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Created January 30, 2018 04:30
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public class GyazoSender
public static IEnumerator UploadImageIterator()
var filename = Application.temporaryCachePath + "/screenshot.png";
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
var byteData = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
var gyazoUploadUrl = "";
var form = new WWWForm();
using (var request = UnityWebRequest.Post(gyazoUploadUrl, form))
yield return request.SendWebRequest();
var result = request.downloadHandler.text;
Debug.Log("result:" + result);
// //generate a unique boundary
// byte[] boundary = UnityWebRequest.GenerateBoundary();
// //serialize form fields into byte[] => requires a bounday to put in between fields
// var requestData = new List<IMultipartFormSection>(){
// new MultipartFormFileSection("imagedata",byteData,"screenshot.png","image/png")
// };
// byte[] formSections = UnityWebRequest.SerializeFormSections(requestData, boundary);
// byte[] terminate = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Concat("\r\n--", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(boundary), "--"));
// byte[] body = new byte[formSections.Length + terminate.Length];
// Buffer.BlockCopy(formSections, 0, body, 0, formSections.Length);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(terminate, 0, body, formSections.Length, terminate.Length);
// string contentType = String.Concat("multipart/form-data; boundary=", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(boundary));
// using (var www = UnityWebRequest.Post(gyazoUploadUrl, requestData))
// {
// www.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
// yield return www.SendWebRequest();
// var result = www.downloadHandler.text;
// Debug.Log("result:" + result);
// }
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