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Rechercher les premiers trains au départ d'une gare en utilisant le code UIC avec les Apis SNCF
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<title>Gare Api fo Angular</title>
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<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="DeparturesCtrl">
<h5>Affiche les départs d'une Gare des 4 dernières heures en limitant le résultat à 200 lignes</h5>
Saisissez votre code UIC de la gare puis votre clé API et appuyez sur entrée<br/>
Code UIC de la gare :
<input type="text" name="codeUIC" ng-model="codeUIC" required placeholder="Saisissez le code UIC de la gare"><br/>
Clé API (<a href=""></a>)
<input type="text" name="apiKey" ng-model="apiKey" required ng-keypress="($event.charCode==13)? search() : return" placeholder="<Entrée> pour valider">
<br/> <span style="color:red">{{error}}</span>
<li ng-repeat="departure in departures">
{{departure.display_informations.commercial_mode}} {{departure.display_informations.headsign}} - {{departure.display_informations.direction}} - {{departure.stop_date_time.departure_date_time}}</em>
// from_datetime concerne le jour courant
var d = new Date();
// ici on affiche les premiers départs de la journée donc on part depuis 00:00
var since = d.getFullYear()+("00" + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)+ ("00" + d.getDate()).slice(-2) + "T000000";
//nombre de lignes à afficher
var count =20;
var urlBase ="{CODE_UIC}/departures?from_datetime="+since+"&count="+count;
// ANGULAR....
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller("DeparturesCtrl", function($scope, $http) {
$ function(){
$scope.departures =undefined;
var url=urlBase.replace("{CODE_UIC}",$scope.codeUIC);
authorizationHeader = "Basic "+btoa($scope.apiKey);
$http({method:"GET", url, headers:{"Authorization":authorizationHeader, "Accept":"application/json"}}
if ({
$scope.departures =;
$scope.error="Erreur dans la réponse";
"pagination" : {
"start_page" : 0,
"items_on_page" : 20,
"items_per_page" : 20,
"total_result" : 20
"links" : [{
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/stop_points\/{}",
"type" : "stop_point",
"rel" : "stop_points",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/commercial_modes\/{}",
"type" : "commercial_modes",
"rel" : "commercial_modes",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/stop_areas\/{}",
"type" : "stop_area",
"rel" : "stop_areas",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/physical_modes\/{}",
"type" : "physical_modes",
"rel" : "physical_modes",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/disruptions\/{}",
"type" : "disruptions",
"rel" : "disruptions",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/routes\/{}",
"type" : "route",
"rel" : "routes",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/physical_modes\/{}",
"type" : "physical_mode",
"rel" : "physical_modes",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/commercial_modes\/{}",
"type" : "commercial_mode",
"rel" : "commercial_modes",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/disruptions\/{}",
"type" : "disruption",
"rel" : "disruptions",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/vehicle_journeys\/{}",
"type" : "vehicle_journey",
"rel" : "vehicle_journeys",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/lines\/{}",
"type" : "line",
"rel" : "lines",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/trips\/{}",
"type" : "trip",
"rel" : "trips",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/networks\/{}",
"type" : "network",
"rel" : "networks",
"templated" : true
}, {
"href" : "https:\/\/\/v1\/coverage\/sncf\/stop_areas\/stop_area:OCE:SA:87481002\/departures?count=20&from_datetime=20170626T000000",
"type" : "first",
"templated" : false
"disruptions" : [{
"disruption_id" : "e67eb4b7-dc1e-4689-9b26-e6cb079bcdab",
"status" : "past",
"severity" : {
"color" : "#000000",
"priority" : 42,
"name" : "trip delayed",
"impact_id" : "e67eb4b7-dc1e-4689-9b26-e6cb079bcdab",
"application_periods" : [{
"begin" : "20170626T065100",
"end" : "20170626T083759"
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"impacted_stops" : [{
"amended_arrival_time" : "065100",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Nantes",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.217516",
"lon" : "-1.541943"
"label" : "Nantes (Nantes)",
"equipments" : [],
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"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "065100",
"base_arrival_time" : "065100",
"cause" : "",
"base_departure_time" : "065100",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "071900",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Savenay",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.358571",
"lon" : "-1.951055"
"label" : "Savenay (Savenay)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481838"
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"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "072000",
"base_arrival_time" : "071400",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "071500",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "072800",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Pontch\u00e2teau",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.435358",
"lon" : "-2.088508"
"label" : "Pontch\u00e2teau (Pontch\u00e2teau)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481846"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "072900",
