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Last active September 19, 2024 16:06
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  • Save divinity76/85c01de416c541578342580997fa6acf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save divinity76/85c01de416c541578342580997fa6acf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
declare(strict_types = 1);
// require_once ('');
hhb_init ();
if ($argc !== 3) {
fprintf ( STDERR, "usage: %s timestamp url\n", $argv [0] );
fprintf ( STDERR, "example: %s 20091012061648\n", $argv [0] );
die ( 1 );
// var_dump($argc, $argv) & die();
$timestamp = $argv [1];
if (! preg_match ( '/^[1-9][0-9]+$/', ( string ) $timestamp )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'invalid timestamp! (failed regex validation /^[1-9][0-9]+$/ )' );
$timestamp = ( int ) $timestamp;
if (! filter_var ( $argv [2], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL )) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException ( 'invalid url! (failed FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ' );
$archive_url = '' . $timestamp . 'id_/';
define ( "ARCHIVE_URL", $archive_url );
$url = $argv [2]; //
$master_dir = parse_url ( $url ) ['host'];
define ( "MASTER_DIR", $master_dir );
system ( "rm -rfv " . escapeshellarg ( $master_dir ) );
mkdir ( $master_dir );
chdir ( $master_dir );
makeShittyMasterRedirect ();
$downloaded = array ();
$to_download = array (
$total = 1;
$thus_far = 0;
$hc = new hhb_curl ( '', true );
$hc->setopt_array ( array (
) ); // sometimes lags for quite a bit, so account for that.
hhb_init ();
while ( ! empty ( $to_download ) ) {
reset ( $to_download );
$key = key ( $to_download );
$url = $raw_url = $to_download [$key];
unset ( $to_download [$key] );
++ $thus_far;
$file = absolute_url_to_filepath ( $raw_url );
$url = geturl ( $url );
$downloaded [] = $raw_url;
echo 'file: ' . $file . ' url: ' . $raw_url . '..' . PHP_EOL;
try {
$headers = implode ( " ", $hc->exec ( $url )->getResponseHeaders () );
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
try {
$headers = implode ( " ", $hc->exec ( $url )->getResponseHeaders () );
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
// sometimes connection fails for no good reason, and a retry (or 2) fixes it...
// here we give up and deliberately not catch the 3rd exception (if any)
$headers = implode ( " ", $hc->exec ( $url )->getResponseHeaders () );
// var_dump($headers) & die();
$response = $hc->getinfo ( CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE );
if ($response !== 200) {
// ...
fprintf ( STDERR, "warning: because http response code %d, ignoring url %s\n", $response, $url );
$html = $hc->getResponseBody ();
if (false !== stripos ( $headers, 'Content-Type: text/html' )) {
if (! $domd) {
// seriously malformed HTML, or not actually a HTML at all (like ico served with text/html content header... yes, that actually happened on )
} else {
foreach ( $domd->getElementsByTagName ( "*" ) as $ele ) {
if (! $ele->hasAttributes ()) {
$tmpname = "src";
$tmp = $ele->getAttribute ( $tmpname );
if (empty ( $tmp )) {
$tmpname = "href";
$tmp = $ele->getAttribute ( $tmpname );
if (empty ( $tmp )) {
$tmp = relative_to_absolute ( $tmp, $raw_url );
if (empty ( $tmp )) {
// unsupported url (like mailto: or javascript )
$ele->setAttribute ( $tmpname, absolute_to_relaitve ( $tmp, $raw_url ) );
if (in_array ( $tmp, $to_download, true )) {
// already queued to download
if (in_array ( $tmp, $downloaded, true )) {
// already downloaded.
echo 'adding ' . $tmp, PHP_EOL;
++ $total;
$to_download [] = $tmp;
$html = $domd->saveHTML ();
file_force_contents ( $file, $html );
echo ' done. (' . $thus_far . '/' . $total . ')', PHP_EOL;
function absolute_url_to_filepath(string $url): string {
$info = parse_url ( $url );
$uri = preg_replace ( '/[\\\\\\/]+/u', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/' . $info ['host'] . '/' . ($info ['path'] ?? '') );
// hhb_var_dump($uri, basename($uri));
if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === substr ( $uri, - 1 ) || empty ( basename ( $uri ) )) {
if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== substr ( $uri, - 1 )) {
$uri .= 'index.html';
// hhb_var_dump($uri);
return /* getcwd() . */
substr ( $uri, 1 );
function absolute_to_relaitve(string $absolute, string $source): string {
$absolute_ = $absolute;
$source_ = $source;
$source = parse_url ( $source );
$source = $source ['host'] . ((isset ( $source ['port'] )) ? (':' . $source ['port']) : '') . '/' . ($source ['path'] ?? ''); // . ($source['query'] ?? '');
$source = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $source );
// hhb_var_dump($absolute, $source) & die();
$absolute = parse_url ( $absolute );
// hhb_var_dump($absolute, $source) & die();
$absolute = $absolute ['host'] . ((isset ( $absolute ['port'] )) ? (':' . $absolute ['port']) : '') . '/' . ($absolute ['path'] ?? '') . ($absolute ['query'] ?? '');
$absolute = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $absolute );
