Pandoc cannot convert a link's URL as expected.
<a href="./">Document</a>
Expected HTML:
<a href="./document.html">Document</a>
According to ota-meshi's procedures, it is quite easy.
The following is what I did in less than 15 minutes.
Down and install Pandoc
Down and install Python because Panflute requies Python to run.
According to Panflute's guide I executed the following command.
no proxy
> pip install panflute
behind proxy
> pip install panflute --proxy http://<user id>:<password>@<proxy address>
I also install pypandoc so that I can avoid using external commands.
no proxy
> pip install pypandoc
behind proxy
> pip install pypandoc --proxy http://<user id>:<password>@<proxy address>
Copy and paste the following Python files to a temp folder.
Move to the directory that contains markdown file(s).
Execute the following command.
By the way, this command automatically convert to index.html.
- To use Japanese CSS (/ja/github.css)> python <path to the temp folder>/ --locale ja
To use English CSS (/en/github.css)
> python <path to the temp folder>/ --locale en