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Created August 19, 2019 19:02
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MeshDestroy => Put it on a game object with a mesh filter and renderer. Make sure to have read/write enabled on fbx import
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MeshDestroy : MonoBehaviour
private bool edgeSet = false;
private Vector3 edgeVertex =;
private Vector2 edgeUV =;
private Plane edgePlane = new Plane();
public int CutCascades = 1;
public float ExplodeForce = 0;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
private void DestroyMesh()
var originalMesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
var parts = new List<PartMesh>();
var subParts = new List<PartMesh>();
var mainPart = new PartMesh()
UV = originalMesh.uv,
Vertices = originalMesh.vertices,
Normals = originalMesh.normals,
Triangles = new int[originalMesh.subMeshCount][],
Bounds = originalMesh.bounds
for (int i = 0; i < originalMesh.subMeshCount; i++)
mainPart.Triangles[i] = originalMesh.GetTriangles(i);
for (var c = 0; c < CutCascades; c++)
for (var i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
var bounds = parts[i].Bounds;
var plane = new Plane(UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere, new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x),
UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds.min.y, bounds.max.y),
UnityEngine.Random.Range(bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z)));
subParts.Add(GenerateMesh(parts[i], plane, true));
subParts.Add(GenerateMesh(parts[i], plane, false));
parts = new List<PartMesh>(subParts);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++)
parts[i].GameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForceAtPosition(parts[i] * ExplodeForce, transform.position);
private PartMesh GenerateMesh(PartMesh original, Plane plane, bool left)
var partMesh = new PartMesh() { };
var ray1 = new Ray();
var ray2 = new Ray();
for (var i = 0; i < original.Triangles.Length; i++)
var triangles = original.Triangles[i];
edgeSet = false;
for (var j = 0; j < triangles.Length; j = j + 3)
var sideA = plane.GetSide(original.Vertices[triangles[j]]) == left;
var sideB = plane.GetSide(original.Vertices[triangles[j + 1]]) == left;
var sideC = plane.GetSide(original.Vertices[triangles[j + 2]]) == left;
var sideCount = (sideA ? 1 : 0) +
(sideB ? 1 : 0) +
(sideC ? 1 : 0);
if (sideCount == 0)
if (sideCount == 3)
original.Vertices[triangles[j]], original.Vertices[triangles[j + 1]], original.Vertices[triangles[j + 2]],
original.Normals[triangles[j]], original.Normals[triangles[j + 1]], original.Normals[triangles[j + 2]],
original.UV[triangles[j]], original.UV[triangles[j + 1]], original.UV[triangles[j + 2]]);
//cut points
var singleIndex = sideB == sideC ? 0 : sideA == sideC ? 1 : 2;
ray1.origin = original.Vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]];
var dir1 = original.Vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]] - original.Vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]];
ray1.direction = dir1;
plane.Raycast(ray1, out var enter1);
var lerp1 = enter1 / dir1.magnitude;
ray2.origin = original.Vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]];
var dir2 = original.Vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]] - original.Vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]];
ray2.direction = dir2;
plane.Raycast(ray2, out var enter2);
var lerp2 = enter2 / dir2.magnitude;
//first vertex = ancor
left ? plane.normal * -1f : plane.normal,
ray1.origin + ray1.direction.normalized * enter1,
ray2.origin + ray2.direction.normalized * enter2,
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]], lerp2));
if (sideCount == 1)
original.Vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]],
//Vector3.Lerp(originalMesh.vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]], originalMesh.vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
//Vector3.Lerp(originalMesh.vertices[triangles[j + singleIndex]], originalMesh.vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]], lerp2),
ray1.origin + ray1.direction.normalized * enter1,
ray2.origin + ray2.direction.normalized * enter2,
original.Normals[triangles[j + singleIndex]],
Vector3.Lerp(original.Normals[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
Vector3.Lerp(original.Normals[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]], lerp2),
original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]],
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]], lerp2));
if (sideCount == 2)
ray1.origin + ray1.direction.normalized * enter1,
original.Vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]],
original.Vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]],
Vector3.Lerp(original.Normals[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]],
original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]],
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]],
original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]]);
ray1.origin + ray1.direction.normalized * enter1,
original.Vertices[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]],
ray2.origin + ray2.direction.normalized * enter2,
Vector3.Lerp(original.Normals[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]],
Vector3.Lerp(original.Normals[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.Normals[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]], lerp2),
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 1) % 3)]], lerp1),
original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]],
Vector2.Lerp(original.UV[triangles[j + singleIndex]], original.UV[triangles[j + ((singleIndex + 2) % 3)]], lerp2));
return partMesh;
private void AddEdge(int subMesh, PartMesh partMesh, Vector3 normal, Vector3 vertex1, Vector3 vertex2, Vector2 uv1, Vector2 uv2)
if (!edgeSet)
edgeSet = true;
edgeVertex = vertex1;
edgeUV = uv1;
edgePlane.Set3Points(edgeVertex, vertex1, vertex2);
edgePlane.GetSide(edgeVertex + normal) ? vertex1 : vertex2,
edgePlane.GetSide(edgeVertex + normal) ? vertex2 : vertex1,
public class PartMesh
private List<Vector3> _Verticies = new List<Vector3>();
private List<Vector3> _Normals = new List<Vector3>();
private List<List<int>> _Triangles = new List<List<int>>();
private List<Vector2> _UVs = new List<Vector2>();
public Vector3[] Vertices;
public Vector3[] Normals;
public int[][] Triangles;
public Vector2[] UV;
public GameObject GameObject;
public Bounds Bounds = new Bounds();
public PartMesh()
public void AddTriangle(int submesh, Vector3 vert1, Vector3 vert2, Vector3 vert3, Vector3 normal1, Vector3 normal2, Vector3 normal3, Vector2 uv1, Vector2 uv2, Vector2 uv3)
if (_Triangles.Count - 1 < submesh)
_Triangles.Add(new List<int>());
Bounds.min = Vector3.Min(Bounds.min, vert1);
Bounds.min = Vector3.Min(Bounds.min, vert2);
Bounds.min = Vector3.Min(Bounds.min, vert3);
Bounds.max = Vector3.Min(Bounds.max, vert1);
Bounds.max = Vector3.Min(Bounds.max, vert2);
Bounds.max = Vector3.Min(Bounds.max, vert3);
public void FillArrays()
Vertices = _Verticies.ToArray();
Normals = _Normals.ToArray();
UV = _UVs.ToArray();
Triangles = new int[_Triangles.Count][];
for (var i = 0; i < _Triangles.Count; i++)
Triangles[i] = _Triangles[i].ToArray();
public void MakeGameobject(MeshDestroy original)
GameObject = new GameObject(;
GameObject.transform.position = original.transform.position;
GameObject.transform.rotation = original.transform.rotation;
GameObject.transform.localScale = original.transform.localScale;
var mesh = new Mesh(); = original.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
mesh.vertices = Vertices;
mesh.normals = Normals;
mesh.uv = UV;
for(var i = 0; i < Triangles.Length; i++)
mesh.SetTriangles(Triangles[i], i, true);
Bounds = mesh.bounds;
var renderer = GameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
renderer.materials = original.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials;
var filter = GameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
filter.mesh = mesh;
var collider = GameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
collider.convex = true;
var rigidbody = GameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
var meshDestroy = GameObject.AddComponent<MeshDestroy>();
meshDestroy.CutCascades = original.CutCascades;
meshDestroy.ExplodeForce = original.ExplodeForce;
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Hmm. I'm getting an 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error on this part........