// hhb_var_dump($absolute, $source) & die();
if (0 === strpos ( $absolute, $source )) {
$absolute = substr ( $absolute, strlen ( $source ) );
if (substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) === '/') {
// .........$absolute = substr ( $absolute, 0, - 1 );
} elseif (false === strpos ( $absolute, '.' ) || (false !== strpos ( $absolute, '/' ) && substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) !== '/' && false === strpos ( basename ( $absolute ), '.' ))) {
// for foo containing .. vs foo/ containing .. , makes a subtle but page-breaking difference
$absolute .= '/';
} else {
if (0 === stripos ( $absolute, MASTER_DIR . '/' )) {
// $absolute = substr ( $absolute, strlen ( MASTER_DIR ) + 1 );
$amt = substr_count ( $source, '/' );
$str = '';
for($i = 0; $i < $amt; ++ $i) {
$str .= '../';
if (false === strpos ( $absolute, '.' ) || (false !== strpos ( $absolute, '/' ) && substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) !== '/' && false === strpos ( basename ( $absolute ), '.' ))) {
// for foo containing .. vs foo/ containing .. , makes a subtle but page-breaking difference
if (substr ( $absolute, - 1 ) !== '/') {
$absolute .= '/';
$absolute = $str . $absolute;
// hhb_var_dump($absolute_, $absolute, $source, $source_) & (rand(2, 30) === 1 ? die() : 1);
return $absolute;
function relative_to_absolute(string $relative, string $source): string {
if (empty ( $relative )) {
return "";
$info = parse_url ( $relative );
$whitelist = array (
if (! empty ( $info ['scheme'] ) && ! in_array ( strtolower ( $info ['scheme'] ), $whitelist, true )) {
// like mailto: or tlf: or whatever, unsupported
return "";
if ($relative [0] === '#') {
return "";
if (false !== strpos ( $relative, '(' ) && false !== strpos ( $relative, ')' )) {
// PROBABLY javascript (otherwise these characters would be urlencoded to %whatever)
return "";
$sourceinfo = parse_url ( $source );
$relainfo = parse_url ( $relative );
$ret = '';
if (empty ( $relainfo ['host'] )) {
$ret = $sourceinfo ['host'] . dirname ( $sourceinfo ['path'] ?? '') . '/' . $relainfo ['path'];
$ret = explode ( "/", $ret );
for($i = 0, $count = count ( $ret ); $i < $count; ++ $i) {
if ($ret [$i] === '.') {
unset ( $ret [$i] );
$ret = implode ( '/', $ret );
goto again;
if ($ret [$i] === '..') {
unset ( $ret [$i] );
unset ( $ret [$i - 1] );
$ret = implode ( '/', $ret );
goto again;
$ret = implode ( '/', $ret );
$ret = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $ret );
$ret = $sourceinfo ['scheme'] . '://' . $ret;
unset ( $i, $count );
} else {
$ret = ($relainfo ['host'] ?? $sourceinfo ['host']) . ((isset ( $relainfo ['port'] ) || isset ( $sourceinfo ['port'] )) ? (':' . ($relainfo ['port'] ?? $sourceinfo ['port'])) : '') . '/' . ($relainfo ['path'] ?? $sourceinfo ['path'] ?? '') . ($relainfo ['query'] ?? '');
$ret = preg_replace ( '/[\\/]+/', '/', $ret );
$ret = ($relainfo ['scheme'] ?? $sourceinfo ['scheme']) . '://' . $ret;
// hhb_var_dump($sourceinfo, $relainfo, $ret) & die(); //
return $ret;
function geturl(string $url): string {
return ARCHIVE_URL . $url;
function makeShittyMasterRedirect() {
$foo = MASTER_DIR . '/index.html';
$html = <<<HTML
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=$foo">
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "$foo";
<title>Page Redirection</title>
<a href='$foo'>uhh, due to a bug, click here. this is a demo, ofc there is some bugs.</a>
file_put_contents ( 'index.html', $html );
function file_force_contents(string $filename, string $data, int $flags = 0) {
if (0 === strpos ( $filename, MASTER_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )) {
// $filename = substr ( $filename, strlen ( MASTER_DIR ) + 1 );
$tmp = dirname ( $filename );
if (! is_dir ( $tmp )) {
if (file_exists ( $tmp )) {
$tmpf = file_get_contents ( $tmp );
unlink ( $tmp );
mkdir ( $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 0777, TRUE );
file_put_contents ( $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html', $tmpf );
} else {
mkdir ( $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 0777, TRUE );
return file_put_contents ( $filename, $data, $flags );
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
// ///////////////////////////////////// - below here is stuff from
* enhanced var_dump
* @param mixed $mixed...
* @return void
function hhb_var_dump() {
// informative wrapper for var_dump
// <changelog>
// version 5 ( 1372510379573 )
// v5, fixed warnings on PHP < 5.0.2 (PHP_EOL not defined),
// also we can use xdebug_var_dump when available now. tested working with 5.0.0 to 5.5.0beta2 (thanks to and )
// and fixed a (corner-case) bug with "0" (empty() considders string("0") to be empty, this caused a bug in sourcecode analyze)
// v4, now (tries to) tell you the source code that lead to the variables
// v2, now compat with.. PHP5.0 + i think? tested down to 5.2.17 (previously only 5.4.0+ worked)
// </changelog>
// <settings>
$settings = array ();
$PHP_EOL = "\n";
if (defined ( 'PHP_EOL' )) { // for PHP >=5.0.2 ...
