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Created January 21, 2019 10:42
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rust xlib practice
extern crate x11_dl;
use std::ffi::CString;
use x11_dl::xlib::{True, False, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime, XEvent};
use x11_dl::xf86vmode::XF86VidModeModeInfo;
use std::os::raw::c_uchar;
use std::os::raw::c_int;
const GL_TRUE: i32 = 1;
const GL_FALSE: i32 = 0;
const GL_DEPTH_TEST: GLenum = 0x0B71;
const GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT: GLenum = 0x00004000;
// window decorations for motif
const MWM_DECOR_ALL: u64 = 1;
const MWM_DECOR_BORDER: u64 = 1 << 1;
const MWM_DECOR_RESIZEH: u64 = 1 << 2;
const MWM_DECOR_TITLE: u64 = 1 << 3;
const MWM_DECOR_MENU: u64 = 1 << 4;
const MWM_DECOR_MINIMIZE: u64 = 1 << 5;
const MWM_DECOR_MAXIMIZE: u64 = 1 << 6;
// clientDecoration, transientDecoration
type GLenum = u32;
type GLboolean = u8;
type GLbitfield = u32;
type GLbyte = i8;
type GLshort = i16;
type GLint = i32;
type GLsizei = i32;
type GLubyte = u8;
type GLushort = u16;
type GLuint = u8;
type GLfloat = f32;
type GLclampf = f32;
type GLdouble = f64;
type GLclampd = f64;
type GLvoid = ();
#[link(kind = "dylib", name = "GL")]
extern {
fn glEnable(cap: GLenum) -> ();
fn glViewport(x: GLint, y: GLint, width: GLsizei, height: GLsizei) -> ();
fn glClearColor(red: GLfloat, green: GLfloat, blue: GLfloat, alpha: GLfloat) -> ();
fn glClear(mask: GLbitfield) -> ();
/// Window hints (needed for changing fullscreen and windowed mode)
pub struct Hints {
flags: u64,
functions: u64,
decorations: u64,
input_mode: i64,
status: u64,
/// Toggle fullscreen / windowing
/// Returns the ID of the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property, so you can refer to this property later on
/// (may or may not be useful)
fn toggle_fullscreen_windowed(display: &mut x11_dl::xlib::Display, window: u64, xlib: &x11_dl::xlib::Xlib)
-> Result<(), String>
// Old code, does not work correctly, but may still be useful
let default_screen = unsafe { (xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display) };
let default_screen_ptr = unsafe { (xlib.XScreenOfDisplay)(display, default_screen) };
let mut width = unsafe { (xlib.XWidthOfScreen)(default_screen_ptr) };
let mut height = unsafe { (xlib.XHeightOfScreen)(default_screen_ptr) };
// Some WMs do not respect this.
// toggle_foreground_window(display, window, xlib)?;
let _xf86 = x11_dl::xf86vmode::Xf86vmode::open();
let xf86 = match _xf86 {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(xerr) => return Err(String::from(xerr.detail())),
let mut mode_count: i32 = unsafe { std::mem::uninitialized() };
let mut modes: *mut *mut XF86VidModeModeInfo = std::ptr::null_mut();
let video_mode_info = unsafe { (xf86.XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines)(display, default_screen, &mut mode_count, &mut modes) };
if video_mode_info == 0 { return Err("no appropriate video mode found".into()); }
if modes.is_null() { return Err("could not find any video modes".into()); }
let modes_slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(modes, mode_count as usize) };
let best_mode = get_best_video_mode(xlib, display, default_screen, &xf86, &mut width, &mut height);
if best_mode.is_none() { unsafe { (xlib.XFree)(modes as *mut std::os::raw::c_void) }; return Err("could not find a good video mode".into()); }
let best_mode = best_mode.unwrap();
// Initialize video modes
// todo: figure out best video mode
// for some reason, other libraries leave this value unchecked. It is not documented what the return value actually represents
let _switch_successful = unsafe { (xf86.XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)(display, default_screen, modes_slice[best_mode]) };
unsafe { (xlib.XFree)(modes as *mut std::os::raw::c_void) };
// There is zero documentation on the return values of these functions. They seem to work regardless of what they return
unsafe {
let _xf86_vidmode_set_viewport_successful = (xf86.XF86VidModeSetViewPort)(display, default_screen, 0, 0);
// if xf86_vidmode_set_viewport_successful != 0 { return Err("xf86_vidmode_set_viewport not successful {:?}".into())}
let _x_move_resize_window = (xlib.XMoveResizeWindow)(display, window, 0, 0, width as u32, height as u32);
// if x_move_resize_window != 0 { return Err("x_move_resize_window not successful".into()); }
