October 21, 2018 04:14
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<meta charset="utf-8"><br/> | |
<input id="SPP" type="range" min="0" max="8" value="2"><input id="SPPT"><br/> | |
<input id="DPP" type="range" min="1" max="7" value="2"><input id="DPPT"><br/> | |
<canvas id="CNVS"></canvas><hr/> | |
<script> | |
const vsrc=`attribute vec4 p;void main(){gl_Position=p;}`; | |
const fsrc0c=`precision highp float; | |
struct Ray{ vec3 o, d;}; | |
struct Sph{ vec3 o; float r; vec3 ref; vec3 le; int m;float ior;}; | |
const float PI=3.14; | |
const float fov=30.*PI/180.; | |
uniform Sph sphs[8]; | |
// camera parameters for Cornell Box scene | |
uniform vec3 eye, center, up; | |
uniform int uIter; | |
uniform int uDepth; | |
uniform float uSeed; | |
vec3 tonemap(vec3 c){ | |
return clamp(pow(c, vec3(1./2.2)), 0.,1.); | |
} | |
float rand(vec2 st){ | |
return fract(sin(dot(st.xy, vec2(1234,5678))+uSeed)*1234.5678); | |
} | |
void tangentSpace(in vec3 n, out vec3 ps, out vec3 pt) { | |
float s= 1.*sign(n.z); | |
float a=-1./(s + n.z); | |
float b=n.x*n.y*a; | |
ps=vec3(1.+s*n.x*n.x*a, s*b, -s*n.x); | |
pt=vec3(b, s+n.y*n.y*a, -n.y); | |
return; | |
} | |
// basis vectors for camera coordinates | |
mat3 getUvw(){ | |
vec3 wE=normalize(eye-center); | |
vec3 uE=normalize(cross(up, wE)); | |
vec3 vE=cross(wE, uE); | |
return mat3(uE,vE,wE); | |
} | |
const float tf=tan(fov*.5); | |
`; | |
const fsrc1=fsrc0c+` | |
float intersect(Sph sph, Ray ray, float tmin, float tmax){ | |
vec3 op=sph.o-ray.o; | |
float bo=dot(op, ray.d); | |
float det=bo*bo-dot(op,op)+sph.r*sph.r; | |
if(det<0.){return -1.;} | |
float t1=bo-sqrt(det); if(tmin<t1&&t1<tmax){return t1;} | |
float t2=bo+sqrt(det); if(tmin<t2&&t2<tmax){return t2;} | |
return -1.; | |
} | |
Ray mode0(Ray ray, Sph sph, vec3 n, vec3 p, vec2 rp, int depth){ | |
ray.o=p; | |
float sd=float(depth)/11.11; | |
vec3 na=dot(n, -ray.d)>0.?n:-n; | |
vec3 u,v; tangentSpace(na, u, v); | |
float r=sqrt(rand(rp+vec2(sd,tan(sd)))); | |
float ta=(2.*PI)*rand(rp+vec2(sd,tan(sd)+.1)); | |
float xa=r*cos(ta), ya=r*sin(ta); | |
vec3 d=vec3(xa, ya, sqrt(max(.0, 1.-xa*xa-ya*ya))); | |
ray.d=u*d.x+v*d.y+na*d.z; | |
return ray; | |
} | |
Ray mode1(Ray ray, Sph sph, vec3 n, vec3 p){ | |
ray.o=p; | |
// ray.d=reflect(ray.d, n); | |
vec3 wi=-ray.d; | |
ray.d=2.*dot(wi, n)*n-wi; | |
return ray; | |
} | |
Ray mode2(Ray ray, Sph sph, vec3 n, vec3 p){ | |
ray.o=p; | |
vec3 wi=-ray.d; | |
bool into=dot(wi, n)>0.; | |
vec3 na=into?n:-n; | |
float ior=sph.ior; | |
float eta=into?1./ior:ior; | |
// ray.d=-refract(ray.d, na, eta); | |
float t=dot(wi, na); | |
float t2=1.-eta*eta*(1.-t*t); | |
