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Last active December 27, 2015 02:09
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aheui.hs (r2: refactoring WIP)
import System.Exit
Data Structures
data Dir = SetDir Int Int | FlipX | FlipY | FlipXY | KeepDir
data Op = DivOp | AddOp | MulOp | ModOp | DupOp | SwitchOp Int | MoveOp Int
| CmpOp | BranchOp | SubOp | SwapOp | ExitOp | PrintNumOp
| PrintCharOp | PopOp | InputNumOp | InputCharOp | PushOp Int | NoOp
data Cell = Cell Op Dir
emptyCell :: Cell
emptyCell = Cell NoOp KeepDir
type CodeSpace = [[Cell]]
width :: CodeSpace -> Int
width space = maximum $ map length space
height :: CodeSpace -> Int
height space = length space
fillBlanks :: CodeSpace -> Int -> CodeSpace
fillBlanks space w = [take w (line ++ repeat emptyCell) | line <- space]
cellAt :: (Int, Int) -> CodeSpace -> Cell
cellAt (x, y) space = space !! y !! x
parse :: String -> CodeSpace
parse code = fillBlanks space (width space)
where space = map parseLine (lines code)
parseLine :: String -> [Cell]
parseLine line = map parseChar line
parseChar :: Char -> Cell
parseChar ch
| isHangul ch = let (first, middle, last) = decomposeHangul ch
in Cell (parseOp first last) (parseDir middle)
| otherwise = emptyCell
parseOp :: Int -> Int -> Op
parseOp op value =
case (op, value) of
(2, _) -> DivOp -- ㄴ
(3, _) -> AddOp -- ㄷ
(4, _) -> MulOp -- ㄸ
(5, _) -> ModOp -- ㄹ
(8, _) -> DupOp -- ㅃ
(9, x) -> SwitchOp x -- ㅅ
(10, x) -> MoveOp x -- ㅆ
(12, _) -> CmpOp -- ㅈ
(14, _) -> BranchOp -- ㅊ
(16, _) -> SubOp -- ㅌ
(17, _) -> SwapOp -- ㅍ
(18, _) -> ExitOp -- ㅎ
(6, 21) -> PrintNumOp -- ㅁ/ㅇ
(6, 27) -> PrintCharOp -- ㅁ/ㅎ
(6, _) -> PopOp -- ㅁ
(7, 21) -> InputNumOp -- ㅂ/ㅇ
(7, 27) -> InputCharOp -- ㅂ/ㅎ
(7, x) -> PushOp (valueTable !! x) -- ㅂ
otherwise -> NoOp
parseDir :: Int -> Dir
parseDir x =
case x of
0 -> SetDir 1 0 -- ㅏ
2 -> SetDir 2 0 -- ㅑ
4 -> SetDir (-1) 0 -- ㅓ
6 -> SetDir (-2) 0 -- ㅕ
8 -> SetDir 0 (-1) -- ㅗ
12 -> SetDir 0 (-2) -- ㅛ
13 -> SetDir 0 1 -- ㅜ
17 -> SetDir 0 2 -- ㅠ
18 -> FlipX -- ㅣ
19 -> FlipXY -- ㅢ
20 -> FlipY -- ㅡ
otherwise -> KeepDir
isHangul :: Char -> Bool
isHangul ch = '가' <= ch && ch <= '힣'
decomposeHangul :: Char -> (Int, Int, Int)
decomposeHangul ch = (c `div` 28 `div` 21,
c `div` 28 `mod` 21,
c `mod` 28)
where c = (fromEnum ch) - (fromEnum '가')
valueTable = [0, 2, 4, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 7, 9,
9, 8, 4, 4, 6, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3]
data Storage = Stack [Int] | Queue [Int]
data Memory = Memory Int [Storage]
update i d s = a ++ [s] ++ tail b
where (a, b) = splitAt i d
modify f i d = update i d (f (d !! i))
currentStorage (Memory i _) = i
switchStorage (Memory i d) i' = Memory i' d
modifyStorage i' f (Memory i d) = Memory i (modify f i' d)
modifyCurrentStorage f (Memory i d) = modifyStorage i f (Memory i d)
storageSize (Memory i d) = length $ unwrap (d !! i)
unwrap (Stack xs) = xs
unwrap (Queue xs) = xs
peekStorage :: Storage -> Int
peekStorage (Stack (x:xs)) = x
peekStorage (Queue (x:xs)) = x
popStorage :: Storage -> Storage
popStorage (Stack (x:xs)) = Stack xs
popStorage (Queue xs) = Queue (tail xs)
pushStorage :: Int -> Storage -> Storage
pushStorage x (Stack xs) = Stack (x:xs)
pushStorage x (Queue xs) = Queue (xs ++ [x])
swapStorage :: Storage -> Storage
swapStorage (Stack (x:y:ys)) = Stack (y:x:ys)
swapStorage (Queue (x:y:ys)) = Queue (y:x:ys)
dupStorage :: Storage -> Storage
dupStorage (Stack (x:xs)) = Stack (x:x:xs)
