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Last active May 27, 2023 08:12
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implementation of the continuation monad in JS
console.log("\033[39mRunning tests…");
function assertEquals(actual, expected, description) {
if(typeof actual === "undefined") {
console.error("\033[31m" + description + " not implemented\033[39m");
} else {
if(actual !== expected) {
console.error("\033[31m" + description + " failed, expected " + expected + ", got " + actual + "\033[39m");
} else {
console.log(description + " \033[32m ok\033[39m");
// A continuation is a computation that's been interrupted
// you give it a callback (function from a to r) and it will resume the
// computation by giving your callback a value of type a, eventually producing
// a value of type r
// So we can describe a continuation as a function from (a function from a to
// r) to r
// Cont r a :: (a -> r) -> r
// Let's define return :: a -> m a
// for Cont, it's
// a -> Cont r a
// or
// a -> ((a -> r) -> r)
function returnCont(value) {
// value has type a
// we have to construct a value of type Cont r a
// that is (a -> r) -> r
return function(cb) {
return cb(value);
// Helpers
// Curried add function to have more legible tests
function add(x) { return function(y) { return x + y; }; }
var add10 = add(10);
var add5 = add(5);
var cont4 = returnCont(4);
function runCont(continuation) {
return continuation && continuation(add10);
assertEquals(runCont(cont4), 14, "returnContTest");
// Let's define map :: f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
// for Cont, it's
// Cont r a -> (a -> b) -> Cont r b
// or
// ((a -> r) -> r) -> (a -> b) -> ((b -> r) -> r)
function mapCont(continuation, f) {
// continuation has type (a -> r) -> r
// f has type a -> b
// we have to construct a value of type (b -> r) -> r
return function(cb) {
// cb has type b -> r
// we have to construct a value of type r
var result = continuation(function(x) {
// since continuation has type (a -> r) -> r
// x has type a
// and we have to construct a value of type r
// the only way we have to produce a value of type r is by calling
// cb with a value of type b
// the only way we have to produce a value of type b is by calling
// f with a value of type a
// x is the only value of type a we have
return cb(f(x));
return result;
function curriedMap(f) { return function(continuation) { return mapCont(continuation, f);}; }
function identity(x) { return x; }
function compose(f, g) { return function(x) { return f(g(x)); }; }
function curriedCompose(f) { return function(g) { return function(x) { return f(g(x)); }; }; }
console.log("=== Functor Laws ===");
// for all
// m of type Cont r a
// mapCont(m, identity) === m
assertEquals(runCont(mapCont(cont4, identity)), runCont(cont4), "mapCont identity");
// for all
// m of type Cont r a
// f of type a -> b
// g of type b -> c
// mapCont(m, compose(g,f)) === compose(curriedMap(g), curriedMap(f))(m)
runCont(mapCont(cont4, compose(add5, add10))),
)(cont4)), "mapCont composition");
// Let's define apply :: m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
// Cont r (a -> b) -> Cont r a -> Cont r b
// or
// (((a -> b) -> r) -> r) -> ((a -> r) -> r) -> ((b -> r) -> r)
function applyCont(fCont, cont) {
// fCont has type ((a -> b) -> r) -> r
// cont has type (a -> r) -> r
// we have to construct a value of type (b -> r) -> r
return function(callback) {
// callback has type b -> r
// we have to construct a value of type r
var result = fCont(function(f) {
// f has type a -> b
// we have to construct a value of type r
return cont(function(value) {
// value has type a
// we have to construct a value of type r
return callback(f(value));
return result;
console.log("=== Applicative Laws ===");
// for all
// u of type Cont r (a -> b)
// v of type Cont r (b -> c)
// w of type Cont r c
// applyCont(applyCont(applyCont(returnCont(curriedCompose), u), v), w)
// ===
// applyCont(u, applyCont(v, w))
(function () {
var u = returnCont(add10);
var v = returnCont(add5);
var w = returnCont(5);
runCont(applyCont(applyCont(applyCont(returnCont(curriedCompose), u), v), w)),
runCont(applyCont(u, applyCont(v, w))),
"applyCont composition"
// for all
// f of type (a -> b)
// x of type a
// applyCont(returnCont(f), returnCont(x)) === returnCont(f(x))
runCont(applyCont(returnCont(add5), returnCont(4))),
"applyCont homomorphism"
// for all
// u of type Cont r (a -> b)
// y of type a
// applyCont(u, returnCont(y)) === applyCont(returnCont(function(f) { return f(y); }), u)
(function() {
var u = returnCont(add10);
function apply(value) { return function(f) { return f(value); }; }
runCont(applyCont(u, returnCont(4))),
runCont(applyCont(returnCont(apply(4)), u)),
"applyCont interchange"
// Let's define join :: m (m a) -> m a
// Cont r (Cont r a) -> Cont r a
// or
// ((Cont r a -> r) -> r) -> ((a -> r) -> r)
// ((((a -> r) -> r) -> r) -> r) -> ((a -> r) -> r)
function joinCont(outerContinuation) {
// outerContinuation has type ((((a -> r) -> r) -> r) -> r) -> r
// we have to construct a value of type (a -> r) -> r
return function(resultCallback) {
// resultCallback has type (a -> r)
// we have to construct a value of type r
var outerResult = outerContinuation(function(innerContinuation) {
// innerContinuation has type (a -> r) -> r
// we have to construct a value of type r
var innerResult = innerContinuation(function(x) {
// x has type a
// we have to construct a value of type r
return resultCallback(x);
return innerResult;
return outerResult;
// Let's define bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
// for cont, it's
// Cont r a -> (a -> Cont r b) -> Cont r b
// or
// ((a -> r) -> r) -> (a -> ((b -> r) -> r)) -> ((b -> r) -> r)
function bindCont(continuation, f) {
return joinCont(mapCont(continuation, f));
console.log("=== Monad Laws ===");
// for all
// a of type a
// k of type a -> Cont r a
// bindCont(returnCont(a), k) === k(a)
runCont(bindCont(cont4, function(x) { return returnCont(x); })),
"bindCont left indentity"
// for all
// m of type Cont r a
// bindCont(m, returnCont) === m
runCont(bindCont(cont4, returnCont)),
"bindCont right indentity"
// for all
// m of type Cont r a
// k of type a -> Cont r b
// h of type b -> Cont r c
// bindCont(m, function(x) { return bindCont(k(x), h); }) === bindCont(bindCont(m, k), h)
runCont(bindCont(cont4, function(x) { return bindCont(returnCont(x), returnCont); })),
runCont(bindCont(bindCont(cont4, returnCont), returnCont)),
"bindCont composition"
// Let's try to define extract :: m a -> a
// for cont, it's
// Cont r a -> a
// or
// ((a -> r) -> r) -> a
function extractCont(continuation) {
// continuation has type (a -> r) -> r
// we have to construct a value of type a
// ToDo
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