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Created December 31, 2013 03:28
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195 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.713037+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Processing by RolesController#list_members as XML
227 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.715912+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Parameters: {"members"=>nil, "account"=>"ci", "role"=>"layer/205cm0/ldap-test"}
202 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.720253+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.9ms) BEGIN
296 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.725630+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.7ms) SELECT * FROM "roles" WHERE ("id" = ROW('ci', 'layer:205cm0/ldap-test')::"role_id") LIMIT 1
279 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.738816+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (12.0ms) SELECT * FROM "roles" WHERE ("id" = ROW('ci', 'user:kgilpin')::"role_id") LIMIT 1
250 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.747262+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (7.3ms) SELECT is_role_admin_of(27071, 34537) LIMIT 1
274 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.748886+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.8ms) SELECT * FROM "role_memberships" WHERE ("role_memberships"."role_id" = 34537)
268 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.750494+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.6ms) SELECT * FROM "roles" WHERE ("roles"."role_id" = 34537) LIMIT 1
260 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.751888+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.6ms) SELECT * FROM "roles" WHERE ("roles"."role_id" = 34529) LIMIT 1
268 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.753229+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.6ms) SELECT * FROM "roles" WHERE ("roles"."role_id" = 27071) LIMIT 1
260 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.754264+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.6ms) SELECT * FROM "roles" WHERE ("roles"."role_id" = 34530) LIMIT 1
211 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.755496+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.6ms) COMMIT
185 <13>1 2013-12-28T03:15:18.755793+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [836de4aadf34a61d9f8f1c550227d0a7] Completed 200 OK in 40ms (Views: 5.4ms)
286 <134>1 2013-12-28T03:15:31Z app postgres.8 - - [OLIVE] checkpoint complete: wrote 2 buffers (0.0%); 0 transaction log file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.100 s, sync=0.002 s, total=0.137 s; sync files=1, longest=0.002 s, average=0.002 s
103 <45>1 2013-12-29T02:39:39.853456+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Cycling
129 <45>1 2013-12-29T02:39:39.854315+00:00 heroku web.1 - - State changed from up to starting
131 <45>1 2013-12-29T02:39:42.853954+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Stopping all processes with SIGTERM
146 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:43.416332+00:00 app web.1 - - - Gracefully stopping, waiting for requests to finish
103 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:43.416615+00:00 app web.1 - - - Goodbye!
203 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:43.420990+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:43 +0000 7009a7f0-3225-42dd-be4c-ef652b699631 (2)] INFO : Starting Agent shutdown
124 <45>1 2013-12-29T02:39:45.480558+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Process exited with status 0
175 <45>1 2013-12-29T02:39:46.271051+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Starting process with command `bundle exec puma -t 4:16 -p 11420 -e production`
124 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:48.045435+00:00 app web.1 - - Puma starting in single mode...
146 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:48.045435+00:00 app web.1 - - * Version 2.7.1, codename: Earl of Sandwich Partition
126 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:48.045435+00:00 app web.1 - - * Min threads: 4, max threads: 16
118 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:48.045435+00:00 app web.1 - - * Environment: production
528 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:48.941566+00:00 app web.1 - - DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from <top (required)> at /app/config/environment.rb:5)
528 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:48.941780+00:00 app web.1 - - DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from <top (required)> at /app/config/environment.rb:5)
108 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.250785+00:00 app web.1 - - Audit.client=pg
160 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.251287+00:00 app web.1 - - Audit updated client to #<Conjur::Audit::PgClient:0x007f035bdfbe38>
165 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.251287+00:00 app web.1 - - Audit configured with client #<Conjur::Audit::PgClient:0x007f035bdfbe38>
267 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : NEW_RELIC_LOG does not have a corresponding configuration setting (log does not exist).
327 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Run `rake newrelic:config:docs` or visit to see a list of available configuration settings.
274 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : NEWRELIC_API_KEY does not have a corresponding configuration setting (api_key does not exist).
327 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Run `rake newrelic:config:docs` or visit to see a list of available configuration settings.