$settings ['debug_hhb_var_dump'] = false; // if true, may throw exceptions on errors..
$settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump'] = true; // try to use xdebug_var_dump (instead of var_dump) if available?
$settings ['analyze_sourcecode'] = true; // false to disable the source code analyze stuff.
// (it will fallback to making $settings['analyze_sourcecode']=false, if it fail to analyze the code, anyway..)
$settings ['hhb_var_dump_prepend'] = 'HHB_VAR_DUMP_START' . $PHP_EOL;
$settings ['hhb_var_dump_append'] = 'HHB_VAR_DUMP_END' . $PHP_EOL;
// </settings>
$settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump'] = ($settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump'] && is_callable ( "xdebug_var_dump" ));
$argv = func_get_args ();
$argc = count ( $argv, COUNT_NORMAL );
if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '>=' )) {
$bt = debug_backtrace ( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 1 );
} else if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.6', '>=' )) {
$bt = debug_backtrace ( DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS );
} else if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.5', '>=' )) {
$bt = debug_backtrace ( false );
} else {
$bt = debug_backtrace ();
$analyze_sourcecode = $settings ['analyze_sourcecode'];
// later, $analyze_sourcecode will be compared with $config['analyze_sourcecode']
// to determine if the reason was an error analyzing, or if it was disabled..
$bt = $bt [0];
// <analyzeSourceCode>
if ($analyze_sourcecode) {
$argvSourceCode = array (
0 => 'ignore [0]...'
try {
if (version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, '5.2.2', '<' )) {
throw new Exception ( "PHP version is <5.2.2 .. see token_get_all changelog.." );
$xsource = file_get_contents ( $bt ['file'] );
if (empty ( $xsource )) {
throw new Exception ( 'cant get the source of ' . $bt ['file'] );
$xsource .= "\n<" . '?' . 'php ignore_this_hhb_var_dump_workaround();'; // workaround, making sure that at least 1 token is an array, and has the $tok[2] >= line of hhb_var_dump
$xTokenArray = token_get_all ( $xsource );
// <trim$xTokenArray>
$tmpstr = '';
$tmpUnsetKeyArray = array ();
ForEach ( $xTokenArray as $xKey => $xToken ) {
if (is_array ( $xToken )) {
if (! array_key_exists ( 1, $xToken )) {
throw new LogicException ( 'Impossible situation? $xToken is_array, but does not have $xToken[1] ...' );
$tmpstr = trim ( $xToken [1] );
if (empty ( $tmpstr ) && $tmpstr !== '0' /*string("0") is considered "empty" -.-*/ ) {
$tmpUnsetKeyArray [] = $xKey;
switch ($xToken [0]) {
case T_COMMENT :
case T_DOC_COMMENT : // T_ML_COMMENT in PHP4 -.-
$tmpUnsetKeyArray [] = $xKey;
default :
} else if (is_string ( $xToken )) {
$tmpstr = trim ( $xToken );
if (empty ( $tmpstr ) && $tmpstr !== '0' /*string("0") is considered "empty" -.-*/ ) {
$tmpUnsetKeyArray [] = $xKey;
} else {
// should be unreachable..
// failed both is_array() and is_string() ???
throw new LogicException ( 'Impossible! $xToken fails both is_array() and is_string() !! .. ' );
ForEach ( $tmpUnsetKeyArray as $toUnset ) {
unset ( $xTokenArray [$toUnset] );
$xTokenArray = array_values ( $xTokenArray ); // fixing the keys..
// die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,'before:',count(token_get_all($xsource),COUNT_NORMAL),'after',count($xTokenArray,COUNT_NORMAL)));
unset ( $tmpstr, $xKey, $xToken, $toUnset, $tmpUnsetKeyArray );
// </trim$xTokenArray>
$firstInterestingLineTokenKey = - 1;
$lastInterestingLineTokenKey = - 1;
// <find$lastInterestingLineTokenKey>
ForEach ( $xTokenArray as $xKey => $xToken ) {
if (! is_array ( $xToken ) || ! array_key_exists ( 2, $xToken ) || ! is_integer ( $xToken [2] ) || $xToken [2] < $bt ['line'])
$tmpkey = $xKey; // we don't got what we want yet..
while ( true ) {
if (! array_key_exists ( $tmpkey, $xTokenArray )) {
throw new Exception ( '1unable to find $lastInterestingLineTokenKey !' );
if ($xTokenArray [$tmpkey] === ';') {
// var_dump(__LINE__.":SUCCESS WITH",$tmpkey,$xTokenArray[$tmpkey]);
$lastInterestingLineTokenKey = $tmpkey;
// var_dump(__LINE__.":FAIL WITH ",$tmpkey,$xTokenArray[$tmpkey]);
// if $xTokenArray has >=PHP_INT_MAX keys, we don't want an infinite loop, do we? ;p
// i wonder how much memory that would require though.. over-engineering, err, time-wasting, ftw?
if ($tmpkey >= PHP_INT_MAX) {
throw new Exception ( '2unable to find $lastIntperestingLineTokenKey ! (PHP_INT_MAX reached without finding ";"...)' );
++ $tmpkey;
if ($lastInterestingLineTokenKey <= - 1) {
throw new Exception ( '3unable to find $lastInterestingLineTokenKey !' );
unset ( $xKey, $xToken, $tmpkey );
// </find$lastInterestingLineTokenKey>
// <find$firstInterestingLineTokenKey>
// now work ourselves backwards from $lastInterestingLineTokenKey to the first token where $xTokenArray[$tmpi][1] == "hhb_var_dump"
// i doubt this is fool-proof but.. cant think of a better way (in userland, anyway) atm..