if(t2<0.){ | |
// Total internal reflection | |
ray.d=2.*dot(wi, n)*n-wi; | |
}else{ | |
vec3 wt=eta*(na*t-wi)-n*sqrt(t2); | |
// Schlick's approximation | |
float cos=into?dot(wi, n):dot(wt, n); | |
float r=(1.-ior)/(1.+ior); | |
float Fr=r*r+(1.-r*r)*pow(1.-cos,5.); | |
ray.d=(rand(vec2(.1))<Fr)?(2.*dot(wi, n)*n-wi):wt; | |
} | |
return ray; | |
} | |
void main(){ | |
const float width=800., height=600.; | |
const float aspect=width/height; | |
int spp=(uIter==0)?4:uIter; | |
int dpp=(uDepth==0)?2:uDepth; | |
vec2 rpxy=vec2(gl_FragCoord.x/width, gl_FragCoord.y/height)*2.-1.; | |
vec3 I=vec3(0); | |
Sph sph; | |
for(int j=0; j<512; j++){ | |
if(j>=spp)break; | |
vec2 rp=rpxy; | |
rp+=vec2(rand(vec2(j))/width,rand(vec2(j))/height); | |
vec3 wo=normalize(vec3(aspect*tf*rp.x, tf*rp.y, -1)); | |
Ray ray; ray.o=eye; ray.d=getUvw()*wo; | |
vec3 L=vec3(0), th=vec3(1); | |
for(int depth=0; depth<10; depth++){ | |
if(depth>=dpp)break; | |
float minh=1e6; | |
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){ | |
float h=intersect(sphs[i], ray, 1e-1, minh); | |
if(h<0.)continue; // ハズレ。次。 | |
sph=sphs[i]; // 今見てる球 | |
minh=h; // が一番近い。 | |
} | |
if(minh>=1e6){break;} // 全部ハズレ。次。 | |
L+=th*sph.le; | |
vec3 p=ray.o+ray.d*minh; // 球上の交点 | |
vec3 n=(p-sph.o)/sph.r; // 球上の法線 | |
if(sph.m==0){ | |
ray=mode0(ray, sph, n, p, rp,depth); | |
th*=sph.ref; | |
if(max(max(th.x, th.y),th.z)==0.)break; | |
} | |
else if(sph.m==1){ | |
ray=mode1(ray, sph, n, p); | |
}else if(sph.m==2){ | |
ray=mode2(ray, sph, n, p); | |
} | |
} | |
I+=L/float(spp); | |
} | |
gl_FragColor=vec4(tonemap(abs(I)),1); | |
}`; | |
// ポリゴン描画するだけであとの処理はFragmentShaderに任せる。 | |
var cx, pg; | |
const width=800, height=600; // Image size | |
function getCx(){ | |
CNVS.width=width, CNVS.height=height; | |
cx=CNVS.getContext("webgl"); | |
var vs=cx.createShader(cx.VERTEX_SHADER);cx.shaderSource(vs,vsrc); | |
var fs=cx.createShader(cx.FRAGMENT_SHADER);cx.shaderSource(fs,fsrc1); | |
pg=cx.createProgram();cx.attachShader(pg,vs);cx.attachShader(pg,fs); | |
cx.compileShader(vs);cx.compileShader(fs);cx.linkProgram(pg); | |
console.log(`vs:${cx.getShaderInfoLog(vs)}\n`); | |
console.log(`fs:${cx.getShaderInfoLog(fs)}\n`); | |
console.log(`pg:${cx.getProgramInfoLog(pg)}\n`); | |
cx.enableVertexAttribArray(0); | |
var abuf=cx.createBuffer(cx.ARRAY_BUFFER); | |
var data=new Float32Array([-1,-1, 1,-1, -1,1, 1,1]); | |
cx.bindBuffer(cx.ARRAY_BUFFER,abuf); | |
cx.bufferData(cx.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, cx.STATIC_DRAW); | |
cx.vertexAttribPointer(0, 2,cx.FLOAT, false, 0,0); | |
cx.bindBuffer(cx.ARRAY_BUFFER,null); | |
cx.useProgram(pg); | |
