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Created August 24, 2022 10:44
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Torchscript version of nn.GRU with dropout
from collections import OrderedDict
import math
from typing import List, Tuple
import torch
import torch.jit as jit
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import Parameter
from torch import Tensor
class JitGRUCell(jit.ScriptModule):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size):
super(JitGRUCell, self).__init__()
self.input_size = input_size
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.weight_ih = Parameter(torch.Tensor(3 * hidden_size, input_size))
self.weight_hh = Parameter(torch.Tensor(3 * hidden_size, hidden_size))
self.bias_ih = Parameter(torch.Tensor(3 * hidden_size))
self.bias_hh = Parameter(torch.Tensor(3 * hidden_size))
def reset_parameters(self):
stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(self.hidden_size)
for weight in self.parameters():, stdv)
def forward(self, x, hidden):
# type: (Tensor, Tensor) -> Tensor
x = x.view(-1, x.size(1))
x_results =, self.weight_ih.t()) + self.bias_ih
h_results =, self.weight_hh.t()) + self.bias_hh
i_r, i_z, i_n = x_results.chunk(3, 1)
h_r, h_z, h_n = h_results.chunk(3, 1)
r = torch.sigmoid(i_r + h_r)
z = torch.sigmoid(i_z + h_z)
n = torch.tanh(i_n + r * h_n)
return n - torch.mul(n, z) + torch.mul(z, hidden)
class JitGRULayer(jit.ScriptModule):
def __init__(self, cell, *cell_args):
super(JitGRULayer, self).__init__()
self.cell = cell(*cell_args)
def forward(self, x, hidden):
# type: (Tensor, Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]
inputs = x.unbind(0)
outputs = torch.jit.annotate(List[Tensor], [])
for i in range(len(inputs)):
hidden = self.cell(inputs[i], hidden)
outputs += [hidden]
return torch.stack(outputs), hidden
class JitGRU(jit.ScriptModule):
__constants__ = ['hidden_size', 'num_layers', 'batch_first', 'dropout']
def __init__(self,
super(JitGRU, self).__init__()
# The following are not implemented.
assert bias
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.batch_first = batch_first
self.dropout = dropout
self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(self.dropout)
if num_layers == 1:
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([JitGRULayer(JitGRUCell, input_size, hidden_size)])
self.layers = nn.ModuleList(
[JitGRULayer(JitGRUCell, input_size, hidden_size)] + [JitGRULayer(JitGRUCell, hidden_size, hidden_size) for _ in range(num_layers - 1)])
def forward(self, x, h=None):
# type: (Tensor, Optional[Tensor]) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]
output_states = jit.annotate(List[Tensor], [])
# Handle batch_first cases
if self.batch_first:
x = x.permute(1, 0, 2)
if h is None:
h = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, x.shape[1], self.hidden_size, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
output = x
i = 0
for rnn_layer in self.layers:
output, hidden = rnn_layer(output, h[i])
# Apply the dropout layer except the last layer
if i < self.num_layers - 1:
output = self.dropout_layer(output)
output_states += [hidden]
