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Created June 15, 2013 17:28
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A snippet with different usage examples in NodObjC. Not all of this works but the concepts are mainly correct
var $ = require( 'NodObjC' );
// First you import the "Foundation" framework
$.import( 'Foundation' );
$.import( 'Cocoa' );
// Setup the recommended NSAutoreleasePool instance
var pool = $.NSAutoreleasePool( 'alloc' )( 'init' );
// NSStrings and JavaScript Strings are distinct objects, you must create an
// NSString from a JS String when an Objective-C class method requires one.
var s = 'dude';
var string = $.NSString( 'stringWithUTF8String', 'Hello Objective-C World!' );
$.NSLog( $(s) );
console.log( $(s) );
// Print out the contents (toString() ends up calling [string description])
console.log( string );
var frame = $.NSMakeRect( 0, 0, 200, 200 );
var win = $.NSWindow( 'alloc' )( 'initWithContentRect' , frame ,
'styleMask' , $.NSBorderlessWindowMask ,
'backing' , $.NSBackingStoreBuffered,
'defer' , 'NO' );
win( 'setBackgroundColor', $.NSColor( 'blueColor' ) );
win( 'makeKeyAndOrderFront' , $.NSApp );
setTimeout((function() {
/* drain the pool because we are done */
// pool( 'drain' );
}), 5000);
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