237 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Starting the New Relic agent in "production" environment.
310 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : To prevent agent startup add a NEWRELIC_ENABLE=false environment variable or modify the "production" section of your newrelic.yml.
226 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.291945+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Reading configuration from config/newrelic.yml
230 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.293392+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] WARN : Agent is configured to send raw SQL to the service
209 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.293661+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Enabling the Request Sampler.
203 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.293781+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Environment: production
196 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.293781+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Dispatcher: puma
205 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.293833+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Application: Conjur Authz
216 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.361076+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing Puma cluster mode support
213 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.361213+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing Sequel instrumentation
210 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.401837+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing Net instrumentation
220 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.407536+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing deferred Rack instrumentation
219 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.407536+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing Rails3 Error instrumentation
225 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.407536+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing Rails 3 Controller instrumentation
225 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.407828+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Installing Rails 3.1/3.2 view instrumentation
204 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.407828+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Finished instrumentation
140 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.411057+00:00 app web.1 - - Using slosilo key from CONJUR_AUTHZ_SLOSILO_KEY
188 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.498803+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.0ms) SET standard_conforming_strings = ON
179 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.500718+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.0ms) SET client_min_messages = 'WARNING'
173 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.501727+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.8ms) SET DateStyle = 'ISO'
271 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.506172+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.7ms) SELECT "pg_type"."oid", "typrelid", "typarray" FROM "pg_type" WHERE (("typtype" = 'c') AND ("typname" = 'resource_id')) LIMIT 1
449 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.511198+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.6ms) SELECT "attname", (CASE "pg_type"."typbasetype" WHEN 0 THEN "atttypid" ELSE "pg_type"."typbasetype" END) AS "atttypid" FROM "pg_attribute" INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") WHERE (("attrelid" = 16401) AND ("attnum" > 0) AND NOT "attisdropped") ORDER BY "attnum"
267 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.513385+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.1ms) SELECT "pg_type"."oid", "typrelid", "typarray" FROM "pg_type" WHERE (("typtype" = 'c') AND ("typname" = 'role_id')) LIMIT 1
449 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.515953+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.4ms) SELECT "attname", (CASE "pg_type"."typbasetype" WHEN 0 THEN "atttypid" ELSE "pg_type"."typbasetype" END) AS "atttypid" FROM "pg_attribute" INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") WHERE (("attrelid" = 16404) AND ("attnum" > 0) AND NOT "attisdropped") ORDER BY "attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.613851+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (6.6ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
294 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.613851+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"annotations"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.628973+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.3ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisp
300 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.628973+00:00 app web.1 - - rimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"resources"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.640926+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (2.9ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
288 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.640926+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"roles"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.653888+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.9ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisp
305 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.653888+00:00 app web.1 - - rimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"account_quotas"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.663796+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.9ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
299 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.663796+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"audit"."messages"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.672039+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (2.9ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisp
302 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.672039+00:00 app web.1 - - rimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"permissions"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.679393+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (2.5ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
299 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.679393+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"role_memberships"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
235 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.698070+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Doing deferred dependency-detection before Rack startup
127 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.698340+00:00 app web.1 - - * Listening on tcp://
111 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.698624+00:00 app web.1 - - Use Ctrl-C to stop
255 <13>1 2013-12-29T02:39:49.739844+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/29/13 02:39:49 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Reporting to:
129 <45>1 2013-12-29T02:39:50.193664+00:00 heroku web.1 - - State changed from starting to up
103 <45>1 2013-12-30T02:59:17.250796+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Cycling
129 <45>1 2013-12-30T02:59:17.251868+00:00 heroku web.1 - - State changed from up to starting
131 <45>1 2013-12-30T02:59:21.487013+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Stopping all processes with SIGTERM
146 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:22.484229+00:00 app web.1 - - - Gracefully stopping, waiting for requests to finish
103 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:22.484229+00:00 app web.1 - - - Goodbye!
