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Created January 3, 2016 09:42
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Cambrian explosion of Golang package management tools
Most starred tools that supports GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT

godep, glide, govendor, gvt

Most starred tools that does not supports GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT

gb, gom, gpm, gopm, goop, nut, johnny-deps, gopkg, gopack, gigo

GitHub stats at 2016-01-02
repo                   	stars	forks	lang
tools/godep            	2954 	263  	Go
constabulary/gb        	1376 	86   	Go
mattn/gom              	994  	78   	Go
pote/gpm               	868  	47   	Shell
Masterminds/glide      	844  	42   	Go
gpmgo/gopm             	836  	80   	Go
nitrous-io/goop        	737  	41   	Go
jingweno/nut           	241  	12   	Go
VividCortex/johnny-deps	213  	6    	Perl
kardianos/govendor     	198  	12   	Go
niemeyer/gopkg         	197  	42   	Go
d2fn/gopack            	190  	24   	Go   
LyricalSecurity/gigo   	187  	9    	Go
FiloSottile/gvt        	162  	13   	Go
kr/goven               	150  	19   	Go
robfig/glock           	127  	15   	Go
skelterjohn/wgo        	114  	5    	Go
DamnWidget/VenGO       	81   	1    	Go
rosylilly/gondler      	68   	6    	Ruby
mjibson/party          	64   	10   	Go
dkulchenko/bunch       	63   	10   	Go
mediocregopher/goat    	62   	9    	Go
vube/depman            	56   	8    	Go
kardianos/vendor-spec  	56   	3
oguzbilgic/dondur      	41   	2    	Go
theplant/pak           	38   	4    	Go
alouche/rodent         	31   	3    	Shell
kr/vexp                	25   	2    	Go
kisielk/vendorize      	19   	4    	Go
laher/gopin            	18   	2    	Go
laher/gopin            	18   	2    	Go
gophersaurus/govend    	12   	0    	Go
hectorj/godm           	5    	0    	Go
forestgiant/gv         	2    	0    	Go
sam-falvo/envie        	1    	1    	Go
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