$tmpi = $lastInterestingLineTokenKey;
do {
if (array_key_exists ( $tmpi, $xTokenArray ) && is_array ( $xTokenArray [$tmpi] ) && array_key_exists ( 1, $xTokenArray [$tmpi] ) && is_string ( $xTokenArray [$tmpi] [1] ) && strcasecmp ( $xTokenArray [$tmpi] [1], $bt ['function'] ) === 0) {
// var_dump(__LINE__."SUCCESS WITH",$tmpi,$xTokenArray[$tmpi]);
if (! array_key_exists ( $tmpi + 2, $xTokenArray )) { // +2 because [0] is (or should be) "hhb_var_dump" and [1] is (or should be) "("
throw new Exception ( '1unable to find the $firstInterestingLineTokenKey...' );
$firstInterestingLineTokenKey = $tmpi + 2;
/* */
// var_dump(__LINE__."FAIL WITH ",$tmpi,$xTokenArray[$tmpi]);
-- $tmpi;
} while ( - 1 < $tmpi );
// die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,$tmpi));
if ($firstInterestingLineTokenKey <= - 1) {
throw new Exception ( '2unable to find the $firstInterestingLineTokenKey...' );
unset ( $tmpi );
// Note: $lastInterestingLineTokeyKey is likely to contain more stuff than only the stuff we want..
// </find$firstInterestingLineTokenKey>
// <rebuildInterestingSourceCode>
// ok, now we have $firstInterestingLineTokenKey and $lastInterestingLineTokenKey....
$interestingTokensArray = array_slice ( $xTokenArray, $firstInterestingLineTokenKey, (($lastInterestingLineTokenKey - $firstInterestingLineTokenKey) + 1) );
unset ( $addUntil, $tmpi, $tmpstr, $tmpi, $argvsourcestr, $tmpkey, $xTokenKey, $xToken );
$addUntil = array ();
$tmpi = 0;
$tmpstr = "";
$tmpkey = "";
$argvsourcestr = "";
// $argvSourceCode[X]='source code..';
ForEach ( $interestingTokensArray as $xTokenKey => $xToken ) {
if (is_array ( $xToken )) {
$tmpstr = $xToken [1];
// var_dump($xToken[1]);
} else if (is_string ( $xToken )) {
$tmpstr = $xToken;
// var_dump($xToken);
} else {
/* should never reach this */
throw new LogicException ( 'Impossible situation? $xToken fails is_array() and fails is_string() ...' );
$argvsourcestr .= $tmpstr;
if ($xToken === '(') {
$addUntil [] = ')';
} else if ($xToken === '[') {
$addUntil [] = ']';
if ($xToken === ')' || $xToken === ']') {
if (false === ($tmpkey = array_search ( $xToken, $addUntil, false ))) {
$argvSourceCode [] = substr ( $argvsourcestr, 0, - 1 ); // -1 is to strip the ")"
if (count ( $argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL ) - 1 === $argc) /*-1 because $argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit*/ {
/* We read em all! :D (.. i hope) */
/* else... oh crap */
throw new Exception ( 'failed to read source code of (what i think is) argv[' . count ( $argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL ) . '] ! sorry..' );
unset ( $addUntil [$tmpkey] );
if (empty ( $addUntil ) && $xToken === ',') {
$argvSourceCode [] = substr ( $argvsourcestr, 0, - 1 ); // -1 is to strip the comma
$argvsourcestr = "";
// die(var_dump('die(var_dump(...)) in '.__FILE__.':'.__LINE__,
// $firstInterestingLineTokenKey,$lastInterestingLineTokenKey,$interestingTokensArray,$tmpstr
// $argvSourceCode));
if (count ( $argvSourceCode, COUNT_NORMAL ) - 1 != $argc) /*-1 because $argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit*/ {
throw new Exception ( 'failed to read source code of all the arguments! (and idk which ones i missed)! sorry..' );
// </rebuildInterestingSourceCode>
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
$argvSourceCode = array (); // clear it
// TODO: failed to read source code
// die("TODO N STUFF..".__FILE__.__LINE__);
$analyze_sourcecode = false; // ERROR..
if ($settings ['debug_hhb_var_dump']) {
throw $ex;
} else {
/* exception ignored, continue as normal without $analyze_sourcecode */
unset ( $xsource, $xToken, $xTokenArray, $firstInterestingLineTokenKey, $lastInterestingLineTokenKey, $xTokenKey, $tmpi, $tmpkey, $argvsourcestr );
// </analyzeSourceCode>
$msg = $settings ['hhb_var_dump_prepend'];
if ($analyze_sourcecode != $settings ['analyze_sourcecode']) {
$msg .= ' (PS: some error analyzing source code)' . $PHP_EOL;
$msg .= 'in "' . $bt ['file'] . '": on line "' . $bt ['line'] . '": ' . $argc . ' variable' . ($argc === 1 ? '' : 's') . $PHP_EOL; // because over-engineering ftw?
if ($analyze_sourcecode) {
$msg .= ' hhb_var_dump(';
$msg .= implode ( ",", array_slice ( $argvSourceCode, 1 ) ); // $argvSourceCode[0] is bullshit.