203 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:22.523713+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:22 +0000 207d734b-4bc3-4262-b9e1-009a88d8e56f (2)] INFO : Starting Agent shutdown
124 <45>1 2013-12-30T02:59:25.271120+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Process exited with status 0
175 <45>1 2013-12-30T02:59:26.532428+00:00 heroku web.1 - - Starting process with command `bundle exec puma -t 4:16 -p 31164 -e production`
124 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:28.204598+00:00 app web.1 - - Puma starting in single mode...
146 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:28.204598+00:00 app web.1 - - * Version 2.7.1, codename: Earl of Sandwich Partition
126 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:28.204598+00:00 app web.1 - - * Min threads: 4, max threads: 16
118 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:28.204598+00:00 app web.1 - - * Environment: production
528 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.345567+00:00 app web.1 - - DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from <top (required)> at /app/config/environment.rb:5)
528 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.345874+00:00 app web.1 - - DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins! Support for these plugins will be removed in Rails 4.0. Move them out and bundle them in your Gemfile, or fold them in to your app as lib/myplugin/* and config/initializers/myplugin.rb. See the release notes for more on this: (called from <top (required)> at /app/config/environment.rb:5)
108 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.736566+00:00 app web.1 - - Audit.client=pg
160 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.737162+00:00 app web.1 - - Audit updated client to #<Conjur::Audit::PgClient:0x007f03423afec0>
165 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.737162+00:00 app web.1 - - Audit configured with client #<Conjur::Audit::PgClient:0x007f03423afec0>
267 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : NEW_RELIC_LOG does not have a corresponding configuration setting (log does not exist).
327 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Run `rake newrelic:config:docs` or visit to see a list of available configuration settings.
274 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : NEWRELIC_API_KEY does not have a corresponding configuration setting (api_key does not exist).
327 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Run `rake newrelic:config:docs` or visit to see a list of available configuration settings.
237 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Starting the New Relic agent in "production" environment.
310 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : To prevent agent startup add a NEWRELIC_ENABLE=false environment variable or modify the "production" section of your newrelic.yml.
226 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.780333+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Reading configuration from config/newrelic.yml
230 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.781819+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] WARN : Agent is configured to send raw SQL to the service
209 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.782127+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Enabling the Request Sampler.
203 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.782332+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Environment: production
196 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.782434+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Dispatcher: puma
205 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.782538+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Application: Conjur Authz
220 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.849133+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing deferred Rack instrumentation
210 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.849133+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing Net instrumentation
213 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.890744+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing Sequel instrumentation
216 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.892604+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing Puma cluster mode support
225 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.892752+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing Rails 3 Controller instrumentation
225 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.892971+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing Rails 3.1/3.2 view instrumentation
219 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.893146+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Installing Rails3 Error instrumentation
204 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.893197+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:29 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Finished instrumentation
140 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:29.896128+00:00 app web.1 - - Using slosilo key from CONJUR_AUTHZ_SLOSILO_KEY
255 <13>1 2013-12-30T02:59:30.225977+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 02:59:30 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Reporting to:
188 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.070105+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.5ms) SET standard_conforming_strings = ON
179 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.071677+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.9ms) SET client_min_messages = 'WARNING'
173 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.072861+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (0.9ms) SET DateStyle = 'ISO'
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.083515+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (9.0ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
294 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.083515+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"annotations"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.098150+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.6ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisp
300 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.098150+00:00 app web.1 - - rimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"resources"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.111398+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (2.8ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