let _x_map_raised = (xlib.XMapRaised)(display,window);
// if x_map_raised != 0 { return Err("x_map_raised not successful".into()); }
let _x_grab_pointer = (xlib.XGrabPointer)(display, window, True, 0, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, window, 0, CurrentTime);
// if x_grab_pointer != 0 { return Err("x_grab_pointer not successful".into()); }
let _x_grab_keyboard = (xlib.XGrabKeyboard)(display, window, False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime);
// if x_grab_keyboard != 0 { return Err("x_grab_keyboard not successful".into()); }
/// Use _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_MONITORS for making a fullscreen window
use x11_dl::xlib::{ClientMessageData, XClientMessageEvent, ClientMessage,
SubstructureRedirectMask, SubstructureNotifyMask};
let net_wm_state_fullscreen = CString::new("_NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_MONITORS").unwrap();
let property = unsafe { (xlib.XInternAtom)(display, net_wm_state_fullscreen.as_ptr(), True) };
if property == 0 { return Err("Could not set atom".into()); }
let mut data = ClientMessageData::new();
data.set_long(0, 1);
data.set_long(1, 1);
data.set_long(2, 1);
data.set_long(3, 1);
data.set_long(4, 1);
let event = XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ClientMessage,
serial: unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() },
send_event: True,
display: display,
window: window,
message_type: property,
format: 32,
data: data,
let mut x_event = XEvent::from(event);
let result = unsafe {
(xlib.XRootWindow)(display, (xlib.XDefaultScreen)(display)),
SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask,
&mut x_event)
println!("result maximize: {:?}", result);
fn get_best_video_mode(xlib: &x11_dl::xlib::Xlib, display: &mut x11_dl::xlib::Display,
screen: i32, xf86: &x11_dl::xf86vmode::Xf86vmode,
width: &mut i32, height: &mut i32)
-> Option<usize>
let mut mode_count: i32 = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
let mut modes: *mut *mut XF86VidModeModeInfo = std::ptr::null_mut();
if unsafe { (xf86.XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines)(display, screen, &mut mode_count, &mut modes) } != 0 {
let mut best_mode: usize = 0;
let mut best_match = ::std::i32::MAX;
let modes_slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(modes, mode_count as usize) };
// let item = (*slice[i]).hdisplay;
for (idx, item) in modes_slice.iter().enumerate() {
if item.is_null() || (*item).is_null() { continue; }
let hdisplay = unsafe { (**item).hdisplay };
let vdisplay = unsafe { (**item).vdisplay };
let cur_match = (*width - hdisplay as i32) * (*width - hdisplay as i32) +
(*height - vdisplay as i32) * (*height - vdisplay as i32);
if cur_match < best_match {
best_match = cur_match;
best_mode = idx;
if !modes_slice[best_mode].is_null() {
*width = unsafe { (*modes_slice[best_mode]).hdisplay as i32 };
*height = unsafe { (*modes_slice[best_mode]).vdisplay as i32 };
unsafe { (xlib.XFree)(modes as *mut std::os::raw::c_void) };
return Some(best_mode);
fn toggle_foreground_window(display: &mut x11_dl::xlib::Display, window: u64, xlib: &x11_dl::xlib::Xlib)
-> Result<(), String>
use x11_dl::xlib::{ClientMessageData, XClientMessageEvent, SubstructureRedirectMask, SubstructureNotifyMask};
let net_wm_state_fullscreen = CString::new("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN").unwrap();
let property = unsafe { (xlib.XInternAtom)(display, net_wm_state_fullscreen.as_ptr(), True) };
if property == 0 { return Err("Could not set atom".into()); }
let mut data = ClientMessageData::new();
data.set_long(0, 2); // _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE
data.set_long(1, property as i64);
data.set_long(2, 0); // no second property to toggle
data.set_long(3, 1);
data.set_long(4, 0);
let event = XClientMessageEvent {
type_: ::x11_dl::xlib::ClientMessage,
serial: 0, // ???
send_event: True,
display: display,
window: window,
message_type: property, // _NET_WM_STATE
format: 32,
data: data,
let mut x_event = XEvent::from(event);
unsafe { (xlib.XSendEvent)(display, window, False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &mut x_event); }
fn toggle_borders(display: &mut x11_dl::xlib::Display, window: u64, xlib: &x11_dl::xlib::Xlib)
-> Result<u64, String>
// credit:
let mut hints: Hints = unsafe { std::mem::uninitialized() };
hints.flags = 2; // Specify that we're changing the window decorations.