$msg .= ')' . $PHP_EOL;
// array_unshift($bt,$msg);
echo $msg;
$i = 0;
foreach ( $argv as &$val ) {
echo 'argv[' . ++ $i . ']';
if ($analyze_sourcecode) {
echo ' >>>' . $argvSourceCode [$i] . '<<<';
echo ':';
if ($settings ['use_xdebug_var_dump']) {
xdebug_var_dump ( $val );
} else {
var_dump ( $val );
echo $settings ['hhb_var_dump_append'];
// call_user_func_array("var_dump",$args);
* works like var_dump, but returns a string instead of priting it (ob_ based)
* @param mixed $args...
* @return string
function hhb_return_var_dump(): string // works like var_dump, but returns a string instead of printing it.
$args = func_get_args (); // for <5.3.0 support ...
ob_start ();
call_user_func_array ( 'var_dump', $args );
return ob_get_clean ();
* enables hhb_exception_handler and hhb_assert_handler and sets error_reporting to max
function hhb_init() {
static $firstrun = true;
if ($firstrun !== true) {
$firstrun = false;
error_reporting ( E_ALL );
set_error_handler ( "hhb_exception_error_handler" );
// ini_set("log_errors",'On');
// ini_set("display_errors",'On');
// ini_set("log_errors_max_len",'0');
// ini_set("error_prepend_string",'<error>');
// ini_set("error_append_string",'</error>'.PHP_EOL);
// ini_set("error_log",__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'error_log.php.txt');
assert_options ( ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1 );
assert_options ( ASSERT_WARNING, 0 );
assert_options ( ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1 );
assert_options ( ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'hhb_assert_handler' );
function hhb_exception_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
if (! (error_reporting () & $errno)) {
// This error code is not included in error_reporting
throw new ErrorException ( $errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline );
function hhb_assert_handler($file, $line, $code, $desc = null) {
$errstr = 'Assertion failed at ' . $file . ':' . $line . ' ' . $desc . ' code: ' . $code;
throw new ErrorException ( $errstr, 0, 1, $file, $line );
class hhb_curl {
protected $curlh;
protected $curloptions = [ ];
protected $response_body_file_handle;
protected $response_headers_file_handle;
protected $request_body_file_handle;
protected $stderr_file_handle;
protected function truncateFileHandles() {
$trun = ftruncate ( $this->response_body_file_handle, 0 );
assert ( true === $trun );
$trun = ftruncate ( $this->response_headers_file_handle, 0 );
assert ( true === $trun );
// $trun = ftruncate ( $this->request_body_file_handle, 0 );
// assert ( true === $trun );
$trun = ftruncate ( $this->stderr_file_handle, 0 );
assert ( true === $trun );
return /*true*/;
* returns the internal curl handle
* its probably a bad idea to mess with it, you'll probably never want to use this function.
* @return resource_curl
public function _getCurlHandle()/*: curlresource*/ {
return $this->curlh;
* replace the internal curl handle with another one...
* its probably a bad idea. you'll probably never want to use this function.
* @param resource_curl $newcurl
* @param bool $closeold
* @throws InvalidArgumentsException
* @return void
public function _replaceCurl($newcurl, bool $closeold = true) {
if (! is_resource ( $newcurl )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException ( 'parameter 1 must be a curl resource!' );
if (get_resource_type ( $newcurl ) !== 'curl') {
throw new InvalidArgumentsException ( 'parameter 1 must be a curl resource!' );
if ($closeold) {
curl_close ( $this->curlh );
$this->curlh = $newcurl;
$this->_prepare_curl ();
* mimics curl_init, using hhb_curl::__construct
* @param string $url
* @param bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault
* @return hhb_curl
public static function init(string $url = null, bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault = false): hhb_curl {
return new hhb_curl ( $url, $insecureAndComfortableByDefault );
* @param string $url
* @param bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault
* @throws RuntimeException
function __construct(string $url = null, bool $insecureAndComfortableByDefault = false) {
$this->curlh = curl_init ( '' ); // why empty string? PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: curl_init() expects parameter 1 to be string, null given
if (! $this->curlh) {
throw new RuntimeException ( 'curl_init failed!' );
if ($url !== null) {
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_URL, $url );
$fhandles = [ ];
$tmph = NULL;
for($i = 0; $i < 4; ++ $i) {
$tmph = tmpfile ();
if ($tmph === false) {
// for($ii = 0; $ii < $i; ++ $ii) {
// // @fclose($fhandles[$ii]);//yay, potentially overwriting last error to fuck your debugging efforts!
