Update, March 2022: As of macOS 12.3, Aegisub r9198 and v3.3.2 (wangqr fork) no longer crash on launch.
ver. 9018-rcombs-local-6a556aac6: https://elifessler.com/aegi/6a556aa-Aegisub.app.zip (129.6 MB, built 2021-12-23)
Update, March 2022: As of macOS 12.3, Aegisub r9198 and v3.3.2 (wangqr fork) no longer crash on launch.
ver. 9018-rcombs-local-6a556aac6: https://elifessler.com/aegi/6a556aa-Aegisub.app.zip (129.6 MB, built 2021-12-23)
This is a automatically updated GIST copied from this repository. If you have any issues, suggestions or improvements please file those to that repository! It's far easier to keep track of conversations in their own dedicated issues/PRs.
A DMG Installer is convenient way to provide end-users a simple way to install an application bundle. They are basically a folder with a shortcut to the Applications directory but they can be customized with icons, backgrounds, and layout properties. A DMG file (.dmg) is a Mac OS X Disk Image file and it is used to package files or folders providing compression, encryption, and read-only to the package.
##Creating the DMG file #Disk Utility