"base_arrival_time" : "072300",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "072400",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "073600",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "St-Gildas-des-Bois",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.516585",
"lon" : "-2.043666"
"label" : "St-Gildas-des-Bois (Saint-Gildas-des-Bois)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87476762"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
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"amended_departure_time" : "073700",
"base_arrival_time" : "073100",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "073200",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "074300",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Redon",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.651785",
"lon" : "-2.087888"
"label" : "Redon (Redon)",
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"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87471300"
"stop_time_effect" : "unchanged",
"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "075300",
"base_arrival_time" : "074300",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "075300",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "081300",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Messac-Guipry",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.822233",
"lon" : "-1.818673"
"label" : "Messac-Guipry (Guipry-Messac) (Guipry-Messac)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87471185"
"stop_time_effect" : "unchanged",
"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "081400",
"base_arrival_time" : "081300",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "081400",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "082200",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Guichen-Bourg-des-Comp.",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.934197",
"lon" : "-1.760684"
"label" : "Guichen-Bourg-des-Comp. (Guichen)",
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"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87471151"
"stop_time_effect" : "unchanged",
"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "082300",
"base_arrival_time" : "082200",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "082300",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "083000",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Bruz",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "48.028539",
"lon" : "-1.751991"
"label" : "Bruz (Bruz)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87471037"
"stop_time_effect" : "unchanged",
"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "083100",
"base_arrival_time" : "083000",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "083100",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
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"amended_arrival_time" : "083800",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Rennes",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "48.103533",
"lon" : "-1.672321"
"label" : "Rennes (Rennes)",
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"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "084300",
"base_arrival_time" : "083800",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "083800",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
"pt_object" : {
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"quality" : 0,
"id" : "OCE:SN858301F01001",
"name" : "OCE:SN858301F01001"
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"status" : "past",
"severity" : {
"color" : "#000000",
"priority" : 42,
"name" : "trip delayed",
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"application_periods" : [{
"begin" : "20170626T060000",
"end" : "20170626T082059"
"updated_at" : "20170626T072356",
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"impacted_objects" : [{
"impacted_stops" : [{
"amended_arrival_time" : "060000",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Nantes",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.217516",
"lon" : "-1.541943"
"label" : "Nantes (Nantes)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87481002"
"stop_time_effect" : "unchanged",
"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "060000",
"base_arrival_time" : "060000",
"cause" : "",
"base_departure_time" : "060000",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "063700",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Angers-St-Laud",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.464442",
"lon" : "-0.5569499999999999"
"label" : "Angers-St-Laud (Angers)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87484006"
"stop_time_effect" : "unchanged",
"departure_status" : "unchanged",
"amended_departure_time" : "064000",
"base_arrival_time" : "063700",
"cause" : "",
"base_departure_time" : "064000",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "082100",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Paris-Montparnasse 1-2",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "48.840633",
"lon" : "2.319913"
"label" : "Paris-Montparnasse 1-2 (Paris)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TGV-87391003"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "082100",
"base_arrival_time" : "081600",
"cause" : "",
"base_departure_time" : "081600",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
"pt_object" : {
"embedded_type" : "trip",
"trip" : {
"id" : "OCE:SN008804F04004",
"name" : "8804"
"quality" : 0,
"id" : "OCE:SN008804F04004",
"name" : "OCE:SN008804F04004"
"id" : "7ad22385-9692-476c-b80e-48dae3f52388",