// }
throw new RuntimeException ( 'tmpfile() failed to create 4 file handles!' );
$fhandles [] = $tmph;
unset ( $tmph );
$this->response_body_file_handle = $fhandles [0]; // CURLOPT_FILE
$this->response_headers_file_handle = $fhandles [1]; // CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER
$this->request_body_file_handle = $fhandles [2]; // CURLOPT_INFILE
$this->stderr_file_handle = $fhandles [3]; // CURLOPT_STDERR
unset ( $fhandles );
$this->_prepare_curl ();
if ($insecureAndComfortableByDefault) {
$this->_setComfortableOptions ();
function __destruct() {
curl_close ( $this->curlh );
fclose ( $this->response_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_FILE
fclose ( $this->response_headers_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER
fclose ( $this->request_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_INFILE
fclose ( $this->stderr_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_STDERR
* sets some insecure, but comfortable settings..
* @return self
public function _setComfortableOptions(): self {
$this->setopt_array ( array (
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => "", // <<makes curl save/load cookies across requests..
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // << makes curl post all supported encodings, gzip/deflate/etc, makes transfers faster
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'hhb_curl_php; curl/' . $this->version () ['version'] . ' (' . $this->version () ['host'] . '); php/' . PHP_VERSION
) ); //
return $this;
* curl_errno — Return the last error number
* @return int
public function errno(): int {
return curl_errno ( $this->curlh );
* curl_error — Return a string containing the last error
* @return string
public function error(): string {
return curl_error ( $this->curlh );
* curl_escape — URL encodes the given string
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function escape(string $str): string {
return curl_escape ( $this->curlh, $str );
* curl_unescape — Decodes the given URL encoded string
* @param string $str
* @return string
public function unescape(string $str): string {
return curl_unescape ( $this->curlh, $str );
* executes the curl request (curl_exec)
* @param string $url
* @throws RuntimeException
* @return self
public function exec(string $url = null): self {
$this->truncateFileHandles ();
// WARNING: some weird error where curl will fill up the file again with 00's when the file has been truncated
// until it is the same size as it was before truncating, then keep appending...
// hopefully this _prepare_curl() call will fix that.. (seen on debian 8 on btrfs with curl/7.38.0)
$this->_prepare_curl ();
if (is_string ( $url ) && strlen ( $url ) > 0) {
$this->setopt ( CURLOPT_URL, $url );
$ret = curl_exec ( $this->curlh );
if ($this->errno ()) {
throw new RuntimeException ( 'curl_exec failed. errno: ' . var_export ( $this->errno (), true ) . ' error: ' . var_export ( $this->error (), true ) );
return $this;
* Create a CURLFile object for use with CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS
* @param string $filename
* @param string $mimetype
* @param string $postname
* @return CURLFile
public function file_create(string $filename, string $mimetype = null, string $postname = null): CURLFile {
return curl_file_create ( $filename, $mimetype, $postname );
* Get information regarding the last transfer
* @param int $opt
* @return mixed
public function getinfo(int $opt) {
return curl_getinfo ( $this->curlh, $opt );
// pause is explicitly undocumented for now, but it pauses a running transfer
public function pause(int $bitmask): int {
return curl_pause ( $this->curlh, $bitmask );
* Reset all options
public function reset(): self {
curl_reset ( $this->curlh );
$this->curloptions = [ ];
$this->_prepare_curl ();
return $this;
* curl_setopt_array — Set multiple options for a cURL transfer
* @param array $options
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
public function setopt_array(array $options): self {
foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) {
$this->setopt ( $option, $value );
return $this;
* gets the last response body
* @return string
public function getResponseBody(): string {
return file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->response_body_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
* returns the response headers of the last request (when auto-following Location-redirect, only the last headers are returned)
* @return string[]
public function getResponseHeaders(): array {
$text = file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->response_headers_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
// ...
return $this->splitHeaders ( $text );
* gets the response headers of all the requets for the last execution (including any Location-redirect autofollow headers)
* @return string[][]
public function getResponsesHeaders(): array {
// var_dump($this->getStdErr());die();
$Cr = "\x0d";
$Lf = "\x0a";
$CrLf = "\x0d\x0a";
$stderr = $this->getStdErr ();
$responses = [ ];
while ( FALSE !== ($startPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . '<' )) ) {
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $startPos + strlen ( $Lf ) );
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $CrLf . "<\x20" . $CrLf );
if ($endPos === false) {
// ofc, curl has ths quirk where the specific message "* HTTP error before end of send, stop sending" gets appended with LF instead of the usual CRLF for other messages...
