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Created February 14, 2010 22:08
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# on the remote server logged as 'deploy'
cd /var/apps
mkdir yourapp.git
cd yourapp.git
git init
Counting objects: 5, done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 337 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 1 (delta 0)
Deploying application...
* Updating application working tree
HEAD is now at 82a5e2d Deploying a new version of app
* Fetching/Updating git submodules
* Updating database configuration
* Installing gems
(in /var/apps/yourapp.git)
* Migrating database
(in /var/apps/yourapp.git)
* Seeding data
(in /var/apps/yourapp.git)
* Restarting application
Successfully deployed application to alpha
To deploy@<yourserver>:/var/apps/yourapp.git
33f5e93..82a5e2d master -> master
read oldrev newrev refname
# Don't run anything if master hasn't been updated
if [[ $refname != "refs/heads/master" ]]; then
exit 0
exit_with_error() {
echo "!!!! An error has occurred !!!!"
exit 1
# Initial directory is .git, so go to the working copy directory
cd ..
# Gets the rails environment based on the repos name.
# /var/apps/production.git will use production as environemnt.
export RAILS_ENV=$(basename "`pwd`" .git)
echo "************************"
echo "Deploying application..."
echo "************************"
echo " * Updating application working tree"
# Add everything to the index and then reset hard to both sweep changed files (like cached pages)
# and update the working copy.
env -i git add .
env -i git reset --hard || exit_with_error
echo " * Fetching/Updating git submodules"
env -i git submodule update --init || exit_with_error
echo " * Updating configurations"
cp config/database.server.yml config/database.yml || exit_with_error
cp config/robots.${RAILS_ENV}.txt public/robots.txt || exit_with_error
echo " * Installing gems"
rake gems:install || exit_with_error
echo " * Migrating database"
rake db:migrate || exit_with_error
echo " * Seeding data"
rake db:seed || exit_with_error
echo " * Reindexing data"
rake ts:rebuild || exit_with_error
if [ -f tmp/pids/ ]; then
echo " * Restarting application"
kill -s USR2 `cat tmp/pids/` || exit_with_error
echo " * Starting the application"
unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E $RAILS_ENV -D || exit_with_error
echo "Successfully deployed application to $RAILS_ENV"
git remote add production deploy@<yourserver>:/var/apps/git
git push production master
# Add user account
useradd -d /var/apps -m -s /bin/bash deploy
# Setup ssh keys to allow login without password
mkdir -m 0700 /var/apps/.ssh
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys /var/apps/.ssh/
chown -R deploy:deploy /var/apps/.ssh/
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