"contributor" : "",
"cause" : "",
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"disruption_id" : "137c7e24-12b1-469f-bfb7-752046b365d6",
"status" : "past",
"severity" : {
"color" : "#000000",
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"name" : "trip delayed",
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"application_periods" : [{
"begin" : "20170626T061600",
"end" : "20170626T072459"
"messages" : [{
"text" : "R\u00e9gulation du trafic",
"channel" : {
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"updated_at" : "20170626T064152",
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"impacted_objects" : [{
"impacted_stops" : [{
"amended_arrival_time" : "061600",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Nantes",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.217516",
"lon" : "-1.541943"
"label" : "Nantes (Nantes)",
"equipments" : [],
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"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "062600",
"base_arrival_time" : "061600",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "061600",
"arrival_status" : "unchanged"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "063500",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Chantenay",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.197223",
"lon" : "-1.594336"
"label" : "Chantenay (Nantes)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481051"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "063600",
"base_arrival_time" : "062000",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "062100",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "064000",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "La Basse-Indre-St-Herb.",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.204122",
"lon" : "-1.660333"
"label" : "La Basse-Indre-St-Herb. (Saint-Herblain)",
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"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481069"
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"amended_departure_time" : "064100",
"base_arrival_time" : "062500",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "062600",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "064500",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Cou\u00e9ron",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.221936",
"lon" : "-1.723541"
"label" : "Cou\u00e9ron (Cou\u00ebron)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481804"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "064600",
"base_arrival_time" : "063000",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "063100",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "065000",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "St-Etienne-de-Montluc",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.27478",
"lon" : "-1.785644"
"label" : "St-Etienne-de-Montluc (Saint-\u00c9tienne-de-Montluc)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481812"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "065100",
"base_arrival_time" : "063500",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "063600",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "065500",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Cordemais",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.302214",
"lon" : "-1.846637"
"label" : "Cordemais (Cordemais)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481820"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "delayed",
"amended_departure_time" : "065600",
"base_arrival_time" : "064000",
"cause" : "Sortie tardive du d\u00e9p\u00f4t",
"base_departure_time" : "064100",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"amended_arrival_time" : "070200",
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Savenay",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.358571",
"lon" : "-1.951055"
"label" : "Savenay (Savenay)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481838"
"stop_time_effect" : "delayed",
"departure_status" : "deleted",
"base_arrival_time" : "064700",
"cause" : "R\u00e9gulation du trafic",
"base_departure_time" : "064800",
"arrival_status" : "delayed"
}, {
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Donges",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.308704",
"lon" : "-2.071724"
"label" : "Donges (Donges)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481721"
"stop_time_effect" : "deleted",
"departure_status" : "deleted",
"base_arrival_time" : "065500",
"cause" : "R\u00e9gulation du trafic",
"base_departure_time" : "065600",
"arrival_status" : "deleted"
}, {
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "Montoir-de-Bretagne",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.321066",
"lon" : "-2.161666"
"label" : "Montoir-de-Bretagne (Montoir-de-Bretagne)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481713"
"stop_time_effect" : "deleted",
"departure_status" : "deleted",
"base_arrival_time" : "070100",
"cause" : "R\u00e9gulation du trafic",
"base_departure_time" : "070200",
"arrival_status" : "deleted"
}, {
"stop_point" : {
"name" : "La Croix-de-M\u00e9an",
"links" : [],
"coord" : {
"lat" : "47.300567",
"lon" : "-2.193028"
"label" : "La Croix-de-M\u00e9an (Saint-Nazaire)",
"equipments" : [],
"id" : "stop_point:OCE:SP:TrainTER-87481689"
"stop_time_effect" : "deleted",
"departure_status" : "deleted",
"base_arrival_time" : "070500",
"cause" : "R\u00e9gulation du trafic",
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"arrival_status" : "deleted"
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