i += 1
# Don't forget to handle batch_first cases for the output too!
if self.batch_first:
output = output.permute(1, 0, 2)
return output, torch.stack(output_states)
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, strict=True):
new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
param_names = ["weight_hh", "weight_ih", "bias_ih", "bias_hh"]
for layer in range(self.num_layers):
for param_name in param_names:
# Build the name of the parameters in this layer
jit_name = F"layers.{layer}.cell.{param_name}"
pytorch_name = F"{param_name}_l{layer}"
jit_param = state_dict[pytorch_name]
new_state_dict[jit_name] = jit_param
super().load_state_dict(new_state_dict, strict)
def state_dict(self, *args, destination=None, prefix='', keep_vars=False):
state_dict_ = super().state_dict(*args, destination, prefix, keep_vars)
result_dict = OrderedDict()
# The name of each JitGRU parameter defined in JitGRUCell
param_names = ["weight_hh", "weight_ih", "bias_ih", "bias_hh"]
for layer in range(self.num_layers):
for param_name in param_names:
# Build the name of the parameters in this layer
jit_name = F"layers.{layer}.cell.{param_name}"
pytorch_name = F"{param_name}_l{layer}"
jit_param = state_dict_[jit_name]
result_dict[pytorch_name] = jit_param
return result_dict
def test_script_gru_layer(seq_len, batch, input_size, hidden_size):
inp = torch.randn(seq_len, batch, input_size)
h = torch.randn(batch, hidden_size)
gru_jit = JitGRULayer(JitGRUCell, input_size, hidden_size)
gru_pytorch = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, 1)
# The name of each JitGRU parameter that we've defined in JitGRUCell
param_names = ["weight_hh", "weight_ih", "bias_ih", "bias_hh"]
for param_name in param_names:
# Build the name of the parameters in this layer
jit_name = F"cell.{param_name}"
pytorch_name = F"{param_name}_l0"
jit_param = gru_jit.state_dict()[jit_name]
gru_param = gru_pytorch.state_dict()[pytorch_name]
# Make sure the shapes are the same
assert gru_param.shape == jit_param.shape
# Copy the weight values
with torch.no_grad():
# Run both on the same input
out, out_state = gru_jit(inp, h)
gru_out, gru_out_hidden = gru_pytorch(inp, h.unsqueeze(0))
# Make sure the values are reasonably close
assert (out - gru_out).abs().max() < 1e-5
assert (out_state - gru_out_hidden).abs().max() < 1e-5
def test_script_stacked_gru(seq_len, batch, input_size, hidden_size,
inp = torch.randn(seq_len, batch, input_size)
gru_hidden = torch.stack([torch.randn(batch, hidden_size) for _ in range(num_layers)])
gru_jit = JitGRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)
gru_pytorch = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)
# The name of each JitGRU parameter that we've defined in JitGRUCell
param_names = ["weight_hh", "weight_ih", "bias_ih", "bias_hh"]
for layer in range(num_layers):
for param_name in param_names:
# Build the name of the parameters in this layer
pytorch_name = F"{param_name}_l{layer}"
jit_param = gru_jit.state_dict()[pytorch_name]
gru_param = gru_pytorch.state_dict()[pytorch_name]
# Make sure the shapes are the same
assert gru_param.shape == jit_param.shape
# Copy the weight values
with torch.no_grad():
# Run both on the same input
out_jit, out_jit_hidden = gru_jit(inp, gru_hidden)
out_pytorch, out_pytorch_hidden = gru_pytorch(inp, gru_hidden)
# Make sure the values are reasonably close
assert (out_jit - out_pytorch).abs().max() < 1e-5
assert (out_jit_hidden - out_pytorch_hidden).abs().max() < 1e-5
def test_script_load_state_dict(seq_len, batch, input_size, hidden_size,
inp = torch.randn(seq_len, batch, input_size)
gru_hidden = torch.stack([torch.randn(batch, hidden_size) for _ in range(num_layers)])
gru_jit = JitGRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)
gru_pytorch = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)
out_jit, out_jit_hidden = gru_jit(inp, gru_hidden)
out_pytorch, out_pytorch_hidden = gru_pytorch(inp, gru_hidden)
# Make sure the values are reasonably close
assert (out_jit - out_pytorch).abs().max() < 1e-5
assert (out_jit_hidden - out_pytorch_hidden).abs().max() < 1e-5
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Testing layers...')
test_script_gru_layer(5, 2, 3, 7)
test_script_gru_layer(1, 1, 1, 1)
print('Testing stacked GRUs...')
test_script_stacked_gru(5, 2, 3, 7, 10)
test_script_stacked_gru(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
test_script_load_state_dict(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
print('All unit tests passed!')
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