}; getCx(); | |
function setScene(cx, pg){// Cornell Box scene | |
// struct Sph{ vec3 o; float r; vec3 ref; vec3 le; int m;float ior;}; | |
const bnum=1e5; // =1e5; | |
var sphs={}, F=3+1+3+3+1+1; | |
const dat=([ | |
bnum+1., 40.8, 81.6, bnum, .75,.25,.25, 0,0,0, 0,0, | |
-bnum+99., 40.8, 81.6, bnum, .25,.25,.75, 0,0,0, 0,0, | |
50., 40.8, bnum, bnum, .75,.75,.75, 0,0,0, 0,0, | |
50., bnum, 81.6, bnum, .75,.75,.75, 0,0,0, 0,0, | |
50., -bnum+81.6, 81.6, bnum, .75,.75,.75, 0,0,0, 0,0, | |
27., 16.5, 47., 16.5, .99,.99,.99, 0,0,0, 0,0, | |
73., 16.5, 78., 16.5, .99,.99,.99, 0,0,0, 0,1.5168, | |
50., 681.6-.27, 81.6, 600, .0,.0,.0, 12,12,12, 0,0, | |
]); | |
for(i=0; i<8; i++){ | |
sphs.o=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, `sphs[${i}].o`); | |
cx.uniform3f(sphs.o, dat[i*F+0], dat[i*F+1], dat[i*F+2]); | |
sphs.r=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, `sphs[${i}].r`); | |
cx.uniform1f(sphs.r, dat[i*F+3]); | |
sphs.ref=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, `sphs[${i}].ref`); | |
cx.uniform3f(sphs.ref, dat[i*F+4], dat[i*F+5], dat[i*F+6]); | |
sphs.le=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, `sphs[${i}].le`); | |
cx.uniform3f(sphs.le, dat[i*F+7], dat[i*F+8], dat[i*F+9]); | |
sphs.m=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, `sphs[${i}].m`); | |
cx.uniform1i(sphs.m, dat[i*F+10]); | |
sphs.ior=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, `sphs[${i}].ior`); | |
cx.uniform1f(sphs.ior, dat[i*F+11]); | |
} | |
var view={}; | |
view.eye=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, "eye"); | |
cx.uniform3f(view.eye, 50.,52.,295.6); | |, "center"); | |
cx.uniform3f(, 50.+0., 52.-0.042612, 295.6-1.); | |
view.up=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, "up"); | |
cx.uniform3f(view.up, 0,1,0); | |
} | |
setScene(cx, pg); | |
function setParam(cx,pg){ | |
SPPT.value=`spp=${Math.pow(2,SPP.value)}`; | |
uIter=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, "uIter"); | |
cx.uniform1i(uIter, Math.pow(2,SPP.value)); | |
DPPT.value=`dpp=${DPP.value}`; | |
uDepth=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, "uDepth"); | |
cx.uniform1i(uDepth, parseInt(DPP.value)); | |
// uSeed=cx.getUniformLocation(pg, "uSeed"); | |
// cx.uniform1f(uSeed, Math.random()); | |
} | |
function draw(){ | |
setParam(cx,pg); | |
// cx.clearColor(.5,.5,.5,1); | |
// cx.clear(0x4000); | |
cx.drawArrays(cx.TRIANGLE_STRIP,0,4); | |
// requestAnimationFrame(draw); | |
}; draw(); | |
SPP.addEventListener("input", draw); | |
DPP.addEventListener("input", draw); | |
</script> |
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