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Created March 30, 2012 23:40
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timeit(Mod, Fun, Arity) ->
timeit(all, Mod, Fun, Arity, undefined).
timeit(Mod, Fun, Arity, CallFun) ->
timeit(all, Mod, Fun, Arity, CallFun).
timeit(Pid, Mod, Fun, Arity, CallFun) ->
{ok, TracePid} = dbg:tracer(process, {fun trace/2, {CallFun, []}}),
io:format("Tracing ~p:~p/~p on ~p\n", [Mod, Fun, Arity, TracePid]),
dbg:p(Pid, call),
dbg:tpl(Mod, Fun, Arity, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]).
trace({trace, Pid, call, {Mod, Fun, _}}, {CallFun, Acc0}) ->
Acc = orddict:store({Pid, Mod, Fun}, os:timestamp(), Acc0),
{CallFun, Acc};
trace({trace, Pid, return_from, {Mod, Fun, Args}, FunRes}, {CallFun, Acc}) ->
case orddict:find({Pid, Mod, Fun}, Acc) of
{ok, StartTime} ->
ElapsedUs = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), StartTime),
render(Pid, Mod, Fun, Args, FunRes, ElapsedUs, CallFun);
error ->
{CallFun, Acc}.
render(SourcePid, Mod, Fun, _Args, _FunRes, ElapsedUs, undefined) ->
io:format(user, "~p:~p:~p:~p us\n", [SourcePid, Mod, Fun, ElapsedUs]);
render(SourcePid, Mod, Fun, Args, FunRes, ElapsedUs, CallFun) when is_function(CallFun) ->
Res = CallFun(Mod, Fun, Args, FunRes),
io:format(user, "~p:~p:~p: ~p us: ~p\n", [SourcePid, Mod, Fun, ElapsedUs, Res]).
simple_test() ->
F = fun(Mod, Fun, Arg, Result) -> {Mod, Fun, Arg, Result} end,
timeit(timer, sleep, 1, F),
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