) tups, already pruned for sig len/types
def def_order(signature, matches):
"Pass control according to first-defined-first-executed"
return matches
def reverse_def(signature, matches):
"Pass control according to first-defined-last-executed"
return matches
def unambiguous_lexicographic_mro(signature, matches):
"Use dispatch ranking similar to Dylan"
# I suppose this would need a topological sort
raise NotImplementedError, "Someone want to help?"
def lexicographic_mro(signature, matches):
"Use dispatch ranking similar to CLOS"
# Schwartzian transform to weight match sigs, left-to-right"
proximity = lambda klass, mro: mro.index(klass)
mros = [klass.mro() for klass in signature]
for (sig,func,nm),i in zip(matches,xrange(1000)):
matches[i] = (map(proximity, sig, mros), matches[i])
return map(lambda t:t[1], matches)
def weighted_mro(signature, matches):
"Use dispatch ranking similar to Perl Class::Multimethods"
# Schwartzian transform to weight match sigs, unbiased sum"
from operator import add
proximity = lambda klass, mro: mro.index(klass)
sum = lambda lst: reduce(add, lst)
mros = [klass.mro() for klass in signature]
for (sig,func,nm),i in zip(matches,xrange(1000)):
matches[i] = (sum(map(proximity,sig,mros)), matches[i])
return map(lambda t:t[1], matches)
#-- Dispatch class
class Dispatch(object):
def __init__(self, table=(), order=lexicographic_mro):
self.table = []
for rule in table:
self.order = order
def clone(self):
"Create a new dispatcher (usually for a new thread)"
return Dispatch(self.table, self.order)
def __call__(self, *args):
self.results = []
self.args = args
signature = [o.__class__ for o in args]
self.linearization = self.linearize_table(signature)
self.pos = 0
return self.results
def with_dispatch(self, *args):
return self(*(args+(self,)))
def run(self):
if self.pos >= len(self.linearization):
func, propagate = self.linearization[self.pos]
self.pos += 1
if propagate < SKIP:
if propagate > SKIP:
def add_rule(self, signature, func, propagate=SKIP):
self.table.append((signature, func, propagate))
def add_dispatchable(self, signature, func, propagate=SKIP):
self.add_rule(signature+(Dispatch,), func, propagate)
def remove_rule(self, signature):
"Remove any rule with the given signature."
for s,f,nm in self.table:
if s == signature: self.table.remove((s,f,nm))
def next_method(self):
func, _ = self.linearization[self.pos]
self.pos +=1
result = func(*self.args)
self.pos -= 1
return result
def linearize_table(self, sig):
from operator import mul
len_match = lambda (s,f,nm): len(s) == len(sig)
typ_match = lambda (s,f,nm): reduce(mul, map(issubclass, sig, s))
all_match = lambda x: len_match(x) and typ_match(x)
table = filter(all_match, self.table)
if not table:
def nomatch(*a):
raise TypeError, \
"%s instance: no defined call signature <%s>" %\
(self.__class__.__name__, ",".join(map(type, sig)))
return [(nomatch,SKIP)]
return map(lambda l:l[1:], self.order(sig, table))
def beats_game():
class Thing(object): pass
class Rock(Thing): pass
class Paper(Thing): pass
class Scissors(Thing): pass
rock, paper, scissors = Rock(), Paper(), Scissors()
def true_func(*a): return True
def false_func(*a): return False
beats = Dispatch([((Rock, Scissors), true_func),
((Scissors, Paper), true_func),
((Thing, Thing), false_func),
((Paper, Rock), true_func),
beats.order = weighted_mro
print "<rock, scissors> ", beats(rock, scissors)
print "<paper, scissors> ", beats(paper, scissors)
print "----- Add fire rule ------"
class Fire(Thing): pass
def firepower(a,b): return "Fire always wins!"
beats.add_rule((Fire, Thing), firepower, AT_END)
beats.add_rule((Thing, Fire), firepower, AT_END)
fire = Fire()
print "<fire, rock> ", beats(fire, rock)
print "<fire, paper> ", beats(fire, paper)
print "<fire, fire> ", beats(fire, fire)
print "<scissors, rock> ", beats(scissors, rock)
print "---- Remove fire rule ----"
beats.remove_rule((Fire, Thing))
print "<fire, rock> ", beats(fire, rock)
print "<fire, paper> ", beats(fire, paper)
print "<scissors, rock> ", beats(scissors, rock)
#print beats(scissors, "") # Raises a TypeError
#for sig, func, propagate in beats.table:
# print map(lambda k: k.__name__, sig),
# print func.__name__,
# print propagate
def auto_dispatch():
"Demonstrate dispatch propagation"
class General(object): pass
class Between(General): pass
class Specific(Between): pass
dispatch = Dispatch()
dispatch.add_rule((General,), lambda _:"General", AT_END)
dispatch.add_rule((Between,), lambda _:"Between", AT_END)
dispatch.add_rule((Specific,), lambda _:"Specific", AT_END)
print dispatch(General())
print dispatch(Specific())
def manual_dispatch():
"Enable Dispatch.next_method() call within function bodies"
class General(object): pass
class Between(General): pass
class Specific(Between): pass
def do_general(x, dispatch):
print "start general"
return "-> general"
def do_between(x, dispatch):
print "start between"
print dispatch.next_method()
print "still between"
return "-> between"
def do_specific(x, dispatch):
print "start specific"
print dispatch.next_method()
print "still specific"
print dispatch.next_method() # same dispatch as prior call
return "-> specific"
# Either specify Dispatch in .add_rule(), or use .add_dipatchable()
multi = Dispatch()
multi.add_dispatchable((General,), do_general)
multi.add_dispatchable((Between,), do_between)
multi.add_rule((Specific, Dispatch), do_specific)
o = Specific()
x = multi.with_dispatch(o)
# Or: multi(o, multi)
print x
def function_args():
"Call a multimethod with (simulated) positional or keyword arguments"
class Foo(object): pass
def say_args(foo, args=(), kw={}):
print "Arguments:", args
print " Keywords:", kw
print "-"*72
multi = Dispatch()
multi.add_rule((Foo,), say_args)
multi.add_rule((Foo,tuple), say_args)
multi.add_rule((Foo,tuple,dict), say_args)
foo = Foo()
multi(foo) # no arguments
multi(foo, ('list','of','arguments'))
multi(foo, (), {'keyword':'arguments'})
if __name__=='__main__':
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