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Created November 17, 2010 23:26
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Notes for the DOSSEE TSI meeting, November 17

Strong Ideas

Social Geodrawing

The point is to collaboratively draw a picture by using GPS-enabled devices with special software to communicate coordinates to a web server. GPS signal is used to store and draw a route with specific color for each participant. Different route patterns can be interpreted as gestures for drawing macros (e.g. pen toggling, flood fills). The drawing process can be streamed through a mobile client and a web interface, and saved as KML. Otherwise, this is basically a human scale collaborative Paint.

Web-enabled Interactive Whiteboard

Drawing on the interactive whiteboard is done with a specific marker, which can be virtually any object. The marker movement is detected by a camera and transferred to the virtual whiteboard, which is displayed via a projector on a blank surface. Input and output streams are routed through a web server, making them available to a wide audience. Marker gestures can be used to query web-specific services such as Google, Wikipedia, and Wolfram Alpha to display additional content.

Shared Augmented Reality

A set of web cameras is used by users to communicate with a shared recorded real place. Be it a table, each user can remotely interact with real or virtual objects on the table via web camera gestures. The augmented reality is synchronised between participants. This can be used for virtual presence, e.g. to participate in tabletop games remotely.

QR Business Cards

A web application assigns QR codes to registered user profiles (business cards) with personal and social web information. Social services and social graph API (Facebook, Google) are used to enrich profile information with social web activity and connections. A special mobile application turns QR codes directly into user information.

Next Meeting

Next Wednesday (November 24), 18:00

Homework: find reusable open source technologies for project ideas. Think about feasibility and possible paths to implementation.

  • Social Geodrawing
    • Юрий Чудновский
    • Александр Степанов
  • Web-enabled Interactive Whiteboard
    • Андрей Найдёнок
    • Александр Григорьев
  • Shared Augmented Reality
    • Вера Фаллманн
    • Ольга Гусак
  • QR Business Cards
    • Сергей Артемьев
    • Олег Зенков
    • Алексей Корнеев

Dump of Ideas

  • GPS
    • give students a couple of GPS devices and track their movements
    • provide routes (assignments) to complete
    • analyze route compliance and report inaccuracies
    • useful for package delivery, when specific routes are required
    • log public transport movement with GPS
    • draw public transport movement in real time on a map
    • evaluate arrival time based on location
    • collaborative drawing using GPS devices
  • video
    • recording and simulation user behaviour in front of a computer
    • augmented reality (graphics over real time video)
    • detecting objects on a table and enhancing them with AR
    • swapping symbols in reality with virtual video layers
    • interactive whiteboard with gestures
    • face, picture or video recognition (tagging) from phone camera
    • online participation in real casino games
    • backwards contact with reality (LED, voice)
    • XMPP audio and video conferencing
  • media over the web
    • media player web interface
    • music library web service
    • associative search
    • smart playlist composition
    • phone camera image indexing and search (TinEye)
    • appliance control from phone
    • machine learning applications for the above
    • voice auto tuning
  • other
    • dropbox with automatic media export for different devices
    • automatic client detection
    • media streaming
    • stocks recording and comparison for local markets
    • financial report processing
    • integrating electronic business cards with the social web
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