288 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.111398+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"roles"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.122653+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (4.6ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisp
305 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.122653+00:00 app web.1 - - rimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"account_quotas"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.143221+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (15.9ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprim
300 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.143221+00:00 app web.1 - - ary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"audit"."messages"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.152624+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.1ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisp
302 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.152624+00:00 app web.1 - - rimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"permissions"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.160908+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::Postgres::Database (2.7ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprima
299 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.160908+00:00 app web.1 - - ry" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"role_memberships"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
235 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.183169+00:00 app web.1 - - ** [NewRelic][12/30/13 03:00:13 +0000 10c9ac6e-c85d-41ce-a591-0d42ad60ff9c (2)] INFO : Doing deferred dependency-detection before Rack startup
127 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.183399+00:00 app web.1 - - * Listening on tcp://
111 <13>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.183802+00:00 app web.1 - - Use Ctrl-C to stop
129 <45>1 2013-12-30T03:00:13.520898+00:00 heroku web.1 - - State changed from starting to up
272 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:08.867102+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Started PUT "/ci/roles/@/environment/eqcpm0/public-keys/vagrant/manage_variable" for at 2013-12-30 13:20:08 +0000
1116 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:08.874568+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Sequel::Postgres::Database (3.8ms) SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "name", CAST("pg_attribute"."atttypid" AS integer) AS "oid", CAST("basetype"."oid" AS integer) AS "base_oid", format_type("basetype"."oid", "pg_type"."typtypmod") AS "db_base_type", format_type("pg_type"."oid", "pg_attribute"."atttypmod") AS "db_type", pg_get_expr("pg_attrdef"."adbin", "pg_class"."oid") AS "default", NOT "pg_attribute"."attnotnull" AS "allow_null", COALESCE(("pg_attribute"."attnum" = ANY("pg_index"."indkey")), false) AS "primary_key" FROM "pg_class" INNER JOIN "pg_attribute" ON ("pg_attribute"."attrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") INNER JOIN "pg_type" ON ("pg_type"."oid" = "pg_attribute"."atttypid") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_type" AS "basetype" ON ("basetype"."oid" = "pg_type"."typbasetype") LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_attrdef" ON (("pg_attrdef"."adrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_attrdef"."adnum" = "pg_attribute"."attnum")) LEFT OUTER JOIN "pg_index" ON (("pg_index"."
360 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:08.874568+00:00 app web.1 - - indrelid" = "pg_class"."oid") AND ("pg_index"."indisprimary" IS TRUE)) WHERE (("pg_attribute"."attisdropped" IS FALSE) AND ("pg_attribute"."attnum" > 0) AND ("pg_class"."oid" = CAST(CAST('"slosilo_keystore"' AS regclass) AS oid))) ORDER BY "pg_attribute"."attnum"
296 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:08.882107+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Sequel::Postgres::Database (2.1ms) SELECT * FROM "slosilo_keystore" WHERE ("fingerprint" = 'f4479babe7006e5c7ec4fc4e8c0d5370') LIMIT 1
189 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.075928+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Processing by RolesController#create as XML
303 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.075928+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Parameters: {"acting_as"=>"ci:host:eqcpm0/public-key-service/hosts/0", "account"=>"ci", "role"=>"@/environment/eqcpm0/public-keys/vagrant/manage_variable"}
210 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.077563+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.0ms) BEGIN
205 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.100172+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Sequel::Postgres::Database (1.0ms) ROLLBACK
189 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.101869+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 26ms
180 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.227164+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4] ** [Airbrake] Success: Net::HTTPOK
146 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [7ed066b168fa2d2d3908a3b61c31d7b4]
225 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - Sequel::InvalidValue (Database#row_type requires the :role_id type have a registered parser and typecaster when called with a hash):
124 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - app/models/role.rb:88:in `id'
147 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - app/controllers/roles_controller.rb:119:in `role_id'
145 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - app/controllers/roles_controller.rb:19:in `create'
188 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - app/controllers/application_controller.rb:140:in `block (2 levels) in run_with_audit_context'
135 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - lib/conjur/audit/context.rb:17:in `with'
177 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - app/controllers/application_controller.rb:139:in `block in run_with_audit_context'
168 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - - app/controllers/application_controller.rb:138:in `run_with_audit_context'
93 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229121+00:00 app web.1 - -
93 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:09.229327+00:00 app web.1 - -
327 <13>1 2013-12-30T13:20:41.627036+00:00 app web.1 - - [authz-ci-conjur] [61ec1b568891fca69706a7f4c842215a] Started GET "/ci/roles/host/eqcpm0/public-key-service/hosts/0/?check&resource_id=environment:eqcpm0/public-keys/jjmason&privilege=read" for at 2013-12-30 13:20:41 +0000
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