dupStorage (Queue (x:xs)) = Queue (x:x:xs)
peek (Memory i d) = peekStorage (d !! i)
pop mem = (modifyCurrentStorage popStorage mem, peek mem)
push val mem = pushTo (currentStorage mem) val mem
pushTo i val = modifyStorage i (pushStorage val)
swap = modifyCurrentStorage swapStorage
dup = modifyCurrentStorage dupStorage
newStorage 21 = Queue []
newStorage _ = Stack []
initMem = Memory 0 (map newStorage [0..27])
type Delta = (Int, Int)
type Pos = (Int, Int)
data Ptr = Ptr CodeSpace Pos Delta
execute :: CodeSpace -> IO ()
execute space = runLoop (Ptr space (0, 0) (1, 0)) initMem
runLoop :: Ptr -> Memory -> IO ()
runLoop ptr mem =
mem' <- executeOp (if underflow then NoOp else op) mem
runLoop ptr' mem'
where Cell op _ = currentCell ptr
branch = shouldBranch op mem
underflow = willUnderflow op mem
delta = nextDelta ptr branch underflow
ptr' = advancePtr ptr delta
currentCell :: Ptr -> Cell
currentCell (Ptr space pos _) = cellAt pos space
{- Flow Control -}
flipIf pred x = if pred then flipDir x else x
nextDelta :: Ptr -> Bool -> Bool -> Delta
nextDelta ptr@(Ptr _ _ delta) branch underflow =
flipIf branch (flipIf underflow (applyDir delta dir))
where Cell _ dir = currentCell ptr
delta' = applyDir delta dir
advancePtr :: Ptr -> Delta -> Ptr
advancePtr (Ptr space (x, y) _) (dx, dy) =
Ptr space (x', y') (dx, dy)
where x' = wrap (x + dx) (width space)
y' = wrap (y + dy) (height space)
flipDir (x, y) = (-x, -y)
applyDir :: Delta -> Dir -> Delta
applyDir _ (SetDir dx dy) = (dx, dy)
applyDir (dx, dy) FlipX = (-dx, dy)
applyDir (dx, dy) FlipY = (dx, -dy)
applyDir (dx, dy) FlipXY = flipDir (dx, dy)
applyDir dir KeepDir = dir
wrap pos size
| pos < 0 = size - 1
| pos >= size = 0
| otherwise = pos
shouldBranch BranchOp mem = peek mem == 0
shouldBranch _ mem = False
willUnderflow op mem = storageSize mem < requiredElems op
requiredElems op =
case op of
DivOp -> 2
AddOp -> 2
MulOp -> 2
ModOp -> 2
DupOp -> 1
MoveOp _ -> 1
CmpOp -> 2
BranchOp -> 1
SubOp -> 2
SwapOp -> 2
PrintNumOp -> 1
PrintCharOp -> 1
PopOp -> 1
_ -> 0
{- Execution -}
executeOp :: Op -> Memory -> IO Memory
executeOp PrintNumOp mem =
putStr (show val)
return mem'
where (mem', val) = pop mem
executeOp PrintCharOp mem =
putChar (toEnum val)
return mem'
where (mem', val) = pop mem
executeOp InputNumOp mem =
n <- getLine
return (push (read n) mem)
executeOp InputCharOp mem =
ch <- getChar
return (push (fromEnum ch) mem)
executeOp ExitOp mem = exitSuccess
executeOp op mem = return (executeSimpleOp op mem)
-- "simple" operations: ops without IO
stack2 f mem = push (f y x) mem''
where (mem', x) = pop mem
(mem'', y) = pop mem'
executeSimpleOp :: Op -> Memory -> Memory
executeSimpleOp DivOp mem = stack2 div mem
executeSimpleOp AddOp mem = stack2 (+) mem
executeSimpleOp MulOp mem = stack2 (*) mem
executeSimpleOp ModOp mem = stack2 mod mem
executeSimpleOp DupOp mem = dup mem
executeSimpleOp (SwitchOp i) mem = switchStorage mem i
executeSimpleOp (MoveOp i) mem = pushTo i val mem'
where (mem', val) = pop mem
executeSimpleOp CmpOp mem = stack2 (\y x -> if y >= x then 1 else 0) mem
executeSimpleOp SubOp mem = stack2 (-) mem
executeSimpleOp SwapOp mem = swap mem
executeSimpleOp PopOp mem = mem'
where (mem', _) = pop mem
executeSimpleOp (PushOp val) mem = push val mem
executeSimpleOp BranchOp mem = executeSimpleOp PopOp mem -- same with pop
executeSimpleOp NoOp mem = mem
Entry Point
main = do
code <- getContents
execute (parse code)
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