hints.decorations = 0; // 0 (false) means that window decorations should go bye-bye.
let motif_wm_hints = CString::new("_MOTIF_WM_HINTS").unwrap();
let property = unsafe { (xlib.XInternAtom)(display, motif_wm_hints.as_ptr(), True) };
if property == 0 { return Err(String::from("Could not set XInternAtom")); }
let hints_ptr: *const u8 = &hints as *const _ as *const u8;
unsafe { (xlib.XChangeProperty)(display, window, property, property, 32, x11_dl::xlib::PropModeReplace, hints_ptr, 5) };
fn main() {
let xlib = match x11_dl::xlib::Xlib::open() {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(xerr) => panic!("Error: {}", xerr.detail()),
let display_int = 0_i8;
let dpy = unsafe { (xlib.XOpenDisplay)(&display_int) };
let mut display = {
if dpy.is_null() {
panic!("Error opening connection to X Server!");
} else {
unsafe { &mut*dpy }
// get root window
let root = unsafe { (xlib.XDefaultRootWindow)(display) };
let glx_ext = match x11_dl::glx::Glx::open() {
Ok(ext) => ext,
Err(xerr) => panic!("Error: {}", xerr.detail()),
let mut att = [x11_dl::glx::GLX_RGBA, x11_dl::glx::GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, x11_dl::glx::GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, x11_dl::glx::GLX_NONE];
let vi = unsafe { (glx_ext.glXChooseVisual)(dpy, 0, &mut att[0]) };
let visual_info = { if vi.is_null() {
panic!("Display does not meet minimum requirements: RGBA buffer, 24-bit depth, double-buffered display");
} else {
unsafe { &mut*vi }
let cmap = unsafe { (xlib.XCreateColormap)(display, root, visual_info.visual, x11_dl::xlib::AllocNone) };
let mut window_attributes: x11_dl::xlib::XSetWindowAttributes = unsafe { std::mem::uninitialized() };
window_attributes.event_mask = x11_dl::xlib::ExposureMask | x11_dl::xlib::KeyPressMask;
window_attributes.colormap = cmap;
// construct window
let window = unsafe { (xlib.XCreateWindow)(display, root, 0, 0, 600, 600, 0, visual_info.depth,
1 /* InputOutput */, visual_info.visual,
x11_dl::xlib::CWColormap | x11_dl::xlib::CWEventMask,
&mut window_attributes) };
let window_title = CString::new("中文").unwrap();
let title = "中文";
// toggle_borders(display, window, &xlib).unwrap();
//toggle_fullscreen_windowed(display, window, &xlib).unwrap();
// show window
unsafe { (xlib.XMapWindow)(display, window) };
unsafe { (xlib.XStoreName)(display, window, window_title.as_ptr()) };
use x11_dl::xlib::{self, PropModeReplace, XA_CARDINAL};
let wm_name= (xlib.XInternAtom)(display as *mut _, b"_NET_WM_NAME\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0);
let utf8_str= (xlib.XInternAtom)(display as *mut _, b"UTF8_STRING\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 0);
display as _,
window as _,
title.as_ptr() as *const c_uchar,
title.len() as c_int,
let glc = unsafe { (glx_ext.glXCreateContext)(display, &mut *visual_info, ::std::ptr::null_mut(), GL_TRUE) };
unsafe { (glx_ext.glXMakeCurrent)(display, window, glc) };
unsafe { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) };
let mut cur_xevent = x11_dl::xlib::XEvent { pad: [0;24] };
let mut cur_window_attributes: x11_dl::xlib::XWindowAttributes = unsafe { std::mem::uninitialized() };
// todo: poll events?
// todo: setup opengl 3.1 or 3.3
loop {
unsafe { (xlib.XNextEvent)(display, &mut cur_xevent) };
let cur_event_type = cur_xevent.get_type();
match cur_event_type {
x11_dl::xlib::Expose => {
unsafe { (xlib.XGetWindowAttributes)(display, window, &mut cur_window_attributes) };
unsafe { glViewport(0, 0, cur_window_attributes.width, cur_window_attributes.height) };
/* do drawing here */
unsafe { glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) };
unsafe { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) };
unsafe { (glx_ext.glXSwapBuffers)(display, window) };
x11_dl::xlib::KeyPress => {
unsafe { (glx_ext.glXMakeCurrent)(display, 0 /* None ? */, ::std::ptr::null_mut()) };
unsafe { (glx_ext.glXDestroyContext)(display, glc) };
unsafe { (xlib.XDestroyWindow)(display, window) };
unsafe { (xlib.XCloseDisplay)(display) };
_ => { },
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