if (sideCount == 3) { partMesh.AddTriangle(i, original.Vertices[triangles[j]], original.Vertices[triangles[j + 1]], original.Vertices[triangles[j + 2]], original.Normals[triangles[j]], original.Normals[triangles[j + 1]], original.Normals[triangles[j + 2]], original.UV[triangles[j]], original.UV[triangles[j + 1]], original.UV[triangles[j + 2]]); continue; }

And not entirely sure what's going wrong. :-/

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azizbch commented Jul 23, 2021

I adjusted it to have a smoother and more basic version, so you can use it if you need it for mobile dev.

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hello, ty for sharing with us this , but I have a problem if i put many object like stones and I want to destroy just the stone clicked but I click in one they destroy all stones , what can i do to destroy just one stone clicked :/

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clovelt commented Jan 26, 2022

Hey! Found a fix for the 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error. Probulderize the mesh and it works like magic! Tools -> Probuilder -> Object -> Probulderize

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Gnomge commented Apr 3, 2022

Hi, I'm trying to turn this script into something similar of R6S which means making it react to bullets, not affected by gravity that much, and leave holes instead of crumbling. So if anyone would be kind enough to help me or redirect me about that, thx

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I get "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].get_Item (System.Int32 index) (at :0)
MeshDestroy+PartMesh.AddTriangle (System.Int32 submesh, UnityEngine.Vector3 vert1, UnityEngine.Vector3 vert2, UnityEngine.Vector3 vert3, UnityEngine.Vector3 normal1, UnityEngine.Vector3 normal2, UnityEngine.Vector3 normal3, UnityEngine.Vector2 uv1, UnityEngine.Vector2 uv2, UnityEngine.Vector2 uv3) (at Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshDestroy.cs:235)
MeshDestroy.GenerateMesh (MeshDestroy+PartMesh original, UnityEngine.Plane plane, System.Boolean left) (at Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshDestroy.cs:98)
MeshDestroy.DestroyMesh () (at Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshDestroy.cs:60)
MeshDestroy.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshDestroy.cs:22)"

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luskos commented May 26, 2023

If you need that onto more than one object get the script on all of them and introduce a way to let's say check collision and manually turn the script on to the colliding object, else it cuts all meshes that have the script on.

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ICOnce commented Sep 18, 2023

I was trying to make this work with my mouse so that I took the previous mouse position (mouse down) and the one new mouse position (mouse up) but it keeps making things that are so small that they just fall infinitly is there a way to make this actually make cuts of the mesh instead of stupidly small ones?

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