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . "<\x20" . $CrLf );
// var_dump(bin2hex(substr($stderr,279,30)),$endPos);die("HEX");
// var_dump($stderr,$endPos);die("PAIN");
assert ( $endPos !== FALSE ); // should always be more after this with CURLOPT_VERBOSE.. (connection left intact / connecton dropped /whatever)
$headers = substr ( $stderr, 0, $endPos );
// $headerscpy=$headers;
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $endPos + strlen ( $CrLf . $CrLf ) );
$headers = preg_split ( "/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $headers ); // i can NOT explode($CrLf,$headers); because sometimes, in the middle of recieving headers, it will spout stuff like "\n* Added cookie reg_ext_ref="deleted" for domain, path /, expire 1457503459"
// if(strpos($headerscpy,"report-uri=")!==false){
// //var_dump($headerscpy);die("DIEDS");
// var_dump($headers);
// //var_dump($this->getStdErr());die("DIEDS");
// }
foreach ( $headers as $key => &$val ) {
$val = trim ( $val );
if (! strlen ( $val )) {
unset ( $headers [$key] );
if ($val [0] !== '<') {
// static $r=0;++$r;var_dump('removing',$val);if($r>1)die();
unset ( $headers [$key] ); // sometimes, in the middle of recieving headers, it will spout stuff like "\n* Added cookie reg_ext_ref="deleted" for domain, path /, expire 1457503459"
$val = trim ( substr ( $val, 1 ) );
unset ( $val ); // references can be scary..
$responses [] = $headers;
unset ( $headers, $key, $val, $endPos, $startPos );
return $responses;
// we COULD have a getResponsesCookies too...
* get last response cookies
* @return string[]
public function getResponseCookies(): array {
$headers = $this->getResponsesHeaders ();
$headers_merged = array ();
foreach ( $headers as $headers2 ) {
foreach ( $headers2 as $header ) {
$headers_merged [] = $header;
return $this->parseCookies ( $headers_merged );
// explicitly undocumented for now..
public function getRequestBody(): string {
return file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->request_body_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
* return headers of last execution
* @return string[]
public function getRequestHeaders(): array {
$requestsHeaders = $this->getRequestsHeaders ();
$requestCount = count ( $requestsHeaders );
if ($requestCount === 0) {
return array ();
return $requestsHeaders [$requestCount - 1];
// array(0=>array(request1_headers),1=>array(requst2_headers),2=>array(request3_headers))~
* get last execution request headers
* @return string[]
public function getRequestsHeaders(): array {
$Cr = "\x0d";
$Lf = "\x0a";
$CrLf = "\x0d\x0a";
$stderr = $this->getStdErr ();
$requests = [ ];
while ( FALSE !== ($startPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . '>' )) ) {
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $startPos + strlen ( $Lf . '>' ) );
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $CrLf . $CrLf );
if ($endPos === false) {
// ofc, curl has ths quirk where the specific message "* HTTP error before end of send, stop sending" gets appended with LF instead of the usual CRLF for other messages...
$endPos = strpos ( $stderr, $Lf . $CrLf );
assert ( $endPos !== FALSE ); // should always be more after this with CURLOPT_VERBOSE.. (connection left intact / connecton dropped /whatever)
$headers = substr ( $stderr, 0, $endPos );
$stderr = substr ( $stderr, $endPos + strlen ( $CrLf . $CrLf ) );
$headers = explode ( $CrLf, $headers );
foreach ( $headers as $key => &$val ) {
$val = trim ( $val );
if (! strlen ( $val )) {
unset ( $headers [$key] );
unset ( $val ); // references can be scary..
$requests [] = $headers;
unset ( $headers, $key, $val, $endPos, $startPos );
return $requests;
* return last execution request cookies
* @return string[]
public function getRequestCookies(): array {
return $this->parseCookies ( $this->getRequestHeaders () );
* get everything curl wrote to stderr of the last execution
* @return string
public function getStdErr(): string {
return file_get_contents ( stream_get_meta_data ( $this->stderr_file_handle ) ['uri'] );
* alias of getResponseBody
* @return string
public function getStdOut(): string {
return $this->getResponseBody ();
protected function splitHeaders(string $headerstring): array {
$headers = preg_split ( "/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $headerstring );
foreach ( $headers as $key => $val ) {
if (! strlen ( trim ( $val ) )) {
unset ( $headers [$key] );
return $headers;
protected function parseCookies(array $headers): array {
$returnCookies = [ ];
$grabCookieName = function ($str, &$len) {
$len = 0;
$ret = "";
$i = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < strlen ( $str ); ++ $i) {
++ $len;
if ($str [$i] === ' ') {
if ($str [$i] === '=' || $str [$i] === ';') {
-- $len;
$ret .= $str [$i];
return urldecode ( $ret );
foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
// Set-Cookie: crlfcoookielol=crlf+is%0D%0A+and+newline+is+%0D%0A+and+semicolon+is%3B+and+not+sure+what+else
* Set-Cookie:ci_spill=a%3A4%3A%7Bs%3A10%3A%22session_id%22%3Bs%3A32%3A%22305d3d67b8016ca9661c3b032d4319df%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22ip_address%22%3Bs%3A14%3A%2285.164.158.128%22%3Bs%3A10%3A%22user_agent%22%3Bs%3A109%3A%22Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+6.1%3B+WOW64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F43.0.2357.132+Safari%2F537.36%22%3Bs%3A13%3A%22last_activity%22%3Bi%3A1436874639%3B%7Dcab1dd09f4eca466660e8a767856d013; expires=Tue, 14-Jul-2015 13:50:39 GMT; path=/
* Set-Cookie: sessionToken=abc123; Expires=Wed, 09 Jun 2021 10:18:14 GMT;
* //Cookie names cannot contain any of the following '=,; \t\r\n\013\014'
* //
if (stripos ( $header, "Set-Cookie:" ) !== 0) {
/* */
$header = trim ( substr ( $header, strlen ( "Set-Cookie:" ) ) );
$len = 0;
while ( strlen ( $header ) > 0 ) {
$cookiename = $grabCookieName ( $header, $len );
$returnCookies [$cookiename] = '';
$header = substr ( $header, $len );
if (strlen ( $header ) < 1) {
if ($header [0] === '=') {
$header = substr ( $header, 1 );
$thepos = strpos ( $header, ';' );
if ($thepos === false) { // last cookie in this Set-Cookie.
