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Created December 5, 2015 11:30
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# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
#!/usr/bin/env python
# define a function which can compute the squareroot of the number
def squarerootbi(number, epsilon):
:rtype: float
:param number:给定的数字
:param epsilon:要求的平方根的精确度
assert number > 0, 'number must > 0' + str(number)
assert epsilon > 0, 'epsilon must > 0' + str(epsilon)
# high = number 假设给定数的平方根在0-数字本身之间,然而小数并不是这样
high = max(number, 1)
low = 0
count = 0
guess = (high + low) / 2.0
while (abs(guess ** 2 - number) > epsilon) and count <= 100:
if guess ** 2 > number:
high = guess
elif guess ** 2 < number:
low = guess
guess = (high + low) / 2.0
count += 1
assert count <= 100, 'iter up to 100 the counter is:' + str(count)
print 'the squareroot of this number is: ' + str(guess) + ' ' + 'count:' + str(count)
return count
def sqrtnr(number, epsilon):
:param number: 必须大于0
:param epsilon: 平方根与近似平方根的差值
:return: 计算平方根所使用的迭代次数
assert number > 0, 'number must > 0' + str(number)
assert epsilon > 0, 'epsilon must > 0' + str(epsilon)
# 用NR方法求平方根
number = float(number)
guess = 0.001
count = 0
diff = guess ** 2 - number
while abs(guess ** 2 - number) > epsilon and count <= 100:
# 使用NR方法计算平方根 guess(next)=guess(pre) - f(guess) / f'(guess)
# f(x): guess**2 - x = 0
# f'(x)是f(x)的导数
# NR方法参见
# 学好数学很重要啊
# 不如不写diff,反正这里只用到一次diff,不过如果修改程序的话可能就比较重要了
guess -= diff / (2.0 * guess)
diff = guess ** 2 - number
count += 1
print 'the sqrt of number is:' + str(guess) + ' '*5 + 'count:' + str(count)
return count
def testsuqarerootbi():
squarerootbi(9, 0.00000000001)
# squarerootbi(-1, 0.001)
# squarerootbi(1, -0.1)
squarerootbi(9, 0.00000001)
squarerootbi(0.25, 0.0000001)
print '-' * 10
sqrtnr(2, 0.00001)
squarerootbi(2, 0.00001)
print '---compare---'
a =sqrtnr(2, 0.01)
b = squarerootbi(2, 0.01)
print '迭代次数差值:', a - b
print '--0.001---'
c = sqrtnr(2, 0.001)
d = squarerootbi(2, 0.001)
print '迭代次数差值:', c - d
print '---0.00001---'
e = sqrtnr(5555555, 0.0000001)
f = squarerootbi(5555555, 0.0000001)
print '迭代次数差值:', e - f
# 使用函数来测试,而不是每次都调用测试对象,可以减少重复
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