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Last active November 7, 2023 13:35
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GA402R anime matrix with python
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps, ImageStat
convert picture to matrix data uint8 array
this script is too slow...
maybe we should rewrite it in np things
copyright 2022 Yun Dou
licensed by MIT license
the canvas:
< imageWidth >
**************** < top
**************** |
*************** | -> imageHeight
************** |
************* < bottom
imageWidth = 2560
imageHeight = 1620
< > - dotWidth: 4.1
* <
* * | -> dotHeight: 2.87
* # * <
* *
dotWidth = imageWidth//((34*2)+1) # for GA402R, 34 dots on width
dotHeight = int(dotWidth*0.7)
class Dot:
areas = []
def dotArea(klass, x, y):
path = [
((2*x + 1)*dotWidth, 2*y*dotHeight),
((2*x + 2)*dotWidth, (2*y + 1)*dotHeight),
((2*x + 1)*dotWidth, (2*y + 2)*dotHeight),
(2*x*dotWidth, (2*y + 1)*dotHeight),
if (2*y + 2)*dotHeight > imageHeight or (2*x + 2)*dotWidth > imageWidth:
return None
return path
def makeAreas(klass):
if len(klass.areas) > 0:
for y in range(0, imageHeight//dotHeight):
# for GA402R
startX = y > 5 and y - 5 or 0
# odd line
for x in range(startX, (imageWidth//dotWidth)-1):
a = klass.dotArea(x, y)
if not a:
# even line
for x in range(startX, imageWidth//dotWidth):
a = klass.dotArea(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)
if not a:
# start build image
# the canvas
im ='L', (imageWidth,imageHeight), 'white')
# 4.png is size of (640, 408), here scale it at 3.5x
inp ='4.png') \
.convert('L') \
.resize((int(640*r), int(408*r)), Image.BICUBIC)
# then put it on (600, -100)
im.paste(inp, (600, -100))
imBlack ='L', (imageWidth,imageHeight), 'black')
imPreview ='L', (imageWidth,imageHeight), 'black')
imPreviewDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(imPreview)
# build our data
data = []
for path in Dot.areas:
mask = imBlack.copy()
imMaskDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
imMaskDraw.polygon(path, fill ="white", outline ="white")
stat = ImageStat.Stat(im, mask)
color = int(stat.mean[0])
#print(stat.mean, end="")
imPreviewDraw.polygon(path, fill = color, outline = color)
#!/usr/bin/env python
this will show a meme picture at matrix
copyright 2022 Yun Dou
licensed by MIT license
import struct as st
import usb.core
import usb.util
# find our device
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x0b05, idProduct=0x193b)
if dev is None:
raise ValueError('Device not found')
def write(data: bytes) -> int:
ret = dev.ctrl_transfer(
bRequest=0x9, # SET_REPORT
wValue=0x35e, # Feature 0x5e('^')
data_or_wLength=data, #.ljust(640, b'\0'),
return ret
def writeat(start: int, data: bytes) -> int:
#print(st.pack('<HH', start, len(data)))
return write(b'^\xc0\x02' + st.pack('<HH', start, len(data)) + data)
# init
write(b'^ASUS Tech.Inc.\0')
# c3 01 80 set boot off
# c4 01 80 commit
# c0 04 00 set on
# c4 01 80 commit
def fil(pix: bytes, l: int) -> bytes:
return pix * (l // len(pix))
# my meme pic
data = [
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# let it dim a little to save life
data = [(x >> 2) for x in data]
writeat(1, bytes(data[:0x278]))
writeat(1 + 0x278, bytes(data[0x278:2 * 0x278]))
writeat(1 + (2 * 0x278), bytes(data[2 * 0x278:]))
# c0 03 flush
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dixyes commented May 5, 2023

I have never tried this (or any other libusb application) on WSL, I have no idea about how to use libusb in WSL, you may try native windows python and libusb

btw, I have returned my GA402RJ due to its poor quality, so I cannot debug this now

Copy link

I've the same problem right now. I'm also trying to get this working on my GA402RK but in native windows and not in wsl and i'm getting the same error.
After setting PYUSB_DEBUG=debug and LIBUSB_DEBUG=4 the error log reported this line:
error [_hid_set_report] failed to write HID Output Report: [1] incorrect function

Sadly, i have still no idea what is causing this issue. @DTNGNR did you manage to fix it?

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