$returnCookies [$cookiename] = urldecode ( $header );
$returnCookies [$cookiename] = urldecode ( substr ( $header, 0, $thepos ) );
$header = trim ( substr ( $header, $thepos + 1 ) ); // also remove the ;
unset ( $header, $cookiename, $thepos );
return $returnCookies;
* Set an option for curl
* @param int $option
* @param mixed $value
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
public function setopt(int $option, $value): self {
switch ($option) {
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT change CURLOPT_VERBOSE. use getStdErr() instead. we are working around using CURLOPT_VERBOSE.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER. use getResponseBody() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_FILE. use getResponseBody() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER. use getResponseHeaders() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_INFILE. use setRequestBody() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLOPT_STDERR. use getStdErr() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you NOT use CURLOPT_HEADER. use getResponsesHeaders() instead. expect problems now. we are working around using CURLOPT_VERBOSE, which is, until the bug is fixed, is incompatible with CURLOPT_HEADER.', E_USER_WARNING );
trigger_error ( 'you should NOT use CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT. use getRequestHeaders() instead. expect problems now.', E_USER_WARNING );
default :
return $this->_setopt ( $option, $value );
* @param int $option
* @param unknown $value
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return self
private function _setopt(int $option, $value): self {
$ret = curl_setopt ( $this->curlh, $option, $value );
if (! $ret) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'curl_setopt failed. errno: ' . $this->errno () . '. error: ' . $this->error () . '. option: ' . var_export ( $this->_curlopt_name ( $option ), true ) . ' (' . var_export ( $option, true ) . '). value: ' . var_export ( $value, true ) );
$this->curloptions [$option] = $value;
return $this;
* return an option previously given to setopt(_array)
* @param int $option
* @param bool $isset
* @return mixed|NULL
public function getopt(int $option, bool &$isset = NULL) {
if (array_key_exists ( $option, $this->curloptions )) {
$isset = true;
return $this->curloptions [$option];
} else {
$isset = false;
return NULL;
* return a string representation of the given curl error code
* (ps, most of the time you'll probably want to use error() instead of strerror())
* @param int $errornum
* @return string
public function strerror(int $errornum): string {
return curl_strerror ( $errornum );
* gets cURL version information
* @param int $age
* @return array
public function version(int $age = CURLVERSION_NOW): array {
return curl_version ( $age );
private function _prepare_curl() {
$this->truncateFileHandles ();
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_FILE, $this->response_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_FILE
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, $this->response_headers_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_INFILE, $this->request_body_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_INFILE
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_STDERR, $this->stderr_file_handle ); // CURLOPT_STDERR
$this->_setopt ( CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true );
* gets the constants name of the given curl options
* useful for error messages (instead of "FAILED TO SET CURLOPT 21387" , you can say "FAILED TO SET CURLOPT_VERBOSE" )
* @param int $option
* @return mixed|boolean
public function _curlopt_name(int $option)/*:mixed(string|false)*/{
// thanks to TML for the get_defined_constants trick..
// <TML> If you had some specific reason for doing it with your current approach (which is, to me, approaching the problem completely backwards - "I dug a hole! How do I get out!"), it seems that your entire function there could be replaced with: return array_flip(get_defined_constants(true)['curl']);
$curldefs = array_flip ( get_defined_constants ( true ) ['curl'] );
if (isset ( $curldefs [$option] )) {
return $curldefs [$option];
} else {
return false;
* gets the constant number of the given constant name
* (what was i thinking!?)
* @param string $option
* @return int|boolean
public function _curlopt_number(string $option)/*:mixed(int|false)*/{
// thanks to TML for the get_defined_constants trick..
$curldefs = get_defined_constants ( true ) ['curl'];
if (isset ( $curldefs [$option] )) {
return $curldefs [$option];
} else {
return false;
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Hi, I'm getting this error, any idea what I'm doing wrong?

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ErrorException: Undefined array key "path" in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php:201
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(201): hhb_exception_error_handler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/Users/virginie...', 201)
#1 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(94): relative_to_absolute('?provenance=wis...', 'https://www.pla...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php on line 201

Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Undefined array key "path" in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php:201
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(201): hhb_exception_error_handler(2, 'Undefined array...', '/Users/virginie...', 201)
#1 /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php(94): relative_to_absolute('?provenance=wis...', 'https://www.pla...')
#2 {main}
  thrown in /Users/virginieb/Downloads/7df6e87d4e844771259c7ce8c4031383-ff714826c2a5ca7fe51edd9f62b39ca177b4b8e0/archivedl.php on line 201

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