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diyclassics /
Last active January 27, 2023 21:33
Example for how to fix json content in CLTK Perseus file
import json
from cltkreaders.grc import GreekTesseraeCorpusReader
T = GreekTesseraeCorpusReader()
BOOK = 16
file = f"homer.iliad.part.{BOOK}.tess"
output = dict()
diyclassics /
Created November 3, 2022 13:36
Homebrew maintenance script
echo "\nUpdating Homebrew...\n"
brew update
echo "\nUpgrading Homebrew...\n"
brew upgrade
echo "\nCleaning Homebrew...\n"
brew cleanup -s
from pycollatinus import Lemmatiseur
import pprint
tagger = Lemmatiseur()
lemmas = tagger.lemmatise_multiple('ne')
lemmas_set = sorted(set([lemma['lemma'] for lemma in lemmas[0]]))
diyclassics / updateLastUpdated
Created February 26, 2020 18:09
Google Docs add on to update a "field" on open
* Written by diyclassics
* Looks for text in a Google Doc on open in the form "last updated 1/1/2001" and updates
* with the current date; also adds a menu item for manual update.
function onOpen() {
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
// Or FormApp or SpreadsheetApp.
diyclassics /
Created April 3, 2019 16:35
Get Perseus Short Defs in Google Sheets
function getShortDef(input) {
var array = [];
var url = "" + input;
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var doc = Xml.parse(page, true);
var bodyHtml = doc.html.body.toXmlString();
doc = XmlService.parse(bodyHtml);
var root = doc.getRootElement();
import re
GREEK = '\u0300-\u03FF'
GREEK_EXT = '\u1F00-\u1FFF'
# Cicero Att 1.4
text = """
sane sum perturbatus cum ipsius Satyri familiaritate tum Domiti, in quo uno maxime ambitio nostra nititur. demonstravi haec Caecilio simul et illud ostendi, si ipse unus cum illo uno contenderet, me ei satis facturum fuisse; nunc in causa universorum creditorum, hominum praesertim amplissimorum, qui sine eo quem Caecilius suo nomine perhiberet facile causam communem sustinerent, aequum esse eum et officio meo consulere et tempori. durius accipere hoc mihi visus est quam vellem et quam homines belli solent, et postea prorsus ab instituta nostra paucorum dierum consuetudine longe refugit.
diyclassics /
Last active October 31, 2017 07:59
Get coordinates by Pleiades ID
import json
import urllib.request
def get_pleiades_json(pleiades_id):
# pleiades_id: STR
pleiades_url = "" % pleiades_id
with urllib.request.urlopen(pleiades_url) as url:
pleiades_geojson = json.loads(
return pleiades_geojson
diyclassics / gist:8caaa77b163ab55c6238d75e45f33281
Created August 30, 2017 14:04
SVG for Humanities Commons icon
<symbol id="icon-hcommons" viewBox="0 0 240 240">
<g transform="translate(0.000000,240.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M1045 2394 c-85 -14 -235 -57 -312 -90 -361 -154 -608 -451 -705
-845 -31 -126 -33 -381 -4 -504 98 -419 381 -743 767 -882 157 -57 228 -68
414 -68 153 1 181 4 280 29 122 31 296 109 395 176 240 163 420 431 492 733
32 132 32 382 0 514 -38 160 -112 325 -200 448 -120 166 -306 314 -503 398
-151 65 -262 88 -439 92 -85 2 -168 1 -185 -1z m948 -585 l57 -12 0 -114 0
-114 -47 8 c-27 4 -91 8 -144 8 -86 0 -100 -3 -133 -25 -20 -14 -46 -45 -59
diyclassics / CLTK GSoC Proposal Suggestions
Last active March 20, 2017 14:02
Some things to consider including in a GSoC proposal for CLTK
Several prospective CLTK Google Summer of Code applicants have written recently about what the proposal should include. While successful project proposals can take many different forms, here is an outline that helps address the questions likely to come up as the proposal are reviewed:
- Abstract: It is helpful to distill your proposal into 100-200 words that define the problem, identify your solution, name the datasets necessary to do the work, and report the expected outcome of this project. On this last point, note that since this is a proposal, we do not expect you to report results—but you should have a clear idea of where you expect to be by the end of the summer. We will also need to use abstracts and brief descriptions of your project on the GSoC page if your proposal is selected.
- Proposal: This will be the bulk of your submission. Here you want to expand upon the points mentioned in the abstract, including:
- Define the problem. Depending on your project, CLTK may be different than other open so
diyclassics / gist:b24fbd1ad3bbb726387de443fab84956
Created December 16, 2016 17:15
Backoff lemmatizer edits
def _define_lemmatizer(self):
backoff0 = None
backoff1 = IdentityLemmatizer()
backoff2 = TrainLemmatizer(model=self.LATIN_OLD_MODEL, backoff=backoff1)
backoff3 = PPLemmatizer(regexps=self.latin_verb_patterns, pps=self.latin_pps, backoff=backoff2)
backoff4 = UnigramLemmatizer(self.train_sents, backoff=backoff3)
backoff5 = RegexpLemmatizer(self.latin_misc_patterns, backoff=backoff4)
backoff6 = TrainLemmatizer(model=self.LATIN_MODEL, backoff=backoff5)
#backoff7 = BigramPOSLemmatizer(self.pos_train_sents, include=['cum'], backoff=backoff6)
lemmatizer = backoff6