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Last active November 27, 2023 11:21
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<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted, computed } from "vue";
import BlogList from "src/components/ListBlog.vue";
import MainContainer from "src/components/MainContainer.vue";
import { useQuasar } from "quasar";
import { createSubscription } from "../services/ApiService";
import qs from "qs";
const showNotificationsBanner = ref(false);
const $q = useQuasar();
//lifecycle hooks
onMounted(() => {
const initNotificationBanner = () => {
let neverShowNotificationsBanner = $q.localStorage.getItem(
if (!neverShowNotificationsBanner) {
showNotificationsBanner.value = true;
const enableNotifications = () => {
if (pushNotificationsSupported.value) {
Notification.requestPermission((result) => {
console.log("result", result);
if (result == "granted") {
const checkForExistingPushSubscription = () => {
if (serviceWorkerSupported.value && pushNotificationsSupported.value) {
let reg;
.then((swreg) => {
reg = swreg;
return swreg.pushManager.getSubscription();
.then((sub) => {
if (!sub) {
const createPushSubscription = (reg) => {
let vapidPublicKey =
let vapidPublicKeyConverted = urlBase64ToUint8Array(vapidPublicKey);
applicationServerKey: vapidPublicKeyConverted,
userVisibleOnly: true,
.then((newSub) => {
console.log("newSub", newSub);
let newSubData = newSub.toJSON(),
newSubDataQS = qs.stringify(newSubData);
return createSubscription(newSubDataQS);
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log("err: ", err);
const displayGrantedNotification = () => {
if (serviceWorkerSupported.value && pushNotificationsSupported.value) {
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then((swreg) => {
swreg.showNotification("You're subscribed to notifications!", {
body: "Thanks for subscribing!",
icon: "icons/icon-128x128.png",
image: "icons/icon-128x128.png",
badge: "icons/icon-128x128.png",
dir: "ltr",
lang: "en-US",
vibrate: [100, 50, 200],
tag: "confirm-notification",
renotify: true,
const urlBase64ToUint8Array = (base64String) => {
const padding = "=".repeat((4 - (base64String.length % 4)) % 4);
const base64 = (base64String + padding).replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/");
const rawData = window.atob(base64);
const outputArray = new Uint8Array(rawData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < rawData.length; ++i) {
outputArray[i] = rawData.charCodeAt(i);
return outputArray;
const neverShowNotificationsBanner = () => {
showNotificationsBanner.value = false;
$q.localStorage.set("neverShowNotificationsBanner", true);
const pushNotificationsSupported = computed(() => {
return "PushManager" in window ? true : false;
const serviceWorkerSupported = computed(() => {
return "serviceWorker" in navigator ? true : false;
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