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Created November 22, 2023 11:49
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<form class="q-pa-lg">
<q-input v-model="blogTitle" class="q-ma-lg" filled label="Title" />
<q-card flat bordered class="q-ma-lg">
<div class="fit row wrap justify-center items-start content-start">
:label="editMode ? 'Update' : 'Publish'"
@click="editMode ? updateBlog() : createBlog(blogTitle, blogContent)"
export default {
name: "CreateBlog",
<script setup>
import { ref, computed, onMounted } from "vue";
import { uid } from "quasar";
import {
createBlog as createBlogApi,
updateBlog as updateBlogApi,
} from "../services/ApiService";
import { useRouter } from "vue-router";
import { useQuasar } from "quasar";
const storyPlaceholder = "Write your story";
const blogTitle = ref("");
const blogContent = ref("");
const editMode = ref(false); // Add edit mode state
const blogId = ref(null); // Add blog ID for editing
const router = useRouter();
const $q = useQuasar();
const isEnabled = computed(() => {
return blogTitle.value && blogContent.value;
const createBlog = async (blogTitle, blogContent) => {
try {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("id", uid());
formData.append("title", blogTitle);
formData.append("content", blogContent);
formData.append("liked", false);
formData.append("thumps_up", false);
// Show loading indicator
// Make API call to create a blog
const response = await createBlogApi(formData);
// Hide loading indicator
// Notify user about successful blog creation
message: "Blog Created Successfully!",
type: "positive",
timeout: 2000,
// Redirect to home page
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating blog:", error);
// Check if the error is a network error
if (!navigator.onLine && isBackgroundSyncSupported.value) {
// Notify user about successful blog creation
message: "Offline Blog Created Successfully!",
type: "positive",
timeout: 2000,
// Redirect to the home page
} else {
// Notify user about the error
message: "Error creating blog. Please try again.",
type: "negative",
timeout: 2000,
const updateBlog = async () => {
const updatedBlog = {
id: blogId.value,
title: blogTitle.value,
content: blogContent.value,
await updateBlogApi(updatedBlog);
onMounted(async () => {
// Fetch blog data if in edit mode
if ( {
editMode.value = true;
blogId.value =;
if (editMode.value) {
const blogData = await getBlog(blogId.value);
blogTitle.value = blogData.title;
blogContent.value = blogData.content;
const isBackgroundSyncSupported = computed(() => {
return "serviceWorker" in navigator && "SyncManager" in window ? true : false;
<style scoped>
.q-card